Echo of Silence

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? About a year and a month or so.
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? Probably none. I mainly just merchant, LD, BN and sit around haven all the time
3.How often do you play Spiral Knights?-Havn't recently played for a while but I hope to play a few hours a day.
4.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Nijthug and probably more people I don't remember
5.What is your in-game-name? Erridunno, But I can be called Erri :)
6.Why do you want to join Eos? It seems like a fun, active and a good Lockdown guild which would be fun to join.
9.If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him? I would poke him 10 times, run away and repeat this over and over again.
10.Are you anti-social? No. I like to talk a lot if I can and if I'm bored I'll respond to anything.
11.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? Fudge, Flapjacks, Chocolate cake, smarties, jelly babies, Ice cream and whipped cream. Oh and hugs!
12. How old are you? 2 and a half but its my 3rd birthday in 2 more days!

I miss you guys too.
Seems like you guys have been busy. Yoga done, not one long pose FYI Sol, many many many poses. Now more flexible than I once was and man can I balance.
Still traveling around a bit, but will try to be on more now.
Becs /hugs and /kiss you all.
<3 Becca
PS Please GO OUTSIDE! (Imagine teacher voice speaking!)

So I get to say more interesting things like:
1: Looking forward to meeting all the new people. So many new people.
2: Hiya Sexy Retsy
3: NJ, you shhh. :P
4: <3 you Choob choob
5: Moonpie #teamdemlegs ftw
6: Rodox and Moonpie, GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW!
7: /hugs all the silly englishmen
8: Rep + RSS = Awesome
10: EOS needs more girls, we are still outnumbered. NJ get on that right now.
Ok, that's all I have to say at the moment. Got to go drive to Vancouver! Get to visit the ocean! Yeah! Beaches! Sun! Aquariums!
(Hope everyone is Jealous!)
<3 you all Becca

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Well over an year.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Two, three, maybe more.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
All day erry day bby.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Yeah. Nj, Cobby, Rep, Dogrock, Oolon, Jade...
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Why do you want to join Eos?
Because EoS. Ever since my main guild died out I couldn't find any to be as good as it. EoS gives me lots of hope though.
7. How Old are you (Optional)?
8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yes, don't have a mic
9. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I'd announce /2
10. Are you anti-social?
Usually not
11. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
12. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
14. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm Ters. I ters. And by that I mean molesting the forums and being an overall classy gentleman
15. Yes.

All guild members are permitted to retain 100 Ecto Drops for their own personal use.
Any Ecto Drops in excess of the number 100 shall be subject to CONSTANT and TIRESOME pestering from Providence until such time as they are mailed or traded to Providence, the Destroyer of Worlds. Providence may be inclined to provide monetary compensation at or below current Auction House prices, but always above Vendor prices, so long as the giver of the Ecto Drops is broke as all get out or asks in an erudite manner.
TL;DR: Gimme yo ecto drops would you kindly.

I have to warn you, the last person who asked that ended up thrown into the core.

Indeed Provi's rage is something to avoided it all cost, I only just made it back into EoS last time!

Okay. ; ;
Provi can have my ecto drops then if I do end up joining EoS.

So there's no more confusion, I got the DA recipe (Thanks cava), but didn't think to post on forums.

Would it confuse you if you started randomly receiving Ecto Drops from random people you've never heard of?

>11. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Whoa, bro. You gotta lay off the corn. Too much of that is good for you, you'll get all healthy 'n sh~*~t.

@Yuka @Tera
wait a minute, corn isn't even sweet!
You butter and salt it, not sugar and syrup it!!

