Echo of Silence

4122 replies [Last post]
Draco-Draco's picture
Application form

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

Ever since a few weeks after the beta release

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)

Mostly Vana runs with 1 or 2 people or just recipe hunting

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

I've seen you around Haven before, and possibly a few in the guild

What guilds have you been a part of?

Kage no Senshi, The Night's Watch, For the Fallen, Varia

What is your in-game-name?


Why do you want to join Eos?

Why not?

How Old are you (Optional)?

Don't call me old, i'm still shy of 15

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

Nah, i'd rather not. It takes some effort to make a British accent without using my normal asian accent

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

Try and get a life i spose

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?

Teaching people foreign languages. Informative trolling at it's best

Are you anti-social?

I prefer listening to people argue than argue myself, if that counts as anti-social

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

Whatever's left when you take out the other coloured snipes.

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

Licorice, god help me

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

Naked, the NSA can spy on me as much as they want

Are Echoes really silent?

Dammit Jaden

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)


1 How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 3 years

2 What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Vana runs, Rom Twins runs. recipe runs, join friends on a run

3 Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

4 What guilds have you been a part of?
Started “FIVE STAR GENERALS” a guild of 2 only to stop being asked
10 times a day “join my guild” Joined some other guild when I 1st started .
They were jerks

5 What is your in-game-name?

6 Why do you want to join Eos?
I would like a group that is active and social

7 How Old are you (Optional)?
I’m the old man of spiral 64 years young

8 Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you
have a mic
I have a mic. Mumble? Sure why not! Skype?

9 What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I just keep on trucking

10 Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
Not sure. I follow friends and chech what they are doing.

11 Are you anti-social?
When I am sleeping

12 How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk
No idea! Are those the little cockroaches that keep running around?

13 What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Beer and wine with a blueberry muffin

14 Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Does underwear count?

15 Are Echoes really silent? Finally,
Like in the silent majority?

16 tell us about yourself
Retired from computer manufacturing - play all hours

Charoum's picture

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since 2011

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
I do arcade runs and boss runs.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
mr. thug and cobalt.

What guilds have you been a part of?
One Knight Stand, Luna Dial

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
Meet new people. Have fun.

How Old are you (Optional)?

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
I wouldn't.

Are you anti-social?
Not really. Just shy I guess.

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
Never counted, maybe 6?

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Snickers

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

Are Echoes really silent?
Depends who hears it.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm a pretty horrible person but, I seem cool sometimes. I'm also into Death Grips so, there's that.

Fangel's picture

Why do all the recent apps have to be brittle and no fun. :(

All these people who don't troll!

Iyashi's picture

Hai! I decided I'd like to apply again, as it's been a while since I did so last time.

Q: How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
A: Since April 2011. I did however take a long break recently.

Q: What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
A: Classic Arcade usually, and item hunting (I have a serious problem)

Q: Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
A: I know Njthug, Luth, and Scone(?), I know I know others but it's been too long and I don't know who all is here anymore.

Q: What guilds have you been a part of?
A: The Jempire (opps.), Echo Of Silence (For about a week, removed because I wasn't as socially active)

Q: What is your in-game-name?
A: Currently: Celeius

Q: Why do you want to join Eos?
A: I've found every time I try to get back into this game, I end up leaving again. I believe this is due to a severe lack of social interaction that I use to have with my former guild. For this reason I would like to attempt to join EOS again.

Q: How Old are you (Optional)?
A: Old enough to know better, not old enough to care. (Ask me in-game. I won't make that public knowledge)

Q: Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
A: I do not have mumble. although I may be willing to try, I'm not one for speaking (I literally goes days irl without speaking. It's not you it's me)

Q: What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
A: Cry forever. Because obv you hate me.

Q: Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
A: I wouldn't. See the best type of troll is the one who makes it seem like they're going to and kills you with the anxiety of waiting for something that never actually happens.

Q: Are you anti-social?
A: Yes. But I'm making a solid effort (Or I wouldn't be applying). I know this was an issue last time I joined, hopefully it won't be now.

Q: How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
A: Why do we have to color identify the snipes? that's a bit racial don't you think? (To my understanding, snipes don't spawn in black color. I might be mistaken)

Q: What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
A: Ice cream. Except I'm allergic to dairy. That there is bravery.

Q: Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
A: Depends on my mood. Shirtless with a blanket will do usually.

Q: Are Echoes really silent?
A: If a Echo is a reflection of a sound wave, who's to say it can't also be the reflection of a lack of sound wave, or reflection of a sound wave that isn't distinguishable by knights? With that being said; sure, they can be silent.

Q: Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
A: Yes.

Njthug's picture
Girls hit your hallelujah 'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you

@All Apps --- All applications have been processed from page 1 to page 75 (All apps before this post ofc). If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently. *This means all mailed applications as well* Feel free to contact me in-game via mail or pm if you have any questions regarding your application.

Keep in mind we will now be processing Applications every two weeks or so due to the amount of apps we are receiving and since we wish to well get to know slaves I mean recruits <69.

Krakob's picture

Redacted for privacy reasons.

Guild application

1- Three years or so
2- Everything from PvE to PvP
3- Sprunket Miabot and Dutch-oven
4- Brick Squad Demology and recently Promise
5- Forest-Dragon
6- I've always had a great time playing with EoS members and i really respect you guys
7- 16
8- no mic and i cannot say i would really feel comfortable
9- carry on with my life its not the end of the world
10- trolling isnt really my style
11- i am quite content on my own but i am far from anti social
12- not enough
13- Apple pie is life
14- as a dragon technically i am always naked
15- i fear cannot answer due to religious reasons
16- I hate describing myself if you want specifics you'll have to ask my yourself nonetheless i feel it would be pretty lame to leave it at that so i shall try my best i am first and foremost a martial artist have been for half my life so most my time is spent training my other hobbies include but are not limited to gaming watching anime reading all kinds of books taking care of all my pets and most any kind of strategy game chess stratego and fire emblem ect


Etemraik's picture

1) Since 2011
2) I like to do a mix of PvP and vana runs also arena runs
3)I know Luthienny
4) i used to be the guild leader of Cobalt Commandos and i recently joined heart of fire now i have left it
5) My game name is Etemraik
6)I am 16
7)i dont really understand the question but ill answer no
8) i really do not know
9) i would go into the clockworks with them and start hitting creatures with weapons that arent effective
10) no
11) hmmmm... i think 1 ill answer but its probably a trick question :P
12) chocolate eclairs :D
13) hmmm no
14) echo's are not silent
15)i think i must have missed a question XD ummm i think ill pass the last one

Bootleg-Iu's picture
Dropping this here, like it's hot, except it's not

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
According to Steam achievements, made my way to Rescue Camp at July 2011 but went on a break and came back around February 2013 with fairly useless gear

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Haven loitering, Lockdown, Haven loitering, current PvE runs that I [try very hard to] do frequently are Prestige missions

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I'm in pretty friendly terms with a handful such as Nj, Urta, Ret, Petit, Luthi, Val, Octa, El, Maiso, Krakky and Revo
Ah, and there's that one hadnsome guy with a maedate hoard but I always lose track of his name nowadays
And the DJ Pizza oh my
I recognize many others from Lockdown, lurking in forums and loitering around Haven

4. What guilds have you been a part of?
The only guild I feel I have truly been a part of and taken part in is The Halcyons Odyssey

5. What is your in-game-name?
Known as Senoia in-game

And ok fine for the curious ones my previous name was Trisel, baM

6. Why do you want to join Eos?
I really only long for a friendly guild heavily bound together simply making the experience of playing one of my favourite games at the least a tad more fun and interesting than it already is

