Echo of Silence

4122 replies [Last post]

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 6 months
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? depend if fallout is on only go to T2 almost at T3
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? at lest once a day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? Fallout
5. What is your in-game-name? Mr-Mini-Dwarf
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) i am like fallout except with swords
7.Why do you want to join Eos? because it seem amazing
8.How Old are you (Optional)? 17 almost 18
9.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? yes and have a mic
10.If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him? all of them mostly ask question

Etendue's picture
"i am like fallout except

"i am like fallout except with swords"

...wait, does that mean you're invincible too?

best of luck with the application.

Future Applicant Application

Future Applicant Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2 Days.

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Haven't tried it but I like PvP for all games.

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Everyday so far.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
I want a good guild so I can progress faster.

How Old are you (Optional)?

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm new to the game. I think I'm pretty good at it. I got tier 2 after a day. I want to progress really fast and this guild would do that.

Njthug's picture
All Applications our under

All Applications our under review, but any app after this post will be looked at after our applications open up again. We reached our limit of members which is 70ish for Eos, but we will re-open eventually we just need to do a few giant orgies before we can well let others in got to get acquainted with each other.

^posted this before on page 7 figure since we on page 8 I might as well post it again so people know wutsup.

Dancinjen's picture
Njthug told me that everyone

Njthug told me that everyone in EoS smells, especially dogrock. I wouldn't take that from your guild master. Nope. nope... sure wouldn't.


Njthug's picture

Yes everyone does smell in Eos we all use a few colognes to make ourselves smell all pretty we started using the Gucci Guilty and it was well making everyone want to join Eos so we changed to the YSL. Dogrock always smells like sexy time for some might have something to do with him and I well u know....

Dancinjen's picture
njthug, you're such a

njthug, you're such a troll.


sexy troll...

but a troll!!


Njthug's picture

Lmao oh someone is lost for words and calls me a sexy troll its okay Jen your still #2 in my book since Dogrock is my #1 <3.

Njthug's picture
Changes will be coming after

Changes will be coming after New Years in Ranks n stuff

Wfawwer's picture
I'm back after 3

I'm back after 3 months...

Sorta left the game after the computer broke down, got a new one and never really got around to re-installing SK. Had a fun time, good luck to everyone else.

I still have 2kCE on my account if anyone wants it :)

Moonsoon's picture
You should use your CE to buy

You should use your CE to buy barrel bellys and give them to muppet

sorry to see you go dude

Etendue's picture
I think you should keep it.

I think you should keep it. There's more stuff to buy now than ever.

But, I don't mind... donations! :D

Njthug's picture
Will miss you Wfawwer =( If

Will miss you Wfawwer =( If you do come back feel free to re-join us <3.

Echo of Silence Troll Awards for 2011:

Well it has not been a full 1 year of Echo of Silence being a guild, but I think its about 9 or 10 months give or take. As a guild we decided to have our own troll awards for members of Echo of Silence. The panel is made up of me, myself, and nj us three took hardtime thinking who deserves these prestigious awards, and well who is the best troll of them all??

So brace yourself folks its time to take a journey into the era of the troll in Eos:

Our First Category --- Best Female Troll in Echo of Silence:

We didn’t have a lot of people competing for this since lets be honest Echo of Silence is a sausagefest. We like our sausage big and long, with a juicy after taste, so that really scares off the women in this game, since well big sausages are something to fear along with our Bromance ←- Notice the capitalization. So this troll has to be the most feared in Echo of Silence has to be able to out troll majority of the guys, and well would have make sure she is always in charge of all of us.

This Year Winner is:

Providence ---May her trolling take her to better places in Echo of Silence (really she has to go) she scares the _____ out of me. One day I was Provi I was like omg join Eos (back in Beta), I regret asking her ever since she been trolling all of the guys in Eos and bullying us until we cry. Tears is what Provi lives off of being nice to Provi is like being nice to the Grinch you just cant do it since she so EVIL.

Second Award ---- Rising Troll:

This award is for the most up-and-coming troll in Echo of Silence. This category has a lot of competition for sure. To be the rising troll you need to show all of the members in Echo of Silence you are up for the challenge. You need to troll each and everyone of us to death. This is a very hard award to win in Echo of Silence all of us thought no one would of achieved this award this year, but we were trolled by the great ____. (Cant tell you guys yet), but lets say this person trolled the ___ out of everyone in Eos.


