Team Epos is designed for the chivalry of our members. I am the Guild Master, and as such i'd like to say we're recruiting. Most of the guilds you will see on this form are looking for specific tier members, but in my guild we're looking to make members specific tiers. Weather it be just tagging along to help take out that pesky boss or a simple donation, i want this to be a guild where its members take care of each other. That's how it was created, and that's how it should act. If you are a low tier and looking for a guild that can help you through, or a high tier looking to help out the little guys, Team Epos is for you.
If you are interested in joining please pm me, i'm Eposzero. Make the body of the mail fit this description:
Game name:
Tier: (if your not all the way tell me "about #")
Estimate of time spent per week on sk:
Why you want to join Team Epos:
Just include that information and i'll be happy to let you in!