7. How Old are you (Optional)?
I'm just a teenage dirtbag beby

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yes, found it much easier to keep track of what people were saying compared to green chat at times

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
Burrow in a bed of marigolds and white plumeria goodbye world

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
You already know hue

11. Are you anti-social?
I wouldn't say so, no; I think I wouldn't have said anything here to begin with if I was

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
There is one that is present every day, I think? On some roof I walked past once

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Not many as there is the overbearing guilt that must be consumed along with most of them but blue gummy dolphins duuud e

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Depends if it's cold since the house boiler is leaking
If it is I'll have to give it my towel

15. Are Echoes really silent?
The more I delve into what I think the answer is, the more I feel I need to be more wise to rightly answer
Maybe if the question didn't include the word "really"
Or maybe if I had just pulled out a physics textbook

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Currently residing in Wales, though more than nine years back I lived pretty much halfway around the world from here
While buried in college work, I still manage to find spaces in my schedule to draw coursework-irrelevant things, play this game, play other games, watch films and shows, extracurricular things in general that I can't live without etc. etc.
To put it simply (or maybe not very much so, if you don't follow in on the reference), I'm just a poor little soul who has found herself falling into a hole chasing the small fluffy fellow with pocket clockwork
[And can't find a way out]

Hillary-Clintonia's picture
Future Applicant Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)

I did not have the opportunity to speak with you (in-game):

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? - A year; I'm a Vanguard but did not complete the [recent] Missions

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) - I usually run Expansion Missions on Tier 3, and sometimes I get a tan at Haven. I occasionally play Lockdown

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) - Nobody, sorry

What guilds have you been a part of? - I was invited to guilds as a newbie, but I've long forgotten what their names were

What is your in-game-name? - Nick

Why do you want to join Eos? - Looks like an interesting guild

How Old are you (Optional)? --

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? - I would, but I don't know if I'll get on Mumble often

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? - Nothing; I would postpone requesting to join guilds until after a month of waiting

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? - I don't do those types of actions

Are you anti-social? - I'm a little of both [social, vice versa]

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? - 1 or 2 I believe

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? - Hmm... Brownies are my favorite

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? - Neither

Are Echoes really silent? - No

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) - I enjoy playing video games and drawing art. I do pixel art as a hobby. Sushi is my favorite appetizer. I love Caramel Frap with no whip cream... Male

Fighting-Polygon's picture
Whatcha gonna du

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing just about when they added those Honor blades along with the Guild Hall expansion (November 2012), and I got the 2* Honor blade to prove it to ya.

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
I'm usually running rank missions of all sorts, event missions, and occasionally the Lockdowns. I do love me some prestige tho huehuehue

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Nj-Digi-butt, Miabot, Gwiin (or Miso?), El-Springer, Paintool, Critzer, and Lizzi

What guilds have you been a part of?
Ex Gladius Fama

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
I like to mooch off their contests. And I heard there were cookies.

How Old are you (Optional)?

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I don't have a mic but I'll download Mumble for the voicechat rage c:<

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I'll go back to Ex Gladius Fama (cuz I stilll wuv 'em)

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
I'll put on my best matching costume and stand uncomfortably close to them (but not inside cuz that's just fusing together).

Are you anti-social?
Maybe I'm pro-social, iunno.

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
Y u gotta discriminate dem snipes? They all taste delicious when cooked.

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Fruits, Candy, Ice cream, cake, Ice cream cake (not a huge fan of peanut butter, caramel, or chocolate with surprise fruits in them)

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
I heard you like Divine Sets, so I wear a Divine Set while my character wears a Divine Set.

Are Echoes really silent?
Only if they fall on deaf ears.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I likez to draw and post stuff on Deviantart.

Njthug's picture
So don't let them steal your light E eh eh eh eh eh eh <69

@All Apps --- All applications have been processed from page 1 to page 75 (All apps before this post ofc). If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently. *This means all mailed applications as well* Feel free to contact me in-game via mail or pm if you have any questions regarding your application.

Keep in mind we will now be processing Applications every two weeks or so due to the amount of apps we are receiving and since we wish to well get to know slaves I mean recruits <69.


1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Playing since 23/12/13

2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Talk to people, play Lockdown, do vana, etctectetctetc

3.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
uhhh yeah i guess... Digicom, Hadn, yourself, luthienny, furynator, krakob, shortnskinny, ki-na, corendon, sblackett, rendep, fayeth?, *sorry if ive missed anyone :3*

4.What guilds have you been a part of?
The Blacklisted my own guild for 2 years, previously in the Jemps.

5.What is your in-game-name?
Poking-Stick ofc!

6.Why do you want to join Eos?
to eat all the cookies from the active members, considering my cookies are out of date.

7.How Old are you (Optional)?
old enough breh

8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
yeah i can get mumble, always up for a chat, ofc i have a mic... who doesn't?

9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
then ill just be chillin.

10.Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
umm.. poke them over and over? ..

11.Are you anti-social?

12.How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
millions ofc

13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
bleh they are all fattening so as little of them as possible c:

14.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
defiantly naked.

15.Are Echoes really silent?
what echo?

16.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Gamer girl... uhh in a relationship with tomtomsatnav... that's about it really k byebye now <69

Application thingie-majiger

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Urm steam says 17th June 2011 o.o *hasnolife;w;*

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc):
Anything xD but I haven't done LD in a little while

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?):
Yes, (Hadn, Njthug, Derpynator, Brandondasilva, Corendon (have on steam), Dutch-Oven, Fayeth, Luthienny, Rendep, Sblacket, Shortnskinny, Ki-na, Sorry if I missed anyone out D:

4. What guilds have you been a part of?
Shadow AD, The Jempire, The Blacklisted

5. What is your in-game-name?
Tomtomsatnav :3

6. Why do you want to join Eos?
To talk to active people and have a laugh :o

7. How Old are you (Optional)?
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+10 (maybe >.>)

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yeah, and yush I have a mic :p

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I don't know xD assume you're busy and wait longer?

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
I'm not very good at planning trolls but when the moment arises! they will know >:D

11. Are you anti-social? In real life? I'm kidding I'm not no :p

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
I have no idea o.o I can't be bothered to go look o.o

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
anything... as long as it tastes good

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Naked with poking-stick.... I mean... wait wut o.o

15. Are Echoes really silent?
I dont knowww D: Why are these questions so hard they hurt my brain :<

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional):
Oh god urm I suck at stuff like this.. does that count? I'm in a relationship with Poking-Stick, I get on with people easy and like to have a laugh even if the a situation is tense

Retequizzle's picture

i miss funk off february, we had so much fun then

favorite activity was this


1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I joined SK less than a week ago, but its a great game and I can see myself playing for a long time!

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights?
Right now I'm just farming elite orbs to get my 4* equipment put together, so I'm really into arcade.

3. Do you know anyone from our guild?
Celeius, and Locturne.

4. What guilds have you been a part of?
This will hopefully be my first!

5. What is your in-game-name?

6. Why do you want to join Eos?
I want to get more involved in the games community, and this is a great way to do that!

7. How Old are you?
I'll be 72 in a few months. This game is killing my arthritis.

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it?
Maybe at some point, but not in the near future.

9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
Dear diary, It has been 3 days and EoS still hasn't responded to my application. This will be my final entry. -Pa

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
I would have to take after Celeius, and try to kill my team at the lasers right before Roar Twins boss.

11.Are you anti-social?
I'm pretty sociable, so I think this guild would be a good match for me!

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
I think the real question should be why aren't there more purple ones.

13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Dr. Pepper and Dave Matthews mmm

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
I only fill out applications naked.

