Three rings... I only use the bombs+1 that you decided to make worse...... What is your plan for bombers? All i use is bombs and I feel like you screwed my entire haze 5* bombs..... Not a happy paying customer anymore!
A very sad bomber =.(
there's nothing wrong with the bombs, it was more of a buff than a nerf.
The duration and the radius are a little smaller yes, but they're still easily the most ridiculously efficient status-delivery weapons in the game. When gunners and swordies figure out how to flash freeze or fire an entire room with bullets or blades, then you might be out of a job.
All they did was make you think about it a little more. You might actually have to get a monster's attention now to get him in the cloud, but in most corridors and rooms, dont worry, you still don't.
We weren't hurt at all by the 5* nerfs and we definitely benefited from the 3* buffs. You should be happy that bombing overall is more accessible to the playerbase, as opposed to just the handful of us full time hardcore bombers.
Yeah I like the changes. Low tier bombs are finally worth using, and high tier bombs were ridic in their aoe so a small decrease there is okay.
And it was a pretty small decrease - I had no trouble wiping an arena final spawn.
That 3* are better, however I do not use 3* bombs...... Went through that horrible stage to get my bombs replaced with water sprinklers? Just not happy with the change and it is extremely noticeable. I am still very sad.... =..(
assuming that you are decked out with bomber suits the changes shouldnt have affected you so badly
get over it, the were unbalanced compared to the rest of the bombs. its a change for the better.
I'm not happy that the five star versions lost radius/mist time. I mean if this really is all cuz of vanaduke freezing, that feels kind of messed up...
BUT that being said, the bomb feels mostly the same. (I'm at MAX CTR but that's because of bomber armor + low UV). So I won't rage about it. And if the lower star versions are truly buffed, well I'm glad for those players though it does mean that some of the awe of going from 4* to 5* won't be as much.
Okay, the haze bombs are really only super-powerful situationally, but those situations arise awfully often. I've only had my shivermist buster for a few days, and I was already impressed without even developing any substantial skill with it at how much easier it can make things. Having used the freeze bombs from 3* up as I was heating them... yeah, they sucked. Almost impossible to get any good use out of them before, don't know about now, might find out when I build fire and poison, sooner or later. Other gear projects first and new stuff out, so.
ther aint no screw, just a balance for overpowered bomb, which is still kinda OP
and the new paintings r kinda neat :D
I was like whaaa when I read the update, but seeing it in action makes me feel like the bombs haven't lost any of their effectiveness at all, in danger rooms and arenas where they are most useful...
What I can't get over... is how ugleh they're now D;
What have you done to the art of the icon and the bomb? /e cries for all my 5 star hazes.
Have you used the bombs they "nerfed" it's not that bad I'm pretty sure they just shaved off that weird ability to freeze/fire/poison right outside the cloud cause the radius still rocks. As far as duration the freeze itself still last just as long I think just the cloud disappears sooner so charge sword still works. Basically as I see it they made it so you don't have a freeze cloud up forever and got rid of the radius outside the cloud you shouldn't have had anyway. New item model and icon look awesome too. Oh and one more thing I haven't test with a lower uv but a med Ctr can still chain spam. The problems is not as big as it sounds.
All OOO did was make use Haze bombers need to use 2 bombs what we did with 1 before, causing more spamming.
What they should have done was slow the charge time of haze bombs but keep the duration. I have no problem spamming my Shivermist, it's just now I have to annoy my team with 2 bombs instead of 1.
I doubt the radius was reduced because of vanaduke. Freezing vanaduke <<<< Fighting in corners. But, then again, they removed the pillars in the corners now, so maybe freezing would have been a viable strategy? Haven't fought duke since the update.
(I think I should have written a couple dozen more '<'s to be accurate...)
I'm happy with the the change. Before, it was a rush to 4*+ with fiery and freezing bombs because the difference in cloud sizes from 2*->3* was hardly noticeable, but the jump from 3*->4* was huge. Now it feels much more linear, and my 3* Freezing Vaporizer is getting a lot more use.
I've used my Shivermist Buster before and after the update, and I'm okay with it. I admitted that the bomb was OP, the radius was insane and it lasted too long. With one person spamming that bomb no enemies could move.
But hey, I have a set of Demo armor, I'm not mad. I have great, non-UV CTR on my bombs and I can still dominate at crowd manipulation. If you really knew how to use bombs, you wouldn't be complaining about a small nerf like this. Real Demos rely on their skill. Bomb power and size are a much smaller priority. You can't just call yourself a Demo when you start crying and threatening to stop spending money on the game when one bomb nerf comes.
