Sorry guys, but this is no suggestion, this is a demand. I went to the boss stratums and through the whole 2 levels before the boss i've been dipping at as low as 10 fps and i'm way above the system requirements (2,2ghz single core cpu, 1GB RAM, radeon 4650hd, windows xp). This is really ridiculous because with all that rocket spam in the stratum i couldn't move to precisely to avoid them and shields arent infinite.
Allow us to disable the fog totally.
Signed, for great justice.
signed, boss was still playable for me but still don't like the fps drops
Anything that will increase FPS and make things more playable, I'm behind.
Didn't notice, but I can sympathize, signed.
slightly noob question, but how are you guys seeing your fps?
More control of the graphics options, please!
@Zingman: Fraps, if you're on Windows.
I don't have issues with this, but I remember fog while playing other games in worse pcs could be a nightmare.
I mean.. Come on, Gaia's ZOMG *ducks* not only lets you turn off the boggy ring animations of everyone if you so do choose, but it also lets you turn off silhouetting/shadows too D; and they are the farthest thing from an established game company as you can get.
I would really love to see more graphic options in the future, simply so I can actually play through bosses with ease.
Look, lets make this a little broader -- I don 't know WHAT is wrong with Ironclaw Fac, but the place is huge as heck and lags like hell everytime an enemy enters the screen. I admit my machine is on the old side (Geforce 8800 GS on Athlon 64, 4 GB RAM, WinXP) but this is the FIRST time in the entire game I've experienced this amount of lag. Please do something!
More control of the video options in general would help greatly.
Lol @ laptop level graphics.
I generally don't lag so long as I'm playing at school but I support this for the simple fact it would open the game up to more users, perhaps even me when I'm at home.
so much lag death last night too much stuff going on screen all at once in new dungeon
signed, I just want a "disable all particles" option. Even the peppergun flat out brings my system to a crawl whenever someone fires it.
Anything related with -Particle Effects- lags me like hell; Romulus Twins BOSS Stage (with all those fogs), Snow stages, etc.
Allowing us to disable this option would be a great help, and quite a lot of games allow us to do so too.
And no, I have a decent laptop which I can use to play more graphically demanding game and stuff.
"but I support this for the simple fact it would open the game up to more users, perhaps even me when I'm at home."
^^I agree with this strongly. I see this as a game aimed at casual gamers, i.e. those with standard laptops. Not catering to that crowd, even if it's something as simple as turning off all the colorful lights, is a poor move by the developers.
Signed. This is what kills my performance.
Is there ANY way to disable particles in the script or properties for this game, any way outside of the game?
This was implemented a few patches ago. If you select the low graphics mode, the fog disappears for almost every level. I think only the core (D29) and a few poison levels ignore this rule, but the important ones (FSC) gain a lot of performance.
Nope, FSC isn't affected by this setting it seems. Its like the fog there is a part of the level and not some overlay. Same goes for Gloaming Wildwoods and Ironclaw Munitions Factory.
It worked in my computer. I totally noted the difference when they released this patch. I'm gonna check it out again when I get home.
This is the way you left me, I'm not hope no love no glory, no happy ending...
Wait, this isn't a song forum? My bad.
Kidding. Read, and +1
I've suggested this before, and so have others.
Fog usage is one of the main causes of FPS decrease.