Spiral Knights: an inspiration for an existential steampunk political dramatic action thriller?

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Is it just me who picture the entire Spiral Knights lore and setting as inspiration for a great film?

Something like "2001 A Space Odyssey" + "Cube" + "Solaris" + "Black Swan" + "Spirited Away" + "House of Sand"!!

A story about feeling foreigner and the attempt to understand the workings of an awe-inspiring machine. A man walks out of the crashed Skylark into Cradle and curiously explores his surroundings, only to awake from this dream with the REAL crash of the Skylark into a bleak unfamiliar surroundings which do not look interesting at all, and only intimidating. The others knights who are already crashed, the Strangers, the Spiral HQ, none of them seem to make a big deal of his crash - they aren't hostile, but they aren't helpful. Our hero little by little understands their situation and the madenning nature of the Clockworks. Add to his faltering decision to help, as a knight, to get to the Core the language barrier with the Strangers, who are remote and uncaring and the moral dilemmas that the new planet offers - should we try to adapt? should we try to remember our own planet and culture harder everyday? should we exploit the situation for ourselves? should we focus on getting to the core, profiting from selling arsenal or studying the clockworks? do we have the right to kill monsters when we protect the Snipes? can we eat the snipes? can we by any chance eat the monsters in the event of a long, ardous fight with a food shortage?

And mostly important, what is at the Core? Is it going to answer these questions? Is it going to explain the Clockworks? Do the Strangers know it? Are perhaps the Snipes the key for everything?

All fascinating issues, in my opinion. In my script, the hero, together with 3 other party members with conflicting views on all that, finally reach the Core to find that it is ... emtpy. There is no stable center to this moving puzzle, only movement...

Isn't the attempt to understand the working of the Clockworks and its relationship to the Core the same as our experience of language? Or of politics and institutions? Spiral Knights could be a haunting and piercing film about the issues of language, immigration and ethics in general. Who is up for the challenge?