I doubt you've ever touched a Heavy Demo Suit recipe in your life. People think they can roll a CTR UV on a haze bomb and be pro when they don't even wear a single bit of Demo Armor. I tell ya, the Demos of Spiral Knights are a rare and proud race. Not everyone can be like us.
I am a PRO bomber, I role with MAD BOMBER FULL SUIT. Why do I role with mad bomber? Because I dont get hit! No ctr UVS on my bombs. You have no clue who I am IG. This is a REAL mad bomber that is unhappy with the patch. Before you accuse some one of not having skill, make sure you drink a nice warm cup of stfu.
REAL demo people wear MAD BOMBER and role through vana! eat those nub cakes!
I wear mad bomber.
And I see absolutely no change in the effects of the bombs.
How do you see no changes? They are clearly visible! The smaller radius, the shorter time on mist bombs? I can send glasses if you need em.
I'm getting REAL sick of people who keep talking about the how the radius nerf to 5* Haze-series bombs isn't a big deal, IT'S NOT a big deal.
The BIG DEAL, in my mind, is the duration nerf to the cloud on 5* haze bombs. It seems like everyone who says "big deal, quit whining, grow a pair" is NOT a user of these bombs and as such needs to shut up. If your 5* weapons get nerfed and we tell you to stop whining, even though we have no experience with the weapon, how the **** would you react?
It doesn't require me to 'think' more to use these bombs, it requires me to spam more. If OOO really wants to curtail the bombs, I still say slowing the speed of all Haze-series but giving us back greater duration would be smarter. Less spammy, each bomb does more.
Dukesky, I fully agree. The radius I can get over, but Now I am CONSTANTLY spamming bombs due to the duration as well. My regular groups can tell. If other 5* weapons were nerfed, such as swords, there would be CHAOS around because it seems probably 75% of users role with swords.
Maybe I just don't "see"* the changes that much cause I was always spamming bombs anyway?
*I know they are there, but they don't really change the way I play.
uh, please no to any and all suggestions of making the charge time of the haze bomb series longer. I have Shivermist that goes to Max CTR and I still feel that is too slow. And without giving more detailed advice to exactly how much longer to change the duration of the mist vs charge time, the developers might pull another joke and go like:
Increase charge time by 1 full second
Increase cloud duration by 400 milliseconds
Really, I'm only thinking at this point the reason for the change might finally be related to 6* items, because I've always went like bombs just can't get any bigger or then they really would be overpowered (as they were, they weren't OP). And I thought any further changes to them that may come as a result of the core coming out would be something like bomb fusion to keep a similar radius but bring back things we lost from the cold snap/fire cracker lines, basically normal damage freezing/burning.
But I guess I was thinking too much, now if 6* items come, then it just means our radius will go back to what it was before, maybe a little bigger. But that's not worth a possible 1600 energy investment to me. I can live with the new Shivermist changes as they are.
So your argument is ' 6* Weapons, save me!' ?? ; Has OOO even promised to up the game to 6* weapons?!
Predicating your contentedness on some sort of future pie, pie that may or may not ever come, is ridiculous.
Living with changes and being happy with them are two different things entirely.
No, there are two unrelated things in my post. The first is that if you're going to tell them to change the length of the charge on the haze bomb series and increase the duration, please be more specific. As I was one of the many people that went like "IMF doesn't give enough crowns in relation to Jelly King". And that kind of unspecific advice was some of what led them to make the changes of the last patch which effectively improved the crown rate from IMF compared to Jelly king...since they reduced the amount of crowns you can obtain from JK levels. We got what we wanted, but not exactly the way we thought when we said such complaints.
Which is why I'm warning against giving vague advice before the same thing happens again and they do something like the numbers I listed above.
The second half is simply an observation about a possible reason they made this change. There's no indication that five star is the ultimate max after all.
That's when they created 5* items, seems like a long time ago but they've changed many things since then. It's possible that they could one day decide there is room for a 6* class. And I had thought if that was possible, that anything done to bombs would need to be really impressive given the size of 5* bombs at the time. It's a more hopeful thought than one that is based off of any fact.
However, given the changes to 5* at this time, unless there really was such a fantastic change to a legendary 6* one, I'm saying I'd have no reason to ever consider upgrading if it was just something as lame as putting the radius back to where it used to be(and no duration changes).
And living with it. You live with a lot of things in this game. the crafting changes were one of the biggest, and heck, I've made probably more 5* items since they did that than from prior to the change. I won't ever like that, but its not really killing my fun when I want to play the game. I also accept it because some of the more prominent bombers are fine with it.