Player x: I want pets in Sk

Player y: Omg I do as well it be so cool to have a snipe follow me around

Troll: This game does not need pets if you really need one go get a dam dog.

Player x and y: =(

This award goes to 1 of the best silent trolls in Eos: Mup Mup aka Muppet <3.

Third Award ---- Best Duo:

Now in this award you need to show that you have the brains to work together and well troll the living ______ out of your fellow guild members. This is one of the hardest things to achieve since well lets be honest team work and trolling is hard your always scared that you will be trolled by your teammate. The winners of this award this year are Providence and Repartee. Now you ask to yourself, what did these two do? I was surprised they teamed up together as well since Providence hates Rep with a passion the reason he stayed a recruit for about 8 months was only because Providence hated Rep.

So what did Provi and Rep do to achieve this award?

Providence has a passion to have all the Eco drops in this game. So, I asked her how many she has I thought she said 2.5k I was like yay I got 3.8k I so beat her… ended up being 25k….So I decide to just buy all of them I can get my hands on….little I knew these two teamed up against me and SPREAD LIES about me over the trade channel and we got the price of eco drops to go up to about 15 crowns + an added ce bonus….Rep started going in trade channel telling people I beat dogs up I do evil things….so by the time I realize this since no one is trading me everyone is trading Provi and Rep I just ended up giving up, and sold all my drops to them for a whooping 180k Crowns =).

Fourth Award ---- Best Silent Troll:

The one troll most people don’t know about in Eos is Moonsoon. He like those silent farts you don’t hear them, but those things are deadly especially coming out of Dogrock that’s just a nuke going off, but back on topic. Moonsoon is a silent troll in Eos all he does is his side commentary and oh boy is it hurtful lol. He the sweetest and most sexiest player you will meet in this game, but Oh boy is he a dam troll. He trolls muppet by calling her a mute…..then tells us to give us anytype of sign showing us that she is a mute. Wow Moon you probably made her cry good job.

Grats to Moonsoon.

Fifth Award ---- The Best Troll in Echo of Silence

Okay, I know you guys are all wondering who the hell is the best troll in Eos. Cmon Muppet won, Moon, Provi, Rep, and so many runner-ups, but Nj who the hell is the best troll in Eos?

Okay, well the best troll in Eos is ME NJTHUG, just kidding I don’t troll at all I am the nicest player in this guild. No, really the best troll in Eos is Tantarian.

This guy is the most sneakiest troll ever when he trolls you don’t even know you been trolled until its too late and your looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking wow I actually fell for that _____. The reason Tan won this award is for him trolling every officer, every guild master excluding himself, and all the members (vets etc.) in the guild. Tan pulled this off so secretly none of us knew it was him until he told us. So, a person we will call them Crazy applied for Eos, and all of us in Eos decided we will decline this applicant I made it really clear to everyone DO NOT INVITE CRAZY to Eos. Two days later, I am bored in my Finance class, so I decide to log-in for two minutes on Sk. So I log-in, and see our guild list, and low and behold Crazy is in Eos. So I log out go onto steam and send out a few text msg’s as well asking people who invited Crazy into Eos? None of us know and we are all like wtf who was stupid enough to do this. People get back to me telling me Nj you cant be serious your f’ing with us…..Im like dude go online check for yourself etc., and everyone like WTF (reminds me of that song), but in the end Rep kicked Crazy, but oh wow Crazy just went Crazy on his rear. Tan log-ins and I ask him if he has any idea this guy cracking up saying me Oh I thought it be so funny if I invited him just to see everyone’s reaction. DAM YOU TAN oh and Gratz sxy <3.

Most Trolled in Eos:

1. Xerox
2. Fallout (Silly Aussie Sk is for Americans)
3. Njthug
4. Muppet
5. Rep/Provi (tie)

Nicest Person Who Wont Troll:

1. Redsg
2. Ooolon
3. Xerox
4. Ahly
5. Regulus

Rising Star Trolls (The Future of Eos):

1. Muppet
2. Choobski
3. Fallout
4. Wow we have no real future.

Troll Who Trolls you without knowing your being trolled (Long rear title):

1. Dogrock

Lunakitty's picture
Pleaseuru hire me

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 70 hours, been having lots of fun over the holidays with it
I have my first 3 star items, angelic armor ^_^

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I dunno! It varies from about 4 if i'm having a good time or like.. zero if i'm crafting

3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Ooer.. havent done *guild* PvP but its nice hanging with a good PvP team (much love to defenders..)
I would be happy to fill in slots assuming you're in T2.

4. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Weekdays a couple of hours, weekends for as long as my partner does ^_^

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
My girlfriend is in the guild, Spilogale

6. What is your in-game-name?
LunaKitty, meow :3

7. Why do you want to join Eos?
I'm gonna get bored of this game without a guild.. I love crafting but there is only so much soloing I can do before I start seeing slimes in my sleep.

8. How Old are you (Optional)?
23ish. ASL? Rawr.

9. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I tend to be a text chatterer, but happy to join on mumble

10. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
hugs, cookies or love hearts..

11. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm an Aussie gamer girl with a girlfriend in the guild, I like being social and really love crafting.
I'd really like to join my girl so we can come along for some runs and so my text window isnt just "plz have crowns"
Normally I play twitchier games like TF2 but this is great fun.

Njthug's picture

I will have a chat with you and your partner as well. I don't think your partner really informed me on this we are accepting applicants with referrals, so I don't think it will be a huge problem will get back to you shortly. *Feel free to add me btw so we can chat*

Lunakitty's picture
Cool, i be on later tonight

Cool, i be on later tonight ^_^

Us aussie ppl have wierd clocks

Wfawwer's picture
Not leaving yet, not after

Not leaving yet, not after all this time :P

Just need to stop playing Skyrim/LoL/Sanctum and everything else.

Myllakka's picture

Just dropping a thank-you note here for Muppet, who graciously sent me a bunch of mats for my Alchemer semi-rage craft needs. She's either really, really nice, or likes to watch people spend their entire fortunes on crafting, not sure yet. ;p

All kidding aside, thanks a ton for that! I really wasn't expecting it. :)

Goldenvortex's picture
my app

1. i have been playing SK for almost 5 months
2. i ussually do 1-2 runs on T1-T2
3. almost always on weekends sometimes on Mon.-Fri.
4. i have seen several of EoS's players like Provi, Muppet, and dog. and i have talked 2 Njthug
5. which name do u wanna know?
6. i am a pretty experieanced player and i lov to play any time of day (XD that rhymes) but i am VERY strict about secrecy so if u ask me my gender i will be very secretive about it(Example:i may tell u that im a girl one week and then 2 days later i might insist that im a dude.)

Dogrock's picture
Goldenvortex, It appears you

Goldenvortex, It appears you recently made some interesting edits to our guild page on the wiki. Based on this behavior we will not be extending you an invitation.

Orzy's picture
wow just realize i have seen you guys everywhere LOL

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
3 weeks? yea around that since i got a mac lately and was craving for mmo...and found out that this is a freaking good game
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
lot? averagely at least 3 in a day, but you know.... i have skl....
Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
hell yea! i've only done once which i forced some of my guild members to try it.... but they just think it's pointless lol and i left the guild becoz of that...(some more other reasons)
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
almost everyday if i don't have test and exams? love SK!
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I have met lots of you? and kinda talked in PVP sadly im still in T2 and one time i joined t3 just got killed alot >3< although when i finaly got to kill someone in T3 pvp its amazing
What is your in-game-name?
Why do you want to join Eos?
Really want a guild that helps noob like me and do guild pvp
How Old are you (Optional)?
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
blow him a kiss and make out
Are you anti-social?
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
PVP all the way and poor... canada time zone and pvpvpvpvp

Orzy's picture
btw can't you guys open

btw can't you guys open another sub guild? LOL

Moonsoon's picture
Are you anti-social?

Really really.
We are a very community orientated guild and this is fast becoming one of our biggest factors on acceptance/keeping you around

Splinter's picture
*tsk tsk*

Goldenvortex made Dogrock angry...not a good idea

Orzy's picture
haha i am definitely not anti

haha i am definitely not anti social :D ><

Njthug's picture
Updated our main page Dogrock

Updated our main page Dogrock updated the wiki I think I'm vandalize it so he updates it each time now....=0

@Orzy apps are currently closed due to us doing community bonding experiences which consist of making love to each other which I am told I can not do anymore in the game, so we are visiting each other for this experience instead.

