GameMaster Abuse!
Mi, 07/06/2011 - 05:56
Legacy Username
okey so i just got banned for 24 hours for spamming a guy that was trying to scam people that joined his party and when they would give into his scam requests he would kick them from the party, and thanks to this scammer reporting for spamming him i got banned, and now i ask why do you ban me and not the scammer? is spammers worse than scammers? he tries to get accounts and crowns from people. i have it all recorded with fraps.
Just because someone else is doing something wrong doesn't give you the permission to break the rules by any means necessary to harass him.
Two wrongs don't make a right. You were infracted for breaking the rules, the other person very well may have been as well, but that's not the point and completely unrelated. Do the crime, be prepared to do the time.
Next time just send in a complaint and be done with it.