in regards to the new unbinding shop: preventing noobs from buying their way into end game so fast

simply put: prevent the equipping of high end gear before the player as reached the proper tier clearance
T1 players that haven't been granted T2 clearance can only equip 0*-2*
T2 players without T3 clearance can equip 0*-4* only
T3 clearance allows all equipment currently in the game at the time of this posting
note: this does not prevent the trading of high end equipment whether it's a friend gifting to another that doesnt have the clearance or a merchant player selling to a new player that is rolling in the energy

Iguess that this would also allow the implemtation of the aforementioned Unbind shop, yes?
Also, how did no-one else decide to even consider this idea?! It's solves all the problems assoaciated with unbinding!
If a player can afford 5* stuff they can afford the 2* stuff and the 4* stuff and getting someone to escort them.

There sure SHOULD be some restriction to prevent noobs from just bying 4 - 5* stuff and completely skipping the earlier tiers.
Hope OOO DID think about this...

while that may be true they would still need to go through the game regardless which is mainly the point of this

If OOO rings did not think about this yet.. they probably should now. Great Idea Monkeyman135
If someone is really gonna pay 50 bucks for each piece of equipment I have no problems with them getting all their 5* stuff and heading straight for t3.
I mean - seriously - we're talking about less than 1% of the population, prolly less than 0.1% of the population.
Who would really blow that kind of money while still being "noob"?
Especially considering these ppl are not getting anything you couldn't (or wouldn't) buy yourself.

Why all the noob hate? If someone wants to give OOO oodles of money so they can progress to end-game, why stop them?
Wow, thats an awesome idea o.o
The good thing about this game though is that being pro still on a large part, I'd say 70% +, rely on you being actaully good at the game. Some newb can try FSC or T3 arenas after buying endgame gear straight off, but they'll get trampled over before they can tell how many stars their sword has.
why? if someone wants to spend CE (read: real money) why stop them?

online games thrive based on how much time they can get the players to play. if players reach endgame quickly they get bored quickly and OOO can't make content fast enough to keep it from happening.
i would think OOO likes repeat customers. at least this way it lengthens SK and increases the chance for new players to make friends/have a reason to continue to play instead of reaching the end and quitting
... is bad.
if a 2* player decides they want to upgrade to a leviathon blade before upgrading any of their other gear, they should be able to equip said weapon and use it in tier 2. I think I literally don't understand this idea. Are you seriously suggesting a T2 player shouldn't be able to equip a 5* weapon until they've equipped entirely 4* stuff and fought their way through the entirety of T2? You're going to dictate what T2 players can use to fight in T2? Sounds ridiculously elitist to me.

it wouldnt matter if a 2* player would upgrade by that logic because buying all the materials and the recipe is a bit out of their price range plus the cost of having such low armor (namely a swift death) would make them reconsider. and buying their way through the game will merely result in them quitting due to the lack of content
so are you saying we should allow players to reach the end with no effort what so ever? why dont we just roll back the 5/17 patch while we're at it

The point that patito is trying to make monkeyman, is that you shouldn't force players to play a certain way. Your idea is akin to telling a guy he cannot purchase a $500,000 sports car unless he first has a $100,000 car and a $100,000 house. Who are you to tell someone else what to do? Why should the game be limiting in this way? If a player wants to upgrade his sword to 5* before any of his other equipment and use it in tier 2 then he should be able to do so. I understand your reasoning, but end-game players do not purchase CE anyways so your lack of end-game content argument is void and stretching out the game artificially too much only makes people earn crowns through grinding instead of paying OOO money.
I bet the reason that OOO is reconsidering having equipment binding be permanent is because of less people purchasing CE when they couldn't buy their way to 5*.
I upgraded several weapons to 5* before getting t3 access <_<
Player skill >>>>>>>> armor
but higher damage comes from better weapons.

The cost of 5* equip is probably going to be high, since (If I remember the announcements correctly) the cost of unbinding an item will be about the cumulative cost of making that item in the first place. By cumulative cost think both crowns and energy. Further, you are probably not going to unbind equipment to sell it at a loss.
So, if a newbie is patient enough to grind T1 for 5,000,000 crowns and get themselves a 5* weapons and armor, then they should be able to buy the gear. Chances are they will just make the gear instead.

