Valentines at Bechamel's Art Contest

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Hello! Yes, I'm now realizing in March (a little late) that I'd forgotten to post this event on the forums. This event had actually started on February 15th over on some of the community discord servers.
Due to the late posting here, the event will be extended until the end of March (in Indian Standard Time).
Now on with the copy pasted original event announcement being brought here!

Heya knights!

It has come to Bechamel's knowledge that you knights have been dressing quite unbefitting of the joyous occasion of Valentine's day. As such, he has taken it upon himself to take you to his workshop to whip your fashion sense into shape. And what better motivator than a bit of competition?

This event has two parts:
1) Costume design: Here, your task is to design a costume that fits the theme of a knight on Valentine's day. Whether this entails red, or pink, or lovely, or hearts, or whatever it means to you, as long as it fits the theme. You may use spiralview or even in game previews to do so for this.
In this portion of the event, the winner will be given a prize of 150k crowns, and everyone else will be entered into a raffle where the randomly rolled participant will receive 50k crowns.

2) Art contest: In this part, for artists, you are to extend the costume contest and additionally depict your designed costume in any art form of your choosing (Digital Art, Pixel Art, Traditional Art, 3D Modeling, etc.). You are also given liberty to create custom armor concepts to convey your idea best. As this is considerably higher effort than costume design alone, the prizes will also be quite large, as follows:
- 1st Place: 1 Million Crowns
- 2nd Place: Love Puppy Monster Pocket + Lovely splash sarong + 250k crowns
- 3rd Place: Love Crest + Fancy Flower +150k crowns

- Prizes are subject to increase based on participation.
- With your entry, you must explain and justify in a short message why you feel it is fitting of the Valentines theme.
- You can participate in both the costume design and art contests, but are only eligible to win prizes in one of them.
- Not a rule, but I request that anyone planning to participate in this event message me, letting me know in advance.

The deadline to enter in both events will be exactly 1 month since this announcement post and entries are to be submitted to me via discord (@sylvieonmtf)

This event is sponsored by Birdsong Event Co. (my event hosting project), Origin-Da-Bomber, Fangel and Ainogommon (Thank you Aino for sponsoring the promotional art banner for the event:

Thank you all for reading, and have fun!