15. Are echos really silent?
How long is a piece of string?

16. Finally, tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is James and I'm actually 20. I'm from New York, and in love with the color purple. My goals are finishing my degree in music education, and becoming a teacher! The main games that I play are Transformice, Runescape, and this is sure to become the third. I also like trying to solve my rubik's cube as fast as I can, film scores, and the romantic era of classical music literature. Rachmaninoff is the man! I hope you see you guys soon! :)

1: For about 3 years now. 2:

1: For about 3 years now.
2: I play Lockdown alot and I also do alot of Vanaduke runs.
3: Yes, I know Tannert, I also know Octapyrine but he had a name change to Mendicore I believe.
4: I have been apart of Exalt, Promise, Rigorous, and League Of Gunners.
5: My in-Game name is Haann.
6: I'd like to join EOS because I always liked active guilds. And c'mon the name sounds awesome!
7: My age is 16, Turning 17.
8: Yea I'd like to mumble, yea I do have a mic and Mumble account.
9: Hm. I'd stay calm until you guys accepted me. Or I'd talk to one of you guys in-game To see if you have read my app.
10: I don't really like trolling people, but if I had to. I'd say maybe promote demote constantly kick from the guild then re invite, idk.
11: No I am not anti-social.
12: I don't really know xD.
13: Eclairs Donuts Ice cream pies. A whole bunch 😂.
14: I play naked... But in a towel sometimes. Lel.
15: Techinally a echo isn't really silent because you know the sound is like echoing xD.
16: Hm, about myself. I play sports, I eat alot, I love animals, I'm a active player I play sk everyday, and I record my every moment of gameplay with many different games I play.. I have over 200 videos xD. God I need help XD. Hope to join the guild!

Ultraskull's picture
hai bois

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I started in 2011 (back when CE was ~4kcr)
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
As of right now, I mostly socialize/play Lockdown althought I will be getting back into the grinding routine soon.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I've met of number of your guild including the infamous Njthug, not to mention I was friends with Acck and Rating(as well as his gf from their days in Hunter X Hunter) although they may have all I friended me by now due to my inactivity since Jempire first left SK to now
What guilds have you been a part of?
Hunter X Hunter, First Blood, Impervious, Rigorous, Zero to Hero, Blue Storm, Falling Skies, The Nights Watch, Ultima, The Jempire Waiting List, The Jempire
What is your in-game-name?
Why do you want to join Eos?
B/c I'm looking for a fun bunch of active guild members(being as Jempire has move on T-T) with whom I can have a lot of fun be it trolling or bomb polishing; not to mention any guild with a guild hall similar to that of Jemp must be prestigious indeed; I bet u guys eat a lot of cake...I want cake
How Old are you (Optional)?
Im a teenager in high school
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I would prefer not to use my mic, although I have one and have no issues on listening in
What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
sit down, try not to cry, cry a lot ayy lmao
Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
dank memes 520 ur only plastic3
Are you anti-social?
what's a social?
How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
I personally would not know being as I only collect the finest pink snipes
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
ice cream, cake, frandkenzoms?
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Naked obviously, so much the better that OOO can paint me like one of their french girls
Are Echoes really silent?
Echos of other natures aren't silent, but an Echo OF Silence IS silent
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Qui suis-je? Je ne sais pas

Mookie-Cookie's picture

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
- Mookie Cookies

So that's where my babies have been going!.. how dare you! D:

Idnison's picture


Hillary-Clintonia's picture
You probably skipped my interview because I didn't get an invite

I did not have the opportunity to speak with you (in-game):

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? - A year; I'm a Vanguard but did not complete the [recent] Missions

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) - I usually run Expansion Missions on Tier 3, and sometimes I get a tan at Haven. I occasionally play Lockdown

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) - Nobody, sorry

What guilds have you been a part of? - I was invited to guilds as a newbie, but I've long forgotten what their names were

What is your in-game-name? - Nick

Why do you want to join Eos? - Looks like an interesting guild

How Old are you (Optional)? --

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? - I would, but I don't know if I'll get on Mumble often

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? - Nothing; I would postpone requesting to join guilds until after a month of waiting

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? - I don't do those types of actions

Are you anti-social? - I'm a little of both [social, vice versa]

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? - 1 or 2 I believe

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? - Hmm... Brownies are my favorite

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? - Neither

Are Echoes really silent? - No

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) - I enjoy playing video games and drawing art. I do pixel art as a hobby. Sushi is my favorite appetizer. I love Caramel Frap with no whip cream... Male

Coreonn's picture

"If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently."
If you weren't contacted after Njthug posted that he reviewed all the apps, he probably doesn't see you fit to be part of our guild. Sorry about that.

Mwahahaha's picture
Papyrus Appleeekayshun, All Official-Like

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

I’ve played Spiral Knights for 3 years before (I thought, then) quitting so I could take care of schoolwork. I decided recently to come back, mostly because I was curious what had changed, and because I missed playing with some good friends I’d made over the years.

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)

I do everything and anything! That is, with others; I normally don’t go out on my own with a random party unless I need to grind. It’s not exactly a bad habit, but I’m more likely to do something if it’s with people I know. (more on that later)

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

I’ve been good friends with Digicom for five (four? Five? I’ve lost count—it feels like I’ve known him forever) years and I’ve known Taty for 2 years (ish? You lose track of time when the last time you played the game was a year ago).

4. What guilds have you been a part of?

To my memory, I’ve only been part of guilds that Digicom has either founded, or he and I have co-founded and managed. Oh, the nightmares of management.

5. What is your in-game-name?

My in-game name is Mwahahaha. Yes. Yes, indeed. My name is an evil cackle. It was a good idea at the time. Still is. Kinda. Not as cool as SxxySchlong69, but it fits.

6. Why do you want to join Eos?

After spending so long in guilds that were either inactive or managing guilds of people who (aside from a select few) didn’t really mesh well together, I quit the game. Long story short, I’ve slowly made my way back to SK, and I’m looking to be part of a really awesome community; I’ve been part of (I think?) EoS kerfuffles before, and I found it hilarious! I’ve seen members from EoS fool around like they were family (if they are, all the better), and I’d love to be part of it.

7. How Old are you (Optional)?

I am 21 years old, and will be turning 22 later next month.

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

Perfectly comfortable! I has mic.

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

Uh. I mean—y’all did say it takes around two weeks, so I wouldn’t be fazed. If later than that, though, I’d check to see if Nj posted an update. Is this a trick question?

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?

Probably by playing along with a story while in the GH, or maybe even some harmless joke while running. I try and make sure that I don’t insult/make fun of people, or take jokes too far—like if everyones dead in a run, and there’s no danger, run around like you can’t see them and try and ‘action’ at different places to make it look like you’re trying to find them.

11. Are you anti-social?

Depends on the day or time—some days I just want to chill in the GH, or train by myself—but most days I’m pretty lively! Oh, for the days of having the TeamSpeak server for Solo Art..

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

One? Two? I’ve never seen a black snipe….

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

Ooooooooooooohohhhhhhhoooooooooooo—I mean. Um. Yes. Quite a few. Most of them are either Indian sweets, but apart from those I really really really REALLY like chocolate. And then there’s cake. Mmmm, cake.

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

Why not both? I like to have my cake and eat it too.

15. Are Echoes really silent?

Hold on, lemme find the nearest mountain. *scampers away*
======1 WEEK LATER======
*crawls back* Did you know why they call it headbutting? Well, see, there was this ram….

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I’ve been told to keep it short, and that’s a great idea because I’d have put in a good essay. I’m an easygoing, fun-loving person who loves a good joke, but also likes to have a serious, thoughtful talk every once in awhile. I’m normally quiet (and maybe even noticeably so) until I get to know people; I guess you could call me an introverted extrovert. I love video games, technology, good fiction books, comedy, movies, art, science—anything that catches my interest, really. There was one time where someone made statistics seem appealing, and that seemed impossible. But hey—feel free to talk to me! I’m an open chap; I’ll try and keep the puns on the low-down. Maybe.

