Well we all know that Energy is what keeps us up and keeps the game fun. But it runs out really fast after maybe 20-30 mins of gameplay. And it takes 13-14 mins just for one mist energy to charge. You can also buy CE (Crystal Energy) With crowns or real money. But what are the prices of CE? Usually around 4,000-5,000 crowns.
1)You must have above 4,000 crowns (Save up)
2)Once you have 4,000 crowns or higher, you will buy 100 CE at 4,000 crowns minimum
3)If you do not have enough for 100 CE buy 50 CE for 2000-2500 CE.
4)Now, once you have the 100 CE/50 CE, Go into the dungeons and fight and fight.
If you have a good sword like, the calibur, brandish and any other similar i recommend to solo, not very hard.
Also have some decent armour. I recommend the Spiral Plate armour, very good defense, but lowers your attack speed by a bit. But its hardly noticeable.
The Plate shield is also very good. (Pretty high defense but no defense against any elemental or poisonous etc.
Buy your CE from players!
Other things you might want to know:
Im not sure but i think crowns/coins are shared with your teammates, when dropped.
Everybody gets a token!
Most of you guys probably already knew this anyways -.-
But what are the prices of CE? Usually around 4,000-5,000 crowns.
It's nearing 6,000. Your move.