Possible Crown/Energy Sink and a different form of Player v.s. Player.
Before I begin, you're probably wondering where the heck are we going to get horses. Are we supposed to ride giant snipes or something? Well, I think it's best that horses were mechanical mechanisms that we create ourselves with crafts, crowns, and possibly energy. Who knows maybe Punch and Vise can help us out here. Each "horse", being mechanical, will have unique parts that offer either defense, speed, or health. Defense wards off damage to the horse and yourself, health allows the horse to take more damage, and speed makes it possible for you to strike at your opponent quicker.
As for the player, the player will have their sword and shield (or lances if they ever actually become a thing) and their armor. Armor and Shield factor for the players defense, while the sword factors for damage. Armor, Shield, and Sword also factor for speed. For instance a heavy sword or very sturdy armor/shield should slow you down. The heavy sword will cause more damage than a quick light sword. While sturdy armor/shield provides more health and defense.
As for how the jousting commenced. Players will face each other on opposing sides before starting, like how jousting is always done. Depending on the speed of the players will determine where they will clash. The players have a choice of, defending, striking the opposing players horse, or striking the opposing player themselves. If a player takes more damage than they can sustain they fall off their horse and lose. If the player's horse takes more damage than it can sustain the horse explodes and the player loses. If both players reaches the opposite side still intact a second round will begin and so on.
Jousting can be done for honor, crowns, and glory. Other players can spectate matches and bet crowns on who will win. OOO can host tournaments for all of Haven to witness and participate in for special prizes and such. Also training hall can have a section for testing your Horse in a mock joust match. Lastly, one could possibly ride their horse as a mount throughout Haven.(I don't care much for this part)
Oh and horses could probably have costumes. I mean who doesn't want to ride a vog cub or a giant snipe. :P