Icereammmm ~~

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Been around since the game came out , So I know a lot about Sk
2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) Well , I like PvP mostly , and PvE when I need to farm for crowns , heat , etc etc . Im mostly into both but I'd prefer PvE but since they messed up the crafting system , I love to PvP more and still learning new things!
3.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Sconesy , Sprunket , Luthienny , Janica , Tannertt , Miabot, and Urta , They're the closest friends I have in EoS
4.What guilds have you been a part of? Promise , cydonian knights , Brmc , Oracion , not too many as you can see :) sera doesn't guild hop ! :P
5.What is your in-game-name? Serazia <3 Idk why I just like names that start with an S moarr !
6.Why do you want to join Eos? Mostly a new start from me , I 've heard a lot of good things about EoS and would like to give it a try as my new home , I can permanently stay here , A lot of friends and people I am familiar with , and pretty sure we'll get along :D!
7.How Old are you (Optional)? 19
8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? if I had a mic , sure but don't got one , I can probably listen in with my headphones , that's about it :3
9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? I will wonder why I never got invited or accepted , I will start interrogating why so , didn't happen.
10.Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? idk :o
11.Are you anti-social? Not really Anti social , or shy , at all :D always open to new friend/partnerships , I love conversing :D im the most easy going person I know :P
12.How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? I have no idea but im going to go with my favourite number <69 !
13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? Cookie dough ice cream <3
14.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? If I could I would lmfaoo ! :3
15.Are Echoes really silent? I can't tell , they do go away, but as far as my knowledge goes , nope !
16.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) Well , Im Hispanic , From Dominican Republic , and was raised In New York !It's hard for me to understand really big English words , also , so you may have to explain :p I just know the basic English and whatnot , Yo quiero tacobell ! Not a hard person to get along with , im very open and kind :D
Hope I get accepted in . PS I love you NJ :D

Any questions about my app , please do contact me in game or mail . ~ Serazia

Lost-Witness's picture
Mhm Cheesecake ^^

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

With the accordance of my forum creation, I started around 2011.

2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)

I do all sorts, Lockdown there and then, Vana when I need a supply of crowns/heat, and I just enjoy roaming through tier 3 expeditions with of course my guild-mates or friends!

3.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

Aviian, Furynator, Serazia, Celeius, Luthienny, Poking-Stick, Tomtomsatnav, Digicom, The-Snarbolars, Krakob, Dutch-Oven, Feyi, Urta & all are fore-filled with great personalities!

4.What guilds have you been a part of?

Avalon, The Jempire & The Blacklisted. I am currently in search of a guild, that can suppress negativity through the community, all are good looking, all enjoy the specific number '69' and love to receive it as a lucky number (Thats you guys of course)!

5.What is your in-game-name?


6.Why do you want to join Eos?

I want to be apart with the community of this guild so I can stride in succession with you all and be known, to have a stand/place within this guild. I would love to spend my time dedicated to this guild, as it's the only guild i've truthfully ever desired being apart of. I've seen many become recognised by being part of this guild. I've seen the reputation the guild has had in the past, and it's a very good outcome! The activity of how active people are, just surprises me that members of Spiral Knights still become active, the sheer enjoyment of events, guild party's, gossip & it's all fun to go through!

(Pssshh-Main reason is because of the constant erotic number of 69 being outputted to each member which I am perfectly happy about :'>)

7.How Old are you (Optional)?

I am 15 years old.

8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

I do have a mic, and if you so wish to i can use the application 'Mumble' to establish further communications with you all.

9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

I wouldn't mind waiting at all, after all 'Patience Is A Virtue'.

10.Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?

Oo now thats a good one, mhm well my first action would be to target whom deserves to be 'overviewed' at and slowly i will follow their every move for where ever they may go, now that to me isn't stalking. Oh and yes for the non-physical approach i'd outbid those who were able to publicise what they're bidding on the auction house and of course outbid them containing the figure/figures of 69.

11.Are you anti-social?

Nope not at all, I enjoy speaking to others, making new friends to play alongside & the involvement with getting to know others!

12.How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

Mhm very interesting, well with my scientific calculations, i would say 69-69= 0. There is no such thing as a black snipe, unless if they have been exterminated by savages. But there is a theory if that if the brightness+contrast of the screen is adjusted you may receive multiple (black) snipes in haven!

13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

As long as they receive a title of being sweets,i enjoy them all, when it's chocolate (+ of course the subject) then you know the hunger games have began. '3'

14.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

I play spiral knight's at any placed scenario, if i can't be asked to put on my clothing then you know, am flashing but that's on Mondays.

15.Are Echoes really silent?

They seem to be very enthusiastic when you get to know them in more depth.

16.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I am a male. I enjoy gaming whenever am bored. I like going out. I enjoy being educated at school. I love cake & cheese. I love and respect my family & others! I am an individual that loves to forgive and forget and help those who are in-need of assistance. There's more to know about me but i'll rather keep the rest of my points silent.

So yah that's all, thanks for bothering and proceeding to go through this app, and i hope to have a position and to be placed within the guild! <69

-Thanks yet again!



How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I got it a year or two ago and played till I had 4* equipment, but picked the game up again a couple weeks ago when I got stuck in an airport for 8 hours.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Right now, I try to speedrun depths 20ish and below to get as many shining crystals and eternal orbs as possible. Damn are those things hard to find.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Nope, sorry. If it helps, I'd like to though.
What guilds have you been a part of?
Currently a part of a 24 member guild that a friend invited me to, but its not very active and not at all what I'm looking for. Before I left the game for awhile, I was apart of a decently large guild of which I forget the name. It's since (sadly) died off, but I still see one or two of the old members on occasionally.
What is your in-game-name?
Exegesis. Random name generators ftw.
Why do you want to join Eos?
I want to be involved in an established, active guild where I can make friends and farm Vana till my fingers bleed.
How Old are you (Optional)?
Right around 6800 days old. (18 years old).
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I love mumble and I do have a mic. Talking to people makes any game 10000x more enjoyable.
What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I'll cry myself to sleep at night while I anxiously await your reply :(
Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
Well that would ruin the fun now wouldn't it?
Are you anti-social?
No, I love making friends, especially through games!
How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Reese's, M&M's, poptarts, blood of my enemies, twizzlers, sweet tea
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Naked, is there even another way to play video games?
Are Echoes really silent?
I mean, I can hear them so I would think not.
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Almost 19 years old, just finished first year of college, trying to find a job, trying to find a car, but instead I play SK all day. Oh well.

Captaintimey's picture
look it's some nerd

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

2ish years and a half, with hiatuses inbetween.

2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)

Recipe runs, arcade runs, Gauntlet solos, other shenanigans.

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

Let's see, Nj, Dutch-Oven, Janica, Sconesy, Retequizzle, Sciger, Daboze, Doity, Lychee, Perro, Ratha-Wynter, Miaboot, Timmykimchi, and a bunch of people that wonder who's the nerd that's always stalking eos peoples.

4. What guilds have you been a part of?

The Night's Watch, some guild I think was named Reverberation of Quietude, and then TNW again.

5. What is your in-game-name?

It starts with C and ends with aptaintimey.

6. Why do you want to join Eos?

To hang out with people, whether in runs or just general shenanigans in Haven and chat.

7. How Old are you (Optional)?

Younger than Nj, that's fo sho. Though i am getting a year lamer sooner or later.

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

Ye, but that means I have to actually bother with setting up my laptop's mic. Should do it eventually.

