I'm not sure about you guys, but I love [delicious meatballs].
What's really annoying is, that you can't even utter the word without the game filtering you out so you can't even say it.
"I ate [delicious meatballs] today."
Becomes nothing. Ergo, I have to say;
"I ate [delicious]"
"[meatballs] today."
Now surely this isn't a problem. However, when I can run up to a guy and say "I F*d your dead mother's F*ng C* last night, B*" without it cutting me out, I think it's ridiculous.
Just because in America, [delicious meatball] is derogative, doesn't mean you should ban it out when it's a perfectly often-used (and tasty) word in England and mayhap elsewhere.
This is my Discussion thread for the uncensoring of said word.
Also, protip, singular [delicious meatballs] are non-plural [delicious meatball], so you can't really just ban out "[Delicious Meatball]" as opposed to "[Delicious Meatballs]".
there is a forum rule that if it is censored in the game it should be censored in the forums and you are risking a permanent forum ban by using a banned word repeatedly. Admittedly, it is difficult, but not impossible, to discuss the subject without using the word itself.
Also you just admitted to filter-evasion, which risks getting yourself banned in the game as well.