Dancinjen's picture
njthug cheats on me. He said

njthug cheats on me. He said we had something special... but has sexy fun times with everyone but me.

and i'm married to him.

shame nj... SHAME

Retequizzle's picture
He just has a master key to

He just has a master key to everyone's hearts. Including mine. ;_;

Dancinjen's picture
NO. NO! NO. No master key for




No master key for him.

Do NOT encourage these shenanigans!

Retequizzle's picture
but he cleared the dungeons

but he cleared the dungeons and got the keys himself D:

We can't just take that away from him!

Dancinjen's picture
It has come to my attention

It has come to my attention that njthug is spreading terrible lies about me.

This is war.

Bring it on donkey kong!



My applicant (not sure if a spot is open)

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
half a year or so, never remembered never will

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
as many as I can in 2 hours, XP
I do mostly tier 3, though have started on a new skolver set, since my azure guardian doesn't really meet tier 3 requirements

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
don't do much PVP, more so PVE but I do enjoy it

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
2 hours a day

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
U guys all seem to be experienced and friendly, it would be a pleasure if I could

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I can, but don't prefer using Mumble in SK

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I'm lost for words..

Are you anti-social?
Not at all (depends) *cough*

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well, I'm gonna stick to fallout since he's like the first Aussie SK I've seen


Moonsoon's picture
Bonus Questions

1: How do you feel about your name not being grammatically correct?
2: Are you a kiwi lover?
3: uhh... sup?

You know damn well that NJ doesn't lie & Definitively not about you.
Don't try to start shiat just cause you're jealous nj putting the moves on eury

So i'm at the final boss of Skyward Sword atm.
He tells me to prepare to meet my death or somecrap like that
then gives me time to prepare.

I make an omelette



a.) well not so bad since it was already taken

b.) again...lost for words

c.) sup~

d.) i love omelettes to ~ XP

e.) also ~ am I invited

Njthug's picture

Our app's are closed like I stated we are only accepting people who have connections through any member in Eos. We will look at your application once our applications open up which will be a week or two. I do apologize for closing our applications, but unlike most guilds we build a very strong community which takes time to bond with one another having new players join us while we are bonding ruins the flow of our bromance.

Vaclavv's picture
The spice must flow.

At EoS we are firm believers in the teachings of Dune-Cat. Specifically, the verse "I are Dune-Cat. I controls the spice. I controls the Universe."

We have to take time to establish the flow of Spice between all our current guild members before we can add new variables to this alchemic mixture.

Jen, NJ is a bisexual, polygamous, Sugar-Daddy. Sure your is first and only wife at the moment, but he is just trying get you brother-husbands/sister-wives to hang out with.


thanks anyway, ill hope to join in that week or so

Korakc's picture
good luck with your app

good luck with your app Shruging :) hope to see ya soon.

Dragonightwolf's picture

1. Since 11/14/11
2. 3-5 runs
3. Almost everyday
4. Ive seen Tantarian sometimes
5. Dragonightwolf
6. I'm awesome and I troll!
7. I think you're an awesome guild
8. I would poke Boswick
9. I'm not anti-social
10. I would be fine using mumble server

Vaclavv's picture

I'm sorry to say that we are actually closed for applications for the next few weeks. Your application will processed and you will be notified about your admission status when we are open to new members again.

I must also ask: If the Giraffe steals your shoe, how much soda can you fit in the freezer?

Daarke's picture
My application

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

I've been playing for about 2 1/2 months.
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

I do at least 3-4 T1 runs, 5-7 T2 runs, and 1-3 T3 runs.
Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?

Well I have a little bit of LD history, nothing competitive.
How often do you play Spiral Knights?

At least 8-12 hours a day.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

Sadly I'm afraid I may have met a few but I don't know them... =/
What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?

Well personally I'm looking for a regular fun guild, who I can be part of as a family. I'm currently with Spiral Champions, but the guild is all about rank and skill, and I'm not looking for just being the best, I want a second, well first family. (I'll explain that later.)
How Old are you (Optional)?