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

Must mean it hasn't been two weeks yet. If it has been, then annoy Nj more. Not Retequizzle though, cause that means no one will ever respond to my app. Or I could try to bribe Perro but he busy playing robocraft.

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?

Mail them light shards. 1 at a time. Forever. Until I run out. Or I run out of cr. Which considering how poor I am and how many light shards I have, it would go more badly for me than them.

11. Are you anti-social?

Being antisocial is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. It means I can't accidentally annoy people. Or do dumb things with people.

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

47, because best number. But probably none because there's probably a conspiracy to make sure no one ever finds out they ever existed. dun dun dunn.

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

Chacolate, fruit snacks, gummis, jello, chewy candies, basically jelly candies.

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

Towel, cause it be too hot in my room.

15.Are Echoes really silent?

But can silence echo?

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I like the vidja gaems. And tv shows about space nerds in space. I like playing the flute and learning how to do programmy things. that's it, really.

Ziggimo's picture
Ziggimo's Application

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Long enough to have forgotten how long.

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Pretty much everything, but not without a friend or guildmate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Kind of, i've talked to few.. but i don't know anyone personally. (Hopefully to change)

4. What guilds have you been a part of?
Intense Flame and Brmc

5. What is your in-game-name?
The one and only: Ziggimo

6. Why do you want to join Eos?
I need a guild that i will be happy in, and stay in for the rest of SK.

7. How Old are you (Optional)?
Ziggimo is 17 years of age.

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yes, and yes.. People are sure to remind me when im chomping away on my chips and forget to turn my mic off.

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I would sit back and wait.. Or think of new clever ways to answer these dang questions.

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
Trolling? Thats like so 2012.

11. Are you anti-social?
On the internet? Nope.

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
Over 9000.

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Hmm.. All. Of. Them. (Except peanut butter because i'll die)

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Depends on the time of the day. Morning: Naked.. Evening: Naked.. Night: Naked..

15. Are Echoes really silent?
Yes.. No.. Maybe so..

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm pretty energetic and very active. Im very giving and will probably donate plenty of stuffz. I hate letting people down and i will always strive to be the best guild member a can possible be.

EoS Apply

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
- I'm not sure but I remember either lockdown or the Twins did not exist.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
- Usually just PVP and have fun in guid chat but I also do some vana runs whenever i run out of money
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
- Seen many of them in PVP but I haven't established a conversation with any of them (i think)
What guilds have you been a part of?
- League of Gunner (LOG), Promise, Oración (for like 2 days I think), Genios Programadores (for about 3 days), and Cydonian Knights.
What is your in-game-name?
Why do you want to join Eos?
- After reading the forum it sounds tempting to be in a active social guild wich have fun.
How Old are you (Optional)?
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
- I would say yes but my spoken english ain't that good.
What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
- Cry
Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
- I'm usually the trolled one.
Are you anti-social?
- I don't think so, I always speak or start convos in gchat.
How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
- I dunno
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
- I live for cereal, they're my sweet delicious treats
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
- naked
Are Echoes really silent?
- They kinda are in LD
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
- I'm 17 years old, I recently had to move away from my home country Venezuela due to the political, social and economic problems happening there. I'm pretty social when it comes to a game but in person takes a lil bit longer to get confident. I'm a male and idk.

Yellow-Royal's picture
My app

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since close to the first Winterfest, I think
2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) I build my Royal alts, then PvP and sometimes PvE. But many a times, I'd talk with friends online.
3.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Retequizzle, and other names, but I don't know them personally.
4.What guilds have you been a part of? Knightfall. Suave, Lockdown Aces, Echo of Silence
5.What is your in-game-name? Blue-Royal, Yellow-Royal, Red-Royal.....I'll stop.
6.Why do you want to join Eos? Because Retequizzle invited me :0
7.How Old are you (Optional)? Over 13, under 18
8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? I do not have a mic...
9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? Eat a cookie?
10.Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? Not sure...
11.Are you anti-social? Somedays.
12.How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? 1?
13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? Cookies, ice cream, blueberries.
14.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? In a shirt and pants.
15.Are Echoes really silent? Depends on what makes an echo :0
16.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I vant to be pr0 viz my squad of Royales.

Njthug's picture
They say pain is an illusion This is just a bruise =0 <69 Krew

@All Apps --- All applications have been processed from page 1 to page 75 (All apps before this post ofc). If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently. *This means all mailed applications as well* Feel free to contact me in-game via mail or pm if you have any questions regarding your application.

Keep in mind we will now be processing Applications every two weeks or so due to the amount of apps we are receiving and since we wish to well get to know slaves I mean recruits <69.

1. since 2011 &

1. since 2011 & lockdown
3. Gah, I know nj (a little), scone, krak(:D), digicom, Dutch-oven, humuhumunukunu
4. armistice, lionheart, and halcyons
5. Canada-dry (ginger ale)
6. my friends are in there ofc, I want the chance to troll scone at will, and plus, don't wanna pay the 696,696,696 crs ._.
7. 16
8. I don't have a mic.
9. eh, I'll wait a few weeks and try again.
10. make all the EU players lag c:
11. nope
12. uhhh..
13. cakes with cooties :')
14. in a towel, gotta be like dogrock
15. well you guys barely talk, so most likely..

Intotheunknown's picture

1 - I've been playing Spiral Knights since 2012-2013, something like December 2012 or January 2013 I don't remember exactly the date and year.

2 - Nice question... I used to spend all the day playing Lockdown (when I started the game and I became vanguard and got my DA & ff). But that last about 1 year because then the massive lag knocked me down. I love lockdown and I used to play it a lot and it's a shame... Because of the SK Servers, my location and my connection, I always play with lag, but well, I'm used to it. Now I spend mostg of the time doing vana or prestige.

3 - I used to know 3 or 4 members of your guild... But then I quit from the game for 1 year more or less, and when I came back I found that my friends list is fewer than it used to be, and there are people who I don't have any idea who they are, because almost all changed their name.
I was part of Turtle Fighters, then I joined Mighty Titans and I was leader there, then I was on Genios Programadores, then in The Outcast, and well now I am on Isorian Elements, but I don't really enjoy this guild.

4 - Intotheunknown.

5 - Because I want to meet nice people, I want to be with people who have been playing this game for years, like me. I want to be with people who knows a lot about the game and the market, with knowns merchants and people with good skills. I want a nice guild in which I can send a guild message saying "Hey, WTB this item or WTS this other item" and there will be always someone who answers and give me a link, an ingame-name merchant or a guild member who WTS/WTB that item. Basically, I want to be with people like me =).

6 - I'm 21 years old.

7 - I have a mic, and I really enjoy talking with people while playing, while doing vanas or doing SL. I usually do it by steam, but if you want I cant use another app. I have used skype, raidcall, google talk and other apps, but I don't know that application you mentioned before (mumble). It will be interesting, because I'm not a native english speaker, but I studied english and it would be a pleasure to talk with you guys.

8 - Well I guess I'll have to wait haha I'm not going tu push anyone in order to get me in into the guild, but well I really want to join EoS.

9 - Haha it depends... I really like to have fun and I like to troll people in certain times, but I don't want to have problems or fights with guild members, so I prefer to talk a little bit with that person, to know him/her very well, and then if we really get along with each other, if we are in confidence, well then I'm able to troll him/her a little bit haha. What would I do? Well, as I said before, it depends on the person... I would find anything interesting about that person, about his/her behavior or tastes or hobbies and I would use it in order to troll him/her =P.

