We should be allowed to use forum signatures to add a little bit of color to these forums =)
Adding Forum Signatures
I actually like the forums as they are, reminds me of old basic BBSes, and lets people focus more on post content rather than posters themselves.
Yes, I was waiting for that as well, but since I saw all these forum updates I wanted to just post the signature suggestion, but agree with you on that.
I actually like the simplicity of the forum; It stands out (...weird no? Forums are way too "fancy" nowadays) than most forums and game forums. I don't personally like avatars or signatures much, because they can be somewhat easily abused; Even when not against the rules, it can be used to annoy others, even unintentionally. Personally clustered, badly formatted/phrased, etc signatures look quite ugly and generally makes the forum look a bit less pleasing.
But in general yeah, I'd like at least the basic forum stuff. More formating options, an actual profile/stats, PMs, etc etc.
I really enjoy the way these forums are set up because it focuses on the content of the users' posts rather than their post count or avatar, etc.
I think some options such as PMing and contact info would be pretty cool, though. Basic communicative functions and all. I wouldn't be MAD if they added avatars, signatures, post counts, and all that jazz, but I love things the way they are on here.
We don't need some obnoxious people with five images in their signature that are all bad photoshops of their characters standing in flames and trying to be cool with huge names slapped onto it when you can already see it up where the person posting's name is while just exhuming trillions of tons of Obnoxyogen per second.
It's fine as is.
Avatars would be cool, though.
Yes for avatars. No for sigs.
I don't really like signatures, they tend to become a waste of space and bandwith.
Most forums limit the amount of signatures and have certain size you can use and characters etc. Which stop people from having 2000 sigs etc. Regardless I know it does take up bandwith, but would be cool we could have personal guild sigs etc. Would feel more like a community.
I wouldn't mind signatures, so long as they re only text and limited to something like 2 lines as well as placed an obvious distance below each users post, or have it appear faded/gray.
The Team17 forum is a good example of what I mean http://forum.team17.com/
The problem with avatars and signatures is they give moderators another thing to keep track of. I know a few forums where they don't have avatars/signatures simply because they feel as if there are more important things to moderate. Personally, I find signatures more of a pain than anything else, and I rarely use them even when the function is implemented. I do like avatars because they give posters a bit of uniqueness, but they aren't necessary.
I was actually wondering / expecting after release if these forums were going to evolve a bit, giving us full profiles