I am 22 years old.
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

Yes, I suppose.
If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?

Um Boswick? Poke him I guess. (O.O)>
Are you anti-social?

I am very social, but also very quiet.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

Well, I'm a numbers nut. I crunch numbers, CE marketing prices, run rates and profits, I calculate it all due to being a marketing nut. I sometimes spend hours idling on SK just waiting for the results of marketing investments I make. I'm also a very hardworking battler, I often use the Shield Cancel technique to fight a lot, and since I use a gamepad, I'm extremely agile, able to turn and stop on a dime. PvP wise, I'm a beginner level due to lack of experience, but willing to try hard when I do play. I'm a very fast learner, and do a lot of research in my work, so I do know the game quite a bit. I also like to dress deceivingly newbish when in town. Its a gag of mine I'm fond of. In real life, I am a orphan, having no true family, biologically or legally. I am a bit undertalkative, more of a worker and thinker, and as I said before, I analyze everything.

Njthug's picture

Great application man, but sadly our applications are closed for another week or so, but once they are open we will look at your application and hopefully send you an invite, or will give you sad news which might make you hate us forever.

Dragonslayers's picture
1. 1 month but I'm but I'm

1. 1 month but I'm but I'm 5*, I had to quit for 5 month for no reason N I have to quit right now atm
2. 3 time maybe 4 a day, mostly vanaduke
3. Yes Lockdown
4. Got to quit atm,but I play about 4-6 hrs
5. Errr... No
6. Dragonslayers
7. I need people that can do vanaduke
9. Uh no clue
10. Poke.
11. I don't talk a lot I'm like the silent one,but I sometime

Dancinjen's picture
bunch of bullies. all of

bunch of bullies.

all of you.

you guys failed in your bromance and choob joined me. You need to work harder to keep your bros satisfied.

Yeah well... if NJ knew what I know then he would be jealous. But I'm sworn into secrecy and I can't tell you.... or anyone. lawl.


Njthug's picture

Applications are currently closed when open we will look at your application.

@Jen --- Hey, Jen Ret joined us for hours last night we talked chilled etc. I didn't even need to kidnap him I was like hey bro join Eos when those beatings from Jen get horrible. He like thanks man that Jen is the devil. =)

Retequizzle's picture
she beat me after i came back

she beat me after i came back so i don't remember that part

she also got mad at me because when i did it everyone was being boring and in a run/not talking so she thought i didn't have an excuse

Njthug's picture

I think its time you guys overthrow Jen she a tyrant she beats you guys up for no reason picks fun at you, and well calls Milkman a poor Kiwi. I don't think she is good for you guys you need to overthrow her and put Milkman or yourself fully in charge and make Jen a recruit. In the jelly is for people actually in Jelly sadly Jen is on the outside looking in.

Retequizzle's picture
Oh Nj you put too much faith

Oh Nj you put too much faith in me, I can't run a guild

Dancinjen's picture
lol... OH nj. The things you

lol... OH nj.

The things you feel the need to say.

It's okay nj... don't feel bad or jealous that I have some information that you want and you can't find.


Toska's picture
Future Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since closed beta. Stopped playing after launch, but started up again December 2011 and have been hooked.

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
T1 - I rarely do runs in T1
T2 - I do about 3-4
T3 - 2-3

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Have never done Guild Pvp before, but I have played random pvp. Working on getting the best gear I can get though so haven't played it as much.

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Well seeing as I have no life, everyday.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I don't know anyone from your guild.. :c

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
EoS is my kind of guild. You all seem laid back and fun, not uptight like a lot of other guilds. There are rules, yes, but not really strict ones. It evens out.

How Old are you (Optional)?

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yes, I have a mic. I'm a bit on the shy side so it'd take awhile for me to get used to talking with everyone over mic. (I'm more confident in text)

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I'd nom his face.

Are you anti-social?
Online, no. I love to talk.. a lot.. sometimes too much. Bring tape or have mouse over ignore button just in case.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
At times I'm shy and timid, other times I'm outgoing. I crave adventure and I try to make myself known. Usually, I'm excited and happy, but when I get depressed over life's little pleasures, I show how I feel. Not normally in public, however, because I don't want to start drama or anything. Inside messages and such, I will express how I am feeling.