how to get to guild hall?
im on a guild right now
guild hall?

Guild halls seem kinda pointless to me. Pretty much all it is is a place where only guild members can go that has an alchemizer in it. You can't upgrade it or customize it. What's the point? I know most guilds I've met don't use it.
It's probably just in there as a placeholder I think.
Hopfully more stuff for it is coming later.
The guild hall, from what I understand, used to be a very useful place during the Preview. Maybe some day it will return to a similar state.
I can only see it being used as a meeting place in its current condition, but even then, meeting at a specific haven will do the same job.
I've asked the game masters about the guild hall and there will be updates in the future. I hope they are cool updates.
you guys probably didnt notice the construction blockers in the guild halls, theyre gonna upgrade em in an update. just you wait. it'll happen. soon. maybe.

I'm tired of not being able to sit in that dang chair.
Or that book on top of the lockers that you can't reach.
I hope it gets upgraded.

I have a lot of theories as to what's in that book. At this point I'm assuming it's either:
1) A scandalous behind-the-scenes diary all about the development of Spiral Knights, peppered with Ian randomly shouting out Soul Coughing lines when he's zombied out on lack of sleep.
2) Erotic Love Puppy fiction.

I think the book belongs to the Alpha squad.
It probably holds all kinds of information about their
travels and discoveries and maybe even has new
recipes for crafting items.
click on the social tab in the top left corner.
There is something that says guild options.
Make sure you click "to guild hall" rather than "leave guild".