So what have you guys learned so far about the stratums and gates?
Here's what I've gathered so far.
-There is a maximum amount of crystals you can put in a stratum.
-You get paid to add minerals to the first available unfilled stratum.
-There is a cost when adding to a stratums that have unfilled stratums preceding them.
-Boosting a mineral increases the payout for that mineral by +1 per click.
Ex: Boosting Crimsonite payout on the first stratum by 2 clicks increases it payout from +5crowns per crimsonite to +7crowns per crimsonite.
-The cost to boost per one crown is determined by
[the maximum #of minerals able to be put into the stratum] - [# of minerals currently in the stratum].
(you're basically paying people to put a certain mineral into that gate)
-You can boost payouts on later stratums, when there are still unfilled stratums, without penalty
-There can NEVER be a net gain in crowns from boosting payouts.
-Gates will never have duplicate levels for one depth. (Not to sure about this one)
-Gates will always have t3 levels (pretty sure)
-To unlock the core, all stratums have to be filled to maximum with minerals, which unlocks a new stratum, that will reach the core. (GM Nick mentioned something like this)
So yeah, I like this new gate creation system.
It offers more organization and customization of gates.
Opinions? Comments? Corrections?
Add more stuff, and I'll edit it into here.