10 - Not at all haha it's the opposite, I really like to talk and play with people... When I enter in some parties and I don't know the other members of the mission/run, I'm the first who starts talking and asking if they can hear me and if they have mic, and I invite them to talk. And if you mean in real life, again, not at all. I have a lot of friends and we used to play tennis, soccer, we used to play CS GO on LAN partys, and we used to go out to the cinema, dancing and that kind of things.

11 - Haha o.O I don't know exactly... Maybe 20? Haha idk.

12 - Candies ? Haha I really don't really know what do you mean with that.

13 - Good question. Both ;).

14 - Mmmm... Ehm... N... Ehm... N... Ehm... Yes =).

15 - About myself... I'm 21 years old as I mentioned before, I'm studying systems engineering (Programming, networks, and those kind of things). I really enjoy of playing tennis and playing the guitar, I really like to go out with my friends (specially to have dinner and spend all the night drinking haha (and of course, playing Spiral knights, as other games like CS GO and DotA 2). I'm uruguayam and in this game I met the love of my life, Rainbely (her ingame name) who I would really want to have in the guild with me if you accept me on EoS. She is from Mexico... In February I traveled to Mexico in order to be with her, and we were 15 days together. The 15 best days of my life. My goals for this life, I want to get my degree, I want Rainbely to get her degree (She is also studying engineering, related to the nature environment) so she can move to Uruguay and live with me.

Well I think that's all. I hope to see you soon. Bye!

Mr-Karma's picture

1. Feb, 23, 2014
2. more then 15
4.Sprunket :3 , Sera & more
6. I am a Mix (black/white) asian who was born in Australia, Sydney . Now im living in Canada , Ontario
pursuing my dreams of becoming a computer genius. Im Christian #<3Godforlife. im a Otaku xD .
i can read a 50 paged chapter book in 2 hours & and i love to cook noodles


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 1. Ummm, i think since 2011 or 2012
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) 2.I do Lockdown and pretige everyday. Sometimes vana
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) 3. Yes, I dont remember them all but the ones i talk to the most are orion-omega and Lev-oh
What guilds have you been a part of? 4. Legoland is the only one :P
What is your in-game-name? 5. Happybun
Why do you want to join Eos? 6. There are cool people in the guild and they are active and cool
How Old are you (Optional)? 7. 69 (njthug you must love this)
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? 8. Yes but i dont know how often i can go on

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? 9. I cry
Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? 10.Steal all there crowns and ce then log out.
Are you anti-social? 11. A bit i hate most people i meet
How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? 12. i have no idea
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? 13. Cookies,brownies
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? 14. Both
Are Echoes really silent? 15. No...
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) 16. I like Spiral knights and i consider myself very mature


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

1 year and a bit(my achievements are from my old account)

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)

Vana runs and Lockdown

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

Serazia, Dutch-Oven, Njthug

What guilds have you been a part of?

Owsla, Oracion, Cytisum

What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?

Surgikar( but people can call me sugar for short ^^)

Why do you want to join Eos?

cytisum were mean and didn't invite me back after rage quiting for an hour. Also, i hear that Eos is EPIC!

How Old are you (Optional)?


Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

ofc and yes, i do have a mic

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

Munch on choko cookiez and stalk you until you accept me

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?

kill them and make them have no option but to rage quitt

Are you anti-social?

if u make me annoyed

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

69 :3

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

candy, cookiez. CHOKOLATE!!!!

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?

duh, naked ofc

Are Echoes really silent?

no, but we are the echo OF silence :P

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I like to play LD. i know a few tips 'n' tricks. very nice and willing to help everyone.

Eviontho's picture
Application to join EoS

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
i think about 3-4 years / when the honor blade came out as a special one-time gift.

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
I mostly farm up in arcade runs for recipes and profit off the auction house. I focus on saving up to craft a variety of armors and weapons.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No i do not.

What guilds have you been a part of?
A really old guild called The Hive, and the most recent one which is called Vitasuit but the guild master has been quite inactive so I decided to leave.

What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
Evionlongthong is my first ever account, afterwards i created alternates called Evionltt, and another called Eviontho. The last two listed accounts i mostly use. Evionlongthong has been my name for almost all video games i play. If you do consider accepting me, I ask that you invite both my Evionltt and Eviontho knights. If you can only recruit one of my knights, please take Eviontho. Thank you!

Why do you want to join Eos?
I would like to join EoS because I want to have a long-lasting home in the Spiral Knights game. I feel that running around as a nomad and just killing monsters and collecting shiny coins isn't worth playing the game much. Many other guilds (like you said) seek out players with skill, but I specifically admire you guys since you seek personality and friendship and disregard skill and ranks. Since this guild has been existing for a long periolollically time, I think I can rely on you guys and stay with you guys.

How Old are you (Optional)?
15 years old.

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I do not use mumble and I would rather play and communicate through chat.

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
I would still wait but seek for other guilds on one of my other knights, but keep you guys in consideration.

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
Poop on them.

Are you anti-social?
No can be social, but sometimes I enjoy working independently, but I am always open to seek peer aid.

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Naked under my clothing yes.

Are Echoes really silent?
I dunno thats a great philosophy and observation.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I swim, breakdance, play guitar, and play Spiral Knights.

P.S. If you do consider accepting me, I ask that you invite both my Evionltt and Eviontho knights. If you can only recruit one of my knights, please take Eviontho. Thank you!

Mr-Karma's picture
Application REDO

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Ive been on SK since 2014/2/23

2.What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
I was on PVP everyday but now I'm mostly PVE for the CR and building new friends

3.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Dutch-Oven, Rosetta-Xa , Sprunket , Momofuku , Gwiin etc

4.What guilds have you been a part of?
Ominous & Promise

5.What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
Mr-Karma (Current), Tiuzy (second name), Alphakingdan (first name) , nickname: Alphatiukarma.
I changed my name and hopefully this will be my last name change because sometimes IGN/Names on SK for that certain
person could be bad so you just wanna change it. In other words, i shouldn't have done those names and started with my current name right now

6.Why do you want to join Eos?
I really want to join EoS because I've heard from basically all my friends that's Eos is like the dream guild you want to be in forever & the people are so nice & helpful and fun to troll with =D so i also wanna experience that. Another reason i wanna join EoS because i want it to be my forever home that ill never leave & i love the way you guys run your system, it's my kind of style

7.How Old are you (Optional)?
Sorry but i don't really tell my age , you can kinda guess but you will probably be wrong

8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
YES!, i love to mumble. Oh speaking of that, I just connect my SK account to steam, I converted everything to my steam account and got all the achievements. Right now, i'm trying to buy a headset so i can talk to people through SK.I'm a limited user on steam so i can't add anyone atm though my Steam Username is Mr-Karmaleon ( mister-karma-leon) if you were confused on how to pronounce it

9.What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
Well , I'm really sorry bout my old application and i hope EoS can forgive me and give me a second chance in trying to join again but if I dont get accepted, I'll totally understand

10.Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
would trick them into doing Margel with me, then when i go to that Kat ill say "YEET" then go to haven :P. they will probably be mad but its a trololololol
11.Are you anti-social?
no not really , the only real days that ill be very anti-social is if I'm sick and that's pretty rare. i have a pretty good immune system

12.How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
Honestly, I don't know at all or even remembered ever seeing a black snipe in SK

13.What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
i love Oreo,kit-Kat,twixs,Hershey(cookies&cream),Oreo blizzards ( dairy Queen) and etc

14.Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
in towel in the morning. afternoon, normal clothing

15.Are Echoes really silent?
Honestly , you guys are so quiet in public that its not even funny which is why I love this guild. Idk about on guildchat though

16.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I am a Black/Asian who was born in Australia but moved to Canada after 5 years in Aussie. I lost my accent which is bummer but Canada a nice place
. I'm going to university for computer technologies/computer engineering/computer processing so i can make my best desktop computer ever so SK.
NO lag, NO red bar , Always running fast & perfect FPS. i have 5 siblings , 3 sisters & 2 brothers (3 boys , 3 girls which makes us a family of 6 people including me). I have no pets . I love kittens <3 & Ferrets <3. I'm currently single and life is fun.

