Public Giveaway by Young-Bucks

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Hey, everyone. I'm Young-Bucks.

Personal statements: It's about damn time to hung up on this game after playing this for more than a decade, a better part of my life. It have been fun hanging out with old and new people, the nostalgia of playing this game with the graphics, the music, and gameplay are irresistible. Life had hitting me pretty hard nowadays since trying to gradually to transition into an unfamiliar territory: an adult life. Still navigating through the life as of right now, I've been playing less and less SK nowadays that in recent consideration on quitting this game permanently for real this time (after "quitting 4-5 times" lmfao). I mostly now playing battle card game, Marvel Snap, actively now (currently chasing for meta cards now in series 3,4, & 5).

About the giveaway: This giveaway is based on luck and guesses. There would be 16 points total that can be earn in this gveaway, which deemly impossible. There's the link to google forums for my personal Q&As that would involves questions about me personally about the game and in real life. There would be points tallied on each question as it will labeled in each question as well.

IMPORTANT: It's required you to use google email to access to the form which I apologize for it Rest assured, I'm not able to see your personal email or google account, I change the settings to restricted mode.

Q&As regarding the giveaway:

- Do you have gears for sale or giveaway? No, I have nothing much about gears. But some of them have uv but like ctr or asi med. If you are considered interested to buy gears. give me in game mail to Young-Bucks. You have to provide only 4,000 energy just for unbind with no extra cost. I'm not paying anything out of the pocket regarding my gears.

- Are you coming back in the future? Read the personal statement paragraph at the beginning. Life have become really hard for me, I get more responsibilities personally and mentally, hence I've focus on gaming less now. So, I have been playing less SK nowadays so decide to hung it up.

- Why you doing trivia question style? Because this is what I'm most familiar with and it's fun. I've done this multiple times

-How many people can win this? I won't know for sure, but my goal is to give everything away so by calculation, pretty much way more than 10 people (hopefully). If I still have leftover stuffs, I can may be give away randomly in the game when I'm online or dump the rest in AH.

Rules of the giveaway: As previously stated, use your google email address to access the formof my Q&As. There will be 15 trivia questions plus asking for your choices of your rewards (more info in the next paragraph) and your knight's name. Read the questions carefully, especially the parts inside the parenthesis. Try to spell the answer best as you can for open response questions, you can look things up for all the questions if you want. There are variety of questions such as multiple choices, checkboxes and short response questions. YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO CHANGE RESPONSE AFTER YOU SUBMITTED, WHATEVER YOU ANSWERED IS A FINAL ANSWER!

Edit: To those who that will earn 0 points will get nothing, prizes are available for people that have 1 or more points

Choices of the rewards: On the very last question, there should be open response question. Choose 3 types of rewards (copy on what the rewards said on this forum and paste it into the open response on google forms and rank them by 1, 2, 3. CHOOSE WISELY.
For example:
1. 50,000 crowns
2. 96 power stars
3. Cool Node Slime Crusher

The reasons of the ranking is that the pool of prizes can be limited. Whoever's unique prize that listed in rank 1 can get it as a priority if they get most responses or most points correctly. If the #1 prize was taken, then #2 prize will be rewarded, same rule apply to #3. Such rare cases might happen that would involve me to step in, for example, if two or more people get the same amount of responses but also list the rewards as #1 (regarding that, I will send you the in-game mail if that case occurs). The rewards will be given out in order of number of points.

If you win a prize that have duplicates like Toasty Node Slime Mask, you will get more than 1 of them depending on the amount that I have and if it's applicable. -> this doesn't applies to game currency like crowns and energy. Since there are decent amount of currencies that are really overpowering the items like slime walls or node containers, I will give consideration to give more prizes like multiple items (2 or 3), or a set of costume armor and helm, for such individuals that have low-tiered items won. Yes, I have multiple quantities of 4,000 energy and 50,000 crowns so it will be limited, I already expected pretty much all of the people to rank them #1 & #2, hence it's the 2nd reason to have ranking of the reward choices.

Woooooo! finally you read all the info previously, now it's time to look at my list of rewards next paragraph. The names are exactly what it said in the game. If you not familiar with the name, look it up :)
Sorry I don't have nice big stuffs for you guys. Good luck on everyone guessing things about me and don't get bucked :)

p.s. Some questions are really easy if you actually know me (Young-Bucks) for a while.

The link to the form ->

THE FORM RESPONSES WILL CLOSE AT 9/7 Saturday at 11 PM (Central Time)

REWARDS REWARDS AND REWARDS (most of the stuffs are in more than one quantity)
4,000 energy
50,000 crowns
96 Power Stars
Sinister Skelly Shield
Heavy Node Slime Wall
Regal Node Slime Wall
Toasty Node Slime Wall
Splinter Bomb
Crystal Bomb
Dawn Bracelet
Early Riser Ring

Cool Node Slime Crusher
Divine Node Slime Crusher
Dusky Node Slime Crusher
Fancy Node Slime Crusher

Cool Node Slime Mask
Divine Node Slime Mask
Dusky Node Slime Mask
Fancy Node Slime Mask
Heavy Node Slime Mask
Military Node Slime Mask
Regal Node Slime Mask
Toasty Node Slime Mask
Volcanic Node Slime Mask

Cool Node Slime Guard
Divine Node Slime Guard
Dusky Node Slime Guard
Fancy Node Slime Guard
Heavy Node Slime Guard
Military Node Slime Guard
Regal Node Slime Guard
Toasty Node Slime Guard
Volcanic Node Slime Guard

Silver Lockboxes
Divine Node Container