-How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing in June of last year when it was released on Steam. I left the game around November for work and kind of forgot about it. I returned again about a month ago and have been enjoying it all over again! So only about half a year total.
-How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Two to ten any day. Really depends on how tired I am, but I'm always up for a run.
-How often do you play Spiral Knights?
When I wasn't an idiot with Killing Floor, every day. I'll admit KF has taken up my time this last week, but I'm willing to negotiate for some sharing. If I'm accepted I'll probably jump right back into SK and forget KF. Just a little .. maybe a round here and there ..
-Do you know anyone from our guild?
I know Yuka (<3) and Mod (<\3), and I've dabbled a bit with Rodox here and there.
-What is your in-game-name?
-Why do you want to join Eos?
When I first returned to SK it was mostly because I had some friends in the guild and not many of my old pals were still playing. I've made plenty since and the game is enjoyable again, but I would love to be part of an active community that I can hopefully stay with even outside of SK.
-How Old are you?
I'm .. Arg, I'm 21!
-Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I do have a mic and I love to use it when I can. But only during the day when I don't have a pet rat crawling in my sleeves or up my pants. Can't suffer you the screams!
-What are your rats' names?
Edna and Madeline. I thought they were good names for twerps.
-If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
We've got a thing in the family where you yell AND hug someone at the same time. I don't know what beef/love you have with Boswick, but my method here is appropriate.
-Are you anti-social?
I have my quiet moments like anyone else, but nooo. I don't play this game for deadthbyfirelag, but the social atmosphere.
-What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
You guys are awful .. Rice Pudding. Starburst. Jicama, but I usually eat that with lime and cayenne, not sweet at all! Anything sweet and deadly for the body is on the top of my list.
-Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
If alone and freshly showered, naked, of course! Otherwise, a towel. Need to keep things intimate with SK.
-Did that last question make you uncomfortable?
Absolutely not.
-Finally, tell us about yourself
The name's Spook. I try to pay attention to my spelling, but my fingers flip about anyway. I'm prone to lagging, constant breaks for food, and a deep longing for a pet octopus. Despite being 21 with a social life on the weekends, my life is pretty boring, so I'm mostly on the internet to meet crazy people. I love helping people out when I can because it makes me feel like a righteous smug bastard - Oh, and I swear a lot. Not sure if that'll be a problem. I swear it's a habit I try to control, honest.

This is not a double post. D:
Just seems like a popular thing to do.

Spookspookspookspokskpsokspookspook <3


I would just assume that the Universe was just giving me all the Ecto Drops it thinks I would need. Which is all of them.
All of them

All Applications have been processed boys and girls <69 (Invite to Eos = Accepted). *Keep in mind applications are still officially closed*

I'll be a bit busy for a while so I won't be on a whole lot. Someone bother Choobski for me. kthxbye
I am the knight with Cobalt's good word.
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since the preview.
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? As many as I want. Usually around 7.
How often do you play Spiral Knights? Just got into it again from about 3 months ago.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Cobalt and Regulus.
What is your in-game-name? Neltharian.
Why do you want to join Eos? I want a guild that doesn't have literally anybody on ever.
How Old are you (Optional)? 213, but I must feed on the blood of a newborn in order to keep my youthful form.
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? Only when I get to know the people who use it.
If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him? I would pour holy water on him.
Are you anti-social? Silent, not anti-social.
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? Jolly ranchers. Slimes look tasty, but they're pretty disgusting. Especially with wig hair embedded in there.
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? I don't wear towels outside of the shower. It's against my beliefs.

So I'm putting in this one, so I can leave the guild.
Future Termination of Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Too long. EoS has drained the love from my life. Nj constantly touches me inappropriately.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
None, every day I am in this game is another day of soul wrenching malaise. I am like that french cat Henry. Youtube him.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Why must you torture me so?!
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I know me. And everyone else. Including Oolon.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Why do you want to leave Eos?
Nj dressed up like a urine fairy. It was emotionally scarring.
7. How Old are you (Optional)?
I am a septuagenarian.
8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I was comfortable with it. And then Nj touched me on places that would make dolls cry.
9. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I would ask Boswick to put me into the knight protection program.
10. Are you anti-social?
I'm not anti-social. I'm just not social. Are those synonymous?
11. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
I enjoy cupcakes. They are delicious.
12. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
I can't be naked anymore... never again... ellipses...
13. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Thank You For Reading and Hope To Leave You Soon!

