~|*|Kuramatd's Recipe Shop|*|~
The way this will function is as follows:
I have been farming recipes in the Tier-2 and Tier-3 range for a while now. I've pretty much wrapped up on the recipes that I, personally, need. I'm now making this thread as a conduit, through which I can sell any new recipes I acquire. I shall be listing any recipe I obtain on my future dives on this list. If anyone has a request for a specific recipe, please feel free to post it, and I will make that recipe a priority. I cannot guarantee the time frame in which I can farm your recipe. As I'm sure anyone reading this is aware, recipes are not the most consistent things to farm.
I will hold all "reserved" recipes for ~48 hours of the time that I obtain them. When I receive a recipe, I will reply to this thread and send your Knight a message (mail) in-game.
When ordering, please use the following example format:
IGN: kuramatd (If you need to contact me in-game, use this name)
Recipe(s): Vog Cub Coat, Callahan
I will then add your name to the "reserved" list of this post.
Prices are as follows on ALL recipes in their respective star range:
3* -- 5,000 Crowns (+25% of vendor cost)
4* -- 12,500 Crowns (+25% of vendor cost)
5* -- 32,500 Crowns (+30% of vendor cost)
Crystal Energy can also be used as a means of purchasing recipes. However, as the cost of CE has been bouncing all over the place the past couple of weeks, I cannot give a set price. I can, however, supply the formula you may use to convert the current price:
(Recipe Crown Cost) / (Current Market Value of Crowns --> Energy) = Total Crystal Energy Cost
This means, yes, at any given time, an item may be slightly more expensive or less expensive here than it is on the auction house. This is intended. I think it promotes fair pricing, and prevents me from being able to exploit fluctuating prices. It also helps alleviate any issues about me treating any one customer unfairly.
Current Stock:
***|Three Star|***
****|Four Star|****
-Ash Tail Cap
-Ash Tail Coat
-Miracle Cloak
-Miracle Hood
*****|Five Star|*****
-Dread Venom Striker
-Nameless Poncho