Stating that the change in duration is about 300-500 ms. That's 3/10 to half of a second... I've went through arenas since the patch, its almost the same for me personally. I'd love the extra squares and the extra half second, but I don't care anymore.
You seem more like a pretentious idiot than a professional demolitionist.
No offense, but I think that mad bomber nonsense has gone to your head. As a Volcanic Demo, I'm perfectly fine with my CTR and higher defense. I'm also fine with having my Shivermist Buster nerfed. Although, the shorter duration of the bomb kinda bothers me. If they add the old duration and keep the current range of the 5star Haze Bombs, I'm sure everyone will calm down.
Just my two cents. It's not like I'm gonna let a few whiny brats stop me from enjoying the game. Which is why a game's community is the third and least important element of a video game.
What makes using demo armor to get max CTR better then using a Very High UV to get max CTR?
If you can wouldn't you prefer the latter...?
You don't get the bomber look if you do it that way :'(
And that is why us Demomen are a rare, yet proud race of people that love blowing things up.
But it wouldn't hurt to have a tactical weapon, like a sword or gun.
Oh I'm definitely hybrid. While being full bomber does cross my mind, I can't give up my sword completely. I'm not the best bomber out there so I've been backed into corners where using a bomb wouldn't have been possible. Naturally better bombers don't get caught in such situations... haha >.>;
What if the bomber suit was a disguise and you were actually wearing Vog while using Very High CTR UV bombs? Do you count as a Demoman then?
I'm a great Demoman, and I've been cornered and clustered before. Everybody makes mistakes. But I've always gotten out with ease. Honestly, I'll never really know how I've managed to escape from 9 mecha knights in a corner.
That makes you a bloody spy.
If I'm lucky, I can shield bump, drop a nitro, and run...buuut
more likely I die, get revived by a teammate, wait for them to get finished off (or at least aggro them off my dead body) so I can get up and control the mecha knights crowd with ease 8D
The bombs were overpowered. Shivermist Buster in particular was the only answer anyone had to a number of tactical problems.
If the change only requires people to spam out more bombs to get the same effect... you have to be able to spam out bombs. The change wil then mean that the many swordies that carry a non-UV shivermist buster in their back pocket need to think again, invest in a UV, switch to bombing gear, or trade out their nerfed shivermist for a better choice ... if the patch did its job and made it small enough.
I use all three weapon-types, but shivermist is my only 5* bomb for a reason. Because it was OP and made many things otherwise impossible or extraordinarily difficult into easy street. I do feel a difference in the post-patch shivermist... not much, but it might be enough that I take shivermist on a few less runs in favor of hail driver or something. If it does, that's pretty much better balanced by definition. Shivermist is -clearly- still very useful, nobody can credibly argue that the patch made it useless.
Sorry you had to stoop to low levels and attack my character....
Should stay away from the forums if you don't like to see what you may call "Whiny brats". You are entitled to your own opinion. Keep attacking people on the forums like you have been, because that solves allot.
Sorry that speaking up and letting the Devs know my opinion as a full bomber upset you so much. Quite frankly your opinion does not matter to me, and have rendered it as trash.
Good day to you and may you have peace among brats =)
Uh, that wasn't supposed to be a personal attack. I don't do personal attacks.
I'm sorry if my vocabulary and/or criticism and jokes were a bit too blunt for you. You did seem kinda cocky there. I'm not going to argue over something I didn't do or intend to do as it would disrupt the balance of the thread and derail everything.
But to be honest, you are whining over nothing. Many of us are okay with the bomb nerfs and balance update. If you don't like it I suggest you deal with it. Three Rings nerfed these bombs for a reason. Can you find that reason?
I was joking, I figured Eurydice would've popped by and dropped this by now since I saw her and some of the other admins rolling around topics. Two days without response was enough to kill the topic on its own. Instead, it got a bump with veiled negativity where this will devolve into nothing more than advanced wordplay that won't help anything anymore.
So instead, my contribution is
Pie. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I've had a few. Chocolate pie is rather nice. But then again, I LOOOOVE all things chocolate.
Yeah, I suppose this thread is ready to hit the graveyard.
I mean, the bombs were definitely overpowered and I'm confident that everyone's gotten used to it by now. Heck, OP has max CTR and extra bomb damage with his Mad Bomber set. He should be happy with what he has.
Was the nerf really that bad? Maybe you should use some new bombs to test out. Or go for the new Shock Bomb and see if that makes you feel better since its a weaker combination of Fire and Freeze for the most part. It deals damage and provides crowd control. Honestly I don't know how much of a radius you need to run around and place a bomb only to charge a new one up.