<Mecc> is now recruiting.
Mecc is a new guild with one simple goal: get rich.
Minimum requirements:
- -- Age: 15+
-- Equipment: Full 2*
-- Know how to be autonomous
-- Be able to SOLO Tier 2 with minimal revivals (if required).
-- Have knowledge of how the AH works and the simple mechanics of the Clockworks (including how Basil works).
The point of this guild is to be able to recruit as many crown and energy thirsty players as possible. Help each other out with recipes at Basil. Take turns jumping non-profitable levels with the invite/join feature and start the tier from the Terminal.
First and foremost: Mecc is not a simple friendly guild, Mecc is an enterprise.
- I will NOT be hosting any Guild Events that require YOUR money, no lotteries, no raffles.
I will NOT recruit any newbie players.
I will NOT hold your hand through this game.
I WILL invite your friends, as long as you hold their hand.
I WILL appoint officers through elections.
I WILL receive your complaints and remove non-profitable players, e.g., some shmuck dies 3 times on spikes within a short time frame and uses up all YOUR health to revive him.
Please leave you IGN and nothing else. Invites will be issued when available.