Okay i am probably dumb, stupid or ignorant, but i just talked to the guy beside the recipe machine and he mentioned something about a gremlin king, its not vanaduke right??? if it isnt, will it be a boss? would love to see it and kick it's butt
Where's the gemlin boss?
You also forgot troll <3
Jk, he doesn't 'exist' atm, but in the story he does.
Well i did love to see this guy in the core... surrounded by his crimsom order...
Would be cool if he could be another tier3 boss. but it sounds like he could be the boss of the "core".
Well, as said in the lore, King Tinkinzar is the king of the Gremlins. However, I am more worried about his "Crimson Order" currently as it said they are the most powerful and smartest Gremlins. And we know how tough the Darkfang (Tier 3) Gremlins are to dispatch. Just imagine how hard the "Order" will be *shudders*. That's why I would assume they could be a Tier 3 Boss. King Tinkinzar could be ones of the bosses of the core seeing that there's also the Alpha Team and that unknown being. So overall, I would assume that King Tinkinzar, the (Corrupted or changed) Alpha Team, and that unknown being to be bosses of the core. Or extending that, that unknown being to be the final boss of the current state of the game.
King Tinkinzar resides in the core, and has either eliminated or captured most of the Alpha Team who reached it before us.
Right before his army, the Crimson Order, were about to mobilize and overpower the coming survivors from the Skylark, the remaining members of Alpha sealed off the core, trapping both them and Tinkinzar's army within the core.
What awaits us as the Last Depth is a battle we're not yet prepared for.
Yes it appears that the Crimson Order will be even more annoying than the Darkfang Gremlin class, and the King will be alot more difficult than Vanaduke himself (Oh goodie,) either way, get your shadow weapons and elemental defense ready, and prepare to fight probably the most brutal set of enemies this game will offer.
^ lol at that.... hey wait... what if the gremlin king isnt a gremlin? you know like how thoese stories go? It could be a sentient being "mass effect FTW" and the gremlins are actually its puppets ; D
Okay now I'm just guessing.
Elemental? Yeah right. More like normal, with a smattering of pierce for when he fires his great big cannon at you.
I did rather see a non gremlin boss, cliched i know but who cares? a sentinel machine which attacks you with lasers which cause status effects and rockets like gun puppies, now that did be a rather nasty surprise to SK if we had a boss that fired heat seeking rockets....
King Tinkinzar is tremendously huge though, as big as Lord Vanaduke D:
there is going to be a T4 and the type of gremlins in T4 are crimson gremlins.
Me and my Acheron will be looking forward to the fight. :D
King Tinkinzar exists only in lore.