Promotions and Prize Boxes

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It's been over a decade since this game launched, and in the time since there have been many events and promotions. It's a bit hard to compile all the promos and events that have happened over the last few years, since the only real way to do that is to scour the announcements forum. But, in 2023 there were 20 events announced on the forums. A lot of these were regularly occurring, such as holidays like Winterfest, gameplay events like Apocrypha, and promotions like the Solstice and Equinox. A few were semi-randomly occurring promotions, such as Raiders and Late Harvest. This leaves many, many non-annual promotions missing for years.

The wiki page for prize boxes hasn't been updated since 2020, but as of then, there had been 85 total prize boxes introduced to the game. Over 60 of those were direct purchase promotions. A lot of these promotions haven't been seen in years; which is a shame, there's some really cool costumes and reskins which are virtually unavailable these days either through direct purchase or player trading/the auction house.

I propose a rework to how promotions are run, in order to increase the frequency and availability of some of these items given the current state of the game. Now, in an ideal world I would love for these boxes to be made available from gameplay, either indirectly through Supply Depot energy purchase or more directly from treasure boxes or prize wheel rewards, but that seems like wishful thinking on multiple levels.

An alternative proposal, which is more aligned with the current system: An automated system which runs promotions every two weeks. It could even be two at a time, this would give us roughly 52 promotions each year, in addition to the regularly occurring ones, which is enough for most non-annual promos to be made available each year. Whether the promos are randomly chosen, or are on a set rotation, the additional boxes which were not run throughout the year could be made available during or after the anniversary, as a way to spice things up once a year.

Additionally, it would be nice for the gemstone boxes to be made annually occurring during their respective months from now on, similar to how they were run in 2022.

Like I mentioned before, I'm only working with outdated and partial data here so this exact idea might not work, but the general spirit of my proposal is the same: There are currently too few chances to acquire the very large amount of costumes and accessories this game has.

This is a long shot in the dark, but if it is at all feasible, I believe making these items available regularly again would be beneficial!