Application for Godlywrath

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since it was first officially released. Although I've been on and off, but I hope to get back in the grove of things.

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) I'm a PVE guy. I love to do all the hard dungeons and get the best gear I can get.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) I know none of the members in EoS

What guilds have you been a part of? None that are worth mentioning

What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why? Godlywrath is my main knights name, I have not changed it to date.

Why do you want to join Eos? I'm looking for a guild that is actively engaged in-game and with their members. Something that not many guilds have left in this game.

How Old are you (Optional)? Old enough play Rated M games :P

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? Yes, I prefer voice chat over typing most times. Meaning I also have a mic and use it.

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days? I'll keep playing and patiently wait for acceptance or a decline.

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos? I wouldn't troll. Merely because I just don't feel like putting forth effort for such things most days :S

Are you anti-social? Depends on my mood and what I'm doing.

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk? I don't have the slighest clue. :/

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy? I like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Hands down my favorite sweet.

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel? Neither.

Are Echoes really silent? Depends on your definition of silence. An echo is nothing more than a sound wave bouncing of surfaces and thus making a repeated sound known as an "echo"

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) This application tells a story, you just gotta look hard at it. Examine, Analyze, and Finalize.


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
My friend recommended it to me a couple of months ago. I think around February?

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
I just farm to get some good gear. Farming does get boring when I just keep soloing jelly king, romu twins etc, so it would be good if I had a guild to have fun with.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No one currently, but I hope I make some friends.

What guilds have you been a part of?
None so far.

What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
Escd because video games are an escape from life in general.

Why do you want to join Eos?
Companionship. From what I've read, nearly none of the guilds are active or friendly anymore.

How Old are you (Optional)?

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I prefer to type, compared to talking over voice chat.

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
Wait for a response? What am I supposed to do?

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
Probably block them with gates.

Are you anti-social?
Depends how you act toward me.

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
Food in general.

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Whatever's comfortable.

Are Echoes really silent?
Well, echoes are repetitions of a sound so I would assume that they aren't silent.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I really enjoy food.

Keena's picture

1) Started playing in early 2011
2) Mostly clockwork runs with a handful of Vana runs thrown in there for good measure.
3) Ki-Na! (Also Digicom - but Ki-Na said to mention them)
4) One that I made with my friends when we first started that I can't say because we got in trouble and League of Assassins
5) Keena
6) EoS looks like such a fun and social guild and this game is infinitely better with people to talk to, plus Ki-Na and I are twins, and twins shouldn't be separated ;)
7) Still in my 20s and that's all I'm saying.
8) Dunno what mumble is, but sure, I'm always up for chatting.
9) Not panic until it's after two weeks. After two weeks, probably cry in my blanket fort.
10) Make them think they're being followed. I'd definitely be a lurker.
11) LOL Noooope. Social butterfly, give me all the friends.
12) 42
13) Sour keys and sour bubblegum bottles are my kryptonite.
14) Both. I like to switch it up.
15) If a tree falls in the forest with no ears to hear does it make a sound?
16) I live in Canada and I have a cat who is seriously the most annoying creature in the known universe. I play Spiral Knights because I have the most stressful job in the world and it helps make me feel sort of normal.

App Attempt!

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I have been playing for a good long time! Back when elevators cost Mist Energy to move, long before they were free. I took a leave of the game for about a year due to other games I was waiting to come out having, well, came out. But now I am back! Not that I was special or anything, haha.

2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Currently, I am doing a mix of Arcade and Missions to heat and level up sets of armor so I will have a good array for Shadow Lairs and just overall massacre-ing of anything else I might get recruited into. I completed Vog Cub creation right before I left, now I am working on Skolver!

3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I.... cannot say I do unfortunately!

4. What guilds have you been a part of?
Back when I played I was in Is A Vampire before my stint of absence. Most likely removed due to roster cleanup.

5. What is your ign?
Nakiva. No special characters or silly amounts of x'es or dashes.

6. Why do you want to join Eos?
I have heard good things! Some random folks in Arcade runs actually recommended looking into you guys for a good home. Can't remember their names, sadly.

7. How Old are you (Optional)?

8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Oh, I have been using mumble for a while now! I use it in World of Warcraft for my guild when we raid; it helps a ton. And yes I do have a mic and I am not afraid to use it.

9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?

10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
The same way I was trolled when I started. Spooking snipes rarely has them drop radiant crystals. Watch the poor snipes never land. Actually that might be trolling the snipes more than the player.

11. Are you anti-social?
I hope not! I will check with my doctor for a 100% confirm though.

12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
Who cares? Purple = Master Race.

13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
What do you call those Fererro Rocher circular candy things? They usually come in a fancy case and wrapped in gold tin foil. They have a chocolate shell, hazelnut spread and a peanut inside. Whatever they are, I will /cut/ someone for them.

14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
Does a blanket count as a towel for the purposes of this question? They do absorb water.

15. Are Echoes really silent?
Well, obviously if you ask about using mumble, you Echoes are definitely not silent. Jus' sayin'!

16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well, as I said, I just came back from a year break. Other games garnered my attention for a bit, but I returned, as I figured I would! I tend to play online RPGs, mostly MMOs. While I have tried out most, I usually have stuck with WoW due in about 99% part to real life friends.

Outside of that I am no one special. I work, eat, sleep, and play video games along with the greatest of nerds out there.


1). Since 2012
2). Daily prestige missions, sometimes Vana, and adventure th clock works.
3). No
4). Retribution Council, and Cursed Wanderers
5). Azzrel
6). I wanted to join EoS because this guild is very popular and I would like to be with the best.
7). I am 14 years of age
8). . . What's mumble?
9). Wait a little longer.
10). Um, spamming pulsar...
11). Not at all
12). None?
13). Tears of small children
14). Naked
15). No, no they're not.

Zainj's picture
My App Attempt

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
- I've been playing Spiral knights since the release date which was April 4 2011.

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
- I mostly do Lockdown, i also do some PVE when my mates need some help in prestige or SL, i also do PVE when i need to heat

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
- Dogtarithugn, Aviian, Digicom, Dutch-Oven, Janica, Saturnknight, Sconesy, Stelli, Brandondasilva, Corendon, Dendios, Doitytoity, Drdrj, Eclaium, El-springer, Feyi, Furynator(nobody likes him), Knightofheaven, Luthienny, Lyrose, Lycheesoup, Peperonius, Rendep, Uncosung, Xxenohate, Ham-And-Eggs, Kingfusion, Miabot, Tannertt, Dravor, St-Victorious, Krakob, Locturne, Maiiso, Serazia and finally Senoia

What guilds have you been a part of?
- Knightmare, Beware, First blood, TwentyOne/Aurum, Halcyons and Reign of chaos ( Currently in TwentyOne).

What is your in-game-name?
- Al-sah-hiim mostly known as Zainj.

Why do you want to join Eos?
- I want to join a friendly/active guild and i also have many many friends over there as you can see :). I also want become part of the family :D

How old are you (Optional)?
- 19

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
- Yes I would! Yes I have a mic, although I can rarely use it (too many people watching TV in the room)

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
- I’ll wait as Nj said pleasently that apps are now being processed less frequently (once 2 weeks) so np. Everyone has lives too.

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
- Hide some cookies >:D

Are you anti-social?
- No i love to talk

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
- 69 (we all know that)

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
- Sour candy, they are my fav ^_^, ocassioanlly i eat cookies.

