This is so annoying and pathetic! I don't mind occasionally helping out a newbie by answering questions, and I have "donated" crowns and even some low weapons to some players in exchange for at least a few materials. But just outright begging should get players banned. And I love it when someone asks to join my guild, and then after I invite them, immediately begs for crowns or energy, which immediately results in my putting them on ignore and removing them from the guild (I'm a Guild Master). I also put people on ignore who spam the same message over and over for hours in the trade chat, but that's a whole other thread!
Begone with Beggars!

You encouraged them by giving them the time of day, and encouraged them further by actually giving them any crown, or items.
Never give to beggars. See them as lower level lifeforms that don't deserve your pity, attention, etc, because that's what they really are.

I normally report then hit ignore. The class of the players in this game is...bleh.
Problem -not- solved. There's always another beggar that is not on your /ignore list yet.
I don't think that it's even feasible to ban every single beggar in the game. When starting out, it's really hard to get anywhere without hitting the grueling 100 energy limit that the game provides you with. If you don't want to help beggars, then don't help beggars. I don't think that outright banning them would be fair or reasonable. If they ask you for money, say no, and if they persist, report them, ignore them, and be on your way. The reason so many people beg is because so many people are successful doing so. On multiple occasions I've been sitting in the Haven talking to a few people and then someone will ask for a few hundred crowns. If someone in every haven is kind enough to donate their hard earned crowns, even just 100, and then you were to go to another haven and ask for a few hundred crowns, you could easily get 3-4k crowns.
Simple solution; Don't give money to beggars.
Not solution at all; Whine about beggars in forum.
tl;dr verison: Do what you gotta do, if you want to help out noobies, help them out by offering advice or tips that you would have found valuable being a noob, but giving crowns to noobs isn't going to help them learn to play, and it is in fact, enabling them to be beggars.
- Ignore them.
- Act like as if you're afk.
- Switch Havens, then switch havens.
- Log out.
- Join a DUDE in your guild / friends that's delving into the clockworks.
- Say the very awesome, two-lettered, epicly non-deniable word, " NO ".

Problem: People can't go earn money on their own because it takes energy to go down elevators, so they beg.
Solution: Turn off the /say channel.
I love beggars. Every time one trades me I put one gel drop in the trade and hit confirm. You'd be surprised at how many people don't want free gel drops :(.
If they persist and try to sell me something, I'll just put in whatever they want and go afk. It's funny to see how long it takes them to cancel the trade!
press enter;
write: /ignore insert name of the begger here
problem solved!