So, if a newbie is patient enough to grind T1 for 5,000,000 crowns and get themselves a 5* weapons and armor, then they should be able to buy the gear.
There is an inherent flaw in your argument. I'll give you some time to think of what it is.
In order to gain access to another tier level, not only must you have the required armor,but you must also play a certain number of stages in the previous tier.

There is an inherent flaw in your argument. I'll give you some time to think of what it is.
Your right. I finally did the math.
To make a T5 item, it costs:
400 + 1000 + 2500 + 5000 = 8900 crowns and
50 + 200 + 400 + 800 = 2900 ce.
According to the announcements, It will cost about as much to unbind the weapon as it will to make it, so it will take take about 17800 crowns and 2900 ce to make one 5* unbound item.
If the ce : cr ratio is 100 ce / 5000 crowns, it will take 145,000 crowns to get the crystal energy needed to make a 5* unbound item. This gives us a total crafting cost of 162,800 crowns.
Assuming you sell the item at a 1.5 markup (which is pretty low considering you have to put a LOT of time into getting a 5* item), one 5* item could conservatively sell for 244,200 crowns. To get a full 5* set (helmet, armor, shield, and two weapons) it will take about 1,221,000 crowns.
Assuming a newbie on a free account earns 10,000 crowns per day, they will take 122.1 days to get the money to buy the set. If they can do that then I'd say they've earned it. They can use the set.
Why would OOO even consider this?
4* & 5* gear is not going to be easy to buy -- it'll probably sell around the million of crowns -- even more with the UV shop. The only way new-new players wouldbe able to afford that would be to buy a large amount of CE and sell it for crowns -- on go ito the forums with said CE and hope to find someone willing to sell at a price they can afford. And if not they'll just buy some more -- which means more $$$ for OOO.
They still need to do the runs, and get the artifacts like everyone else, so they'll still be doing the game since they can't skip from Tier 1 to Tier 3+ in ten seconds flat.
But really, if anything this would enter more CE into the economy -- much like when Steam players first arrived -- which would hopefully lower down the CE crown cost in the market to maybe the 4k-5k. If they want to blow hard earned real money for game weapons to pass the game faster I say let them.
Especially if it brings more CE for selling into this economy -- eventually lowering the CE price once more.
If they want to blow hard earned real money for game weapons to pass the game faster I say let them.
quote - monkeyman135 -
OOO wouldnt survive long if every player just paid once and never paid again since there is only a finite amount of people around willing to pay and play so repeat customers are encouraged. if players breezed through the game, they get the feeling the game offers no challenge and move on. besides if that weren't the case they wouldnt have risen the price of crafting
Every player? First - that is an illogical argument, most players of SK enter with intentions of playing as free as possible. Most f2p players play f2p games because they are f2p, not because they can buy power. The amount of the playerbase that will pay for features is not as large, and much smaller even then that are the players willing to drop over 100$ of real money into a f2p game.
We're gonna see prices of 25-75$ real money for a single piece of 5* gear (depending on item and uv).
EVERY PLAYER is such a ridiculous notion for you to bring up, not just because of the relative size of the playerbase willing (or able) to spend any money on the game, or even the relative size of the playerbase willing to drop hundreds of dollars on a f2p game...
But also because this is PLAYER ECONOMY at work!!! OOO isn't selling anything, these are players who have earned, crafted, leveled, and upgraded these vary gears they are going to sell. Yes the new player will drop some ca$h into the economy to buy it, but the player is the one creating the equips. Every sealed sword on the market is going to be 20 jelly gems, every FoV is gonna equal that many Vana runs.
The fact is EVERY PLAYER cannot possibly buy tons of high end gear, because someone MUST make the gear.
How long does it take you to craft a 5* gear? What about a gear with a rare UV? How quickly (and how much CE do you spend) farming a single FoV?
Every player... ridiculous notion... There isn't enough time in the day for anyone to even craft enough gear for every noob to run around in full 5*
OOO wouldnt survive long if every player just paid once and never paid again since there is only a finite amount of people around willing to pay and play so repeat customers are encouraged. if players breezed through the game, they get the feeling the game offers no challenge and move on. besides if that weren't the case they wouldnt have risen the price of crafting
That's the advantage of F2P. If you want to buy it you can if you don't want to then you don't have too. The difference is the choice is up to the player.
The big problem that most people seem to have in MMO's is they think this is some kind of competition. In F2P this is exhibited by all the people who call paying for things "cheating". Its not cheating because its entirely within the rules of the game. There is no "status" in this game other than the "status" you give someone else. So if I buy all my 5* gear its exactly the same as someone who spent a week earning it with no purchased CE.
Now there seems to be a misunderstanding that by me buying my equipment that I somehow have less of an experience as someone who earns it all. Well that's just not always the case. To me I don't want to waste my time grinding, grinding isn't fun, but experiencing the content is fun. So I pay a little money and I can experience whatever I want, whenever I want. That seems like a good idea for me. Now for you it might be the grind that is fun, so I wouldn't expect you to buy the CE, but the option is still there.
So now its entirely up to you if you let the fact that I can skip the grind affect your game play. I'm not sure why me having 5* items has anything to do with how fun the game is to you. Unless you think that I somehow care at all what you are doing in the game, because I don't. I don't care if you have 1* items or every single 5* item in the game. You are just another player to me. You are no better or no worse than anyone else. This is not a competition and never was.