I can always count on you to out-troll me I hate you <69
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Tokxin convinced me to try it a few days ago, so I admit it, I am a newb ;)
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
In the past 3 days I've done from start up to lvl 8 quests. I haven't repeated them much yet but that's the next step.
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
So far, every day =)
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
What is your in-game-name?
Why do you want to join Eos?
Tokxin is a good friend and it would be nice to be able to hang out with him, and people he has spoken highly of. I also met Gwen and she's lovely.
How Old are you (Optional)?
I'm 36, going to be 37 (read 27) again on 2nd of August =)
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I have a mic, and I have already had the pleasure of chatting with several of you.
If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
Hmm.. Now that would depend on my cycle ;)
Are you anti-social?
Yes, at times, but I am also super social at others.
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Favourites are my home made snickers bars (no sugar! so awesome) and I make some coconut cookies that are also amazing =)
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
She who raids without pants used to be my raid name from my guild in World of Warcraft. Make of that what you will ;)
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm a bit of a nutter I guess. I tell it like it is, and am probably not half as politically correct as I should be, but I don't have an evil bone in my body =)
(if someone's offering we can talk ;) ) lol

You sound like you have an evil bone to me, No Ecto cake for you!

Dammit, Fallconn, you actually made me laugh with that post. Something must be wrong with me today. Maybe it was from Carmeltoe's name putting me in a mood to laugh.
Carmeltoe, I'm sure we'll get back to you soon enough, just message myself or any of the other officers in game some time and we'll chat.


Njthug, I hope I can be able to talk to you online soon. I got some stuff I need to talk about.

I hope I never see you again, Your letters don't have enough life in them, Make them more action packed.

Oh BTW Ninjedi, You need to be more sincere instead of kissing EoS's !@$, It makes you look lame.

Yeah, whom are you to judge for someone that is not even in Echo of Silence? You are just making yourself look lame.

Do keep in mind applications for Eos are closed, but some special cases might get accepted due to great bribery and blackmail. Just to inform all applications, we reviewed all apps if you were not given an invite or a mail telling you that you will be accepted once applications are open you have been declined.

Do keep in mind applications for Eos are closed, but some special cases might get accepted due to great bribery and blackmail. Just to inform all applications, we reviewed all apps if you were not given an invite or a mail telling you that you will be accepted once applications are open you have been declined.

@Njtugboat So your telling me that if I bribe you with Ecto Cake you might let me in?......I dunno, My Ecto Cakes are worth like 17k...
@Ninjedi and Cytrixx I can't believe your just now figuring that out.

You're awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

But...What if they call me a troll? Then what happens? Do I own up to the fact that I am, Or let them go un-answered?

You're awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Application for EoS
1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?I have been playing for about a year and a half. But I did stop for quite sometime. I resumed playing a few weeks ago and now I can't stop playing =)
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? Since I am restricted from buying any CE at all the most I can do is about 1-2 runs per day (and theres also the small possibility of dying to think about)
3.How often do you play Spiral Knights?Nearly everyday if time allows
4.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Sadly no, everybody mentioned is currently unknown to me.....But I would love to get to know everyone =)
5.What is your in-game-name?My in-game-name is Xxpapaya BUT I like being referred to as Slenderbrine since that is my current IGN in other games/websites
6.Why do you want to join Eos? After reading your description of EoS for about the 10th billion time........Wait, no, thats not a good way to answer this question. Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away......No thats not right either. Okay, I will just get to the point. Half of the reason I play Spiral Knights is because I can talk with people even though I don't have the slightest idea who they are. I can be seen by my friends chatting away on SP for as long as an hour (is that short?).
7.How Old are you (Optional)? To be honest, I'm not too sure about telling you my age. =)
8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? You shouldn't be asking me if I would be comfortable. You should be asking yourself =). Most of my friends describe me as "Hyper Active" "Mental" "Crazy" or "Physcologiclly-disturbed-but still pretty nice-Jonathan".
9.If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him? I would pohugell him.
10.Are you anti-social? Anti-Social? I'm over Social.......Over the moon :D
11.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?Chocolate, can't get enough of it
12.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? Towels......Didn't you know that towels are the most useful thing in the galaxy? You can wrap it around yourself when you are cold. You can use it to soak up or clean water. You can use it to tie two large things together. You can use it as a blanket. Most importantly, you can wear it as a hat. =)
13.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)I'm a 13 year old boy who is addicted to hugging people I know or just likes jumping around instead of walking. I guess that also explains my play-style in SP and the way I do homework, work, etc. Lets just sum up what I look like......Bigbrown eyes, black hair, average height.....yeah.
So what are you waiting for? Send me that guild request.......I will give you candy =)