Urbanned's UV Hunt!

8 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Xakepa

Hello everybody, there's a few UV's im looking for, they're sorted by priority from top to bottom:

Jelly/Brute jelly shield w/ max shadow.

Jelly/Brute jelly mail w/ max elemental.

Calibur/Tempered Calibur w/ Max DMG boost vs. slime.

Jelly/Brute Jelly helm w/ max. fire OR shock, fire is prefered.

If you sell or somebody you know sells these items, please write here or in-game, my IGN is Urbanned, thanks in advance!

Fyi, UV's on weapons only go

Fyi, UV's on weapons only go to very high.

Imagen de Xakepa
Update, Bought a Calibur with

Update, Bought a Calibur with VH DMG boost vs. slime for 2k CE from Basin, thanks dude!

Imagen de Xakepa
Ichiban, ty, i already

Ichiban, ty, i already figured that out lol.

Oh well it still said MAX dmg

Oh well it still said MAX dmg on your buying list haha.

Imagen de Eeks
I have jelly mail w/ ele max.

I have jelly mail w/ ele max. Looking to get 5k ce

ign eeks

Imagen de Njthug
Jelly Shield Max Shadow Offer

Jelly Shield Max Shadow


Ign: Njthug

Imagen de Xakepa
Jelly Mail

Jelly Mail w/ max elemetnal bought from Eeks for 3.5k CE, thanks!

Imagen de Xakepa
Jelly shield w/ Max shadow

Jelly shield w/ Max shadow bought from Njthug for 4.7k CE, thanks for making me overpay, thats the last of it, thanks guys!