i suggested one thing now people are going on tangents... lets please stick to whether this is good or not without involving other unnecessary variables

I notice you no longer state in the opening post any reasons for why your idea should be implemented. If there are no reason for implementing this idea, why discuss it?

Assuming a newbie on a free account earns 10,000 crowns per day, they will take 122.1 days to get the money to buy the set. If they can do that then I'd say they've earned it. They can use the set.
That's not it; it's the fact they can bypass that effort by simply buying CE is what this thread is about. That is the flaw in your argument. Whether or not buying to bypass the grind is considered "right" or "cheating" is a completely different and subjective issue.
Quote - xiax
I notice you no longer state in the opening post any reasons for why your idea should be implemented. If there are no reason for implementing this idea, why discuss it?
+1 agreed.

I notice you no longer state in the opening post any reasons for why your idea should be implemented. If there are no reason for implementing this idea, why discuss it?
how is this relevant to this discussion? i thought it was pretty clear and required no personal reasons for implementation. please troll somewhere else if you aren't going to contribution any longer.

That's not it; it's the fact they can bypass that effort by simply buying CE is what this thread is about. That is the flaw in your argument. Whether or not buying to bypass the grind is considered "right" or "cheating" is a completely different and subjective issue.
Ahh, I see your point.
I don't think it's a good idea as it prevents a big scale of people to join the market. The whole game is based around the market so the less people buy stuff, the less quicker you will sell your stuff. And besides, the new players are exactly the ones that buy the equips that are placed in the AH over and over again.
I'm sure the 3 star items i put in the AH are mostly bought by newbs. So my answers no, i don't think your idea is great.
Tbh theres also nothing bad about people buying their way in, as the game really puts more emphasis on skill rather than equips.

Very few genuinely new players will pay a bunch of money to buy five star gear immediately. Even those who do probably won't have to fail too many times in tier 3 before figuring out that they should try a lower tier until they learn the game.
The point of allowing unbinding gear is so that people who want to spend a ton of money on the game can have something to buy with it. You're proposing that they not be allowed to buy stuff with it, or perhaps rather, have to buy junk gear in order to be able to equip what they actually want. I don't see any sense in that.

lets put this thread to sleep already
I say it's up to them if they want to waste this game and they're money being idiots and buying tier 3 stuff and not enjoying the full game not saying they shouldn't do it I just say like cigars it should be up to them if they want to ruin themselves.
Good idea. It's beneficial to Three Rings, because it forces players to play through the entire game (thus increasing the demand for Energy), and makes progression more meaningful. I mean, you do currently have to do a significant amount of delving to craft 5* gear, because 4* gear up requires leveled-up pieces to transmute, but it's still a sensible and easily-implemented addition.