With the new patch, it stated that the Roarmulus twins had a bug in where they would slide off screen. This Prevented the boss from going on, due to the fight style, in which I would not spoil.
Unfortunately I was unlucky enough to experience this bug in my 2nd fight against the twins. I was playing with my brother and a friend of my brother. Me and my brother's friends had done this, but not my brother. The fight went smoothly, however, once the twins were on the 3rd stage, thats when teh moving bug occured. It slowly moved offscreen and didn't come back. We were all irritated since that meant we were stuck there, and we were also so close to winning.
Here's the cool thing. Either my brother's friend filed a report and apparently it was one-of-a-kind, and it gaineg the attention of a GM, or my brother's friend actually was friends with the GM Aphrodite. I say that, since not long after it breaks, he said he was doing something. Then I saw a new person join, and the person was named, "GM Aphrodite". Sure enough she greets us and takes a look at the situation. She teleports us out of the room and brings us to the lift area. She also gives each of us 3 of the new tokens (can't remember the name XD).
About 3 hours later I go back to play more and see there is a new patch. I look what is new and see none other than my humble issue, stated that it was fixed and shouldn't happen again. I thought to myself, "How ironic if that part of the patch came off of my story. After all, she is one of the GM's. I should see if this happened to anyone else."
So, did this issue happen to anyone else? And if so did a GM come to help you out?
That will answer alot of questions for me.
A Little "Roarmulus Twins" Story Based On The New Patch
Wed, 07/06/2011 - 19:34
Legacy Username