{Blademaster} Is a casual exploration guild. I'm happy, as any other member should be, to help anyone in the clockworks with any tier. We are here to have fun exploring the clockworks while the game is being developed.
{Blademaster} does not mean we specialize in swordplay. Its supposed to look like a cool 'Title'.
We accept anyone and everyone. There are no rules other than the Community Standards... http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Community_Standards
Ranks work like this:
Recruit- This just means you're a greenhorn and we haven't met yet.
Member- Go on a mission into the clockworks with another member.
Veteran- Make it to Tier3, or stick around for a while.
Officer- Become a trusted member by the Guild Leader and ALL other officers. (One Knight's doubt in you can ruin it.)
Guild Leader- I will not always be the leader. An officer can challenge me with the support of other members.
In the event that an Officer challenges the Guild Leader an election shall be held in the guildhall.
The election process is simple-
A letter through the mail from every member (except the Guild Leader and challenging Officer)
will be sent to a counter, an Officer chosen by both parties to count the votes. (The counter gets a vote as well)
Each member's vote counts for a certain amount of points depending on their rank.
Recruit- .2
Member- .5
Veteran- 1
Officer- 2
(This is so an officer can't invite a bunch of new recruits to overthrow the Guild Leader.)
In the event that a challenging Officer wins the election, the current Guild Leader will step down
and be demoted to Veteran or Member. (whatever you qualify for.)
If an officer loses the election, that officer WILL be demoted to either Veteran or Member.
Recruitment: For those of you who wish to join {Blademaster} contact me in game (usually on around 9am to 12pm and 9:30pm to 2am [PST]) or post your In Game Name here with what times I can find you playing Spiral Knights. (I just want to meet you and get you to member as fast as possible.)
My IGN: Sixty-Seven...