the Spiral derps guild is recruiting!
1)only 4 or 5 star gear,we dont accept someone with lower gear
2)we are mainly EU players,that means that we run vanaduke and other activities during our night time,if you are not EU you must accept our time schedule even if you are from the states or from asia
3)most of our players,play from a lot of time,that means that we have a lot of energy stuff and crowns in stock,if you prove yourself a worthy member,we shall be happy to reward you
4)that's doesnt means however that you have to do your duty just to get stuff,if i discover something like that i will kick you straightforward
we defeated vanaduke a lot of times,if you want to start firestorm and you have the appropriate gear just let me know and we shall create a party with the other members to farm almirians seals.
IGN:Gadrak send me a mail if im not online