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
- Neither i play with only my shoes on.

Are Echoes really silent?
- Impossibru they are really loud

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
- My family is from pakistain, i was born in London ( hence why i get called 'Terrorist' all the time). I love to play Football and games. I work in a bank :p


1.- since 2012 jun
2.- Vana runs and Lockdown
3.- Yes, sconesy, urta, serazia, canada-dry
4.- Aurum, Minions of jempire ,Twenty one, Infernus
5.-Cm-fast like name Rynss
6.- because i like the name, you are good players, and its a really old SK guild
7.-17 in september 18
8.- I dont have
9.- I'll wait a few weeks and try again.
10.-with something funny
11.- no, and i wouldnt like to be haha
12.- uhh... i dont know exactly lmao
14.- Is secret
15.-Maybe, but every person thinks different, they are unique
16.-Love soccer

How long have you been

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
- Since before the transition from P2W. So 2012-ish. I've just recently gotten back into the game, but I can't put it down now that the elevators are free!
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
- Right now I'm farming Shining Fire Crystals so I can level up my gear. I need tier 5 so I can get to rank 9-1.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
- No one, sorry. ;_;
What guilds have you been a part of?
- None.
What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
- IGN: Farglebleh
Why do you want to join Eos?
- I find that SK is a lot more engaging when played with other people. Right now I'm rocking it solo and I want to have some people to play with. Not to mention the fact that it's Feckin' hard to do missions solo. ;_;
How Old are you (Optional)?
- 17 years old.
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
- The only VOIP I have is Skype. I do have a mic and I might be comfortable. I just find it hard to keep track of 2 different VOIPs especially when you have 2 different conversations going on.
What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
- I'd be somewhat upset. I'd probably reapply, considering you guys still have a lot of active players.
Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
- The classic - if someone is asking for something, I'll trade 'em and go AFK just to see how long they wait. It's great, haha.
Are you anti-social?
- I used to think I was, but I don't think it's as big of an issue as it used to be.
How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
- 1738
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
- There's these things that are sold at Burlington Coat Factory of all places. They're Chocolate Chip Cookie chips. They're freakin' delicious!
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
- Netiher. I play in a single fig leaf.
Are Echoes really silent?
- Echo - "a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener."
Silent - "not making or accompanied by any sound."
Going off of these definitions, I'd say no. An echo cannot be silent. I guess if you're going for something philosophical, because I'm picking up on a philosophical vibe, then maybe.
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
- I like this game, I like Lysergic Acid Diethlamide, I like Synth Wave, I like Computers, I like Fallout (FO4 hype), I get frustrated easily, I like sleeping, I like vaping, I like chatting with friends, I like parties, and other stuff that I don't care to mention. My name's Cam, by the way. Thanks for the consideration. :)

Sigle's picture

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
~I've played slightly in beta but very minimal and started playing truly once Spiral Knights was shown on Steam, which was summer 2011 I believe, dunno.

What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
~If anything now'a days it would be most likely LD, or just sitting in Haven/Checking the auction house to see the great reskins sk bring, which I'm too poor to afford.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
~Well, even though you have a current list of those that are in EoS, I feel like if I list a name of people, it would seem awk if those people don't know/remember me, also if I forget to mention some people, so I guess maybe ask the members of EoS who knows me and find out for your self... e- e

What guilds have you been a part of?
~I joined "Guild" in beta, but after the wipe, yeah... other than that, I've been in Starship Stormtroopers, Chocolate Champions, The Cursed Wanderers, The Jempire, Promise, Enrage, Bezerk(Probably spelt this wrong. qq), Halcyons, and then some guilds I subbed for but sadly don't remember.

What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
~My only name that has been on this character is Sigle (Beta was a face roll name, eh...) and the reason for my name to being Sigle, was out of my joy of Halo, and always hearing the word "Sigil", and a week after I made the name, I realized I spelt the word wrong and I just stuck with it... now it's like an odd form to spell "Seagull" which came about when I joined Jemps

Why do you want to join Eos?
~Do I have truly a reason, heh, nope. I guess if I have to go off something that goes through my head is trying to find a way to make Spiral Knights as a whole enjoyable as it was before I became inactive on and off. Mostly this application was to just cross it off my bucket list that I have for multiple games I play.

How Old are you (Optional)?
~16, yep only 16 years old, that means I started playing this game when I was 12 when the age limit was 13+, but shh, don't tell anyone. =D

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
~I've used chat programs in the past and I feel like this wouldn't be much of a problem, I indeed have a mic and my activity of talking exactly just depends on my mood.

What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
~Well if you mean by currently, just study, play a game with my friends in real life such as CS:GO(Where I get criticized for everything I do), Gmod slightly, RotMg (Meh), LoL(5 man funs), Smite, or in the great outdoors Soccer/Futbol (Oh wait, I sprained my ankle, rip)

Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
~I actually had to think long and hard since trolling is an art that one can't simply do, and is fairly harder on this game (Imo) to be effective, maybe just act like annoying orange and just pm a person "Hey (Insert Name Here)" till that person blocks me, or or or, I could have a whose the poorest here competition where I would win. (Ign would give the creativity here 10/10)

Are you anti-social?
~Online not really, I guess I'm bipolar on being social, some days I talk a lot and give no cares and other times, I just enjoy being quiet, usually I might be anti-social to those I'm not used to being around, or just when around annoying people, (The bad annoying, not the funny annoying)

How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
~Since I'm not a snipeologist (That's a thing in my world), but I have sat in haven for a full 24 hours once and clockworks doesn't have such things, I would say 9, (Excluding those in Gh's cause cmon I can't count that many without losing trace of some in the dark corners or something).

What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
~Kinder Chocolate, Strawberry Shortcake, and Sour Candy of all kinds since they keep me awake a ton. ^~^

Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
~When I'm in boxers which is pretty often my mom says I'm naked, but to be honest, I enjoy the odd draft down there so I would say a towel, plus with a laptop, going nude would kinda hurt eventually...

Are Echoes really silent?
~Y-no...? I feel like you could ignore the producer of the sound but still hear and echo eventually, personally I feel like when you hear nothing, you actually constantly hear the echo of silence(100% planned right there), or in my case where there isn't any silence,a dog barking which is sadly my own.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
~Well, I'm an inactive player that is looking for some purpose to play Sprial Knights again aswell as possibly another group of friends, like my experience in The Jempire before they moved to The Rift. I'd say I'm somewhat young compared to a fair amount of the community but I could be wrong, but it doesn't really bother me at all. Also I have a terrible memory, and a very poor attention span. I would say more but, then what's the point of telling you information you arn't curious about and waste more of your time which most of this app probably is. =^

Njthug's picture
Don't look down Up this high, we'll never hit the ground <69

@All Apps --- All applications have been processed from page 1 to page 75 (All apps before this post ofc). If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently. *This means all mailed applications as well* Feel free to contact me in-game via mail or pm if you have any questions regarding your application.

Keep in mind we will now be processing Applications every two weeks or so due to the amount of apps we are receiving and since we wish to well get to know slaves I mean recruits <69.

Njthug's picture
Don't look down Up this high, we'll never hit the ground <69

@All Apps --- All applications have been processed from page 1 to page 75 (All apps before this post ofc). If you were not sent an invite to Eos, or did not get any "special message" from myself that means we sadly did not think you are the right fit for Eos currently. *This means all mailed applications as well* Feel free to contact me in-game via mail or pm if you have any questions regarding your application.

Keep in mind we will now be processing Applications every two weeks or so due to the amount of apps we are receiving and since we wish to well get to know slaves I mean recruits <69.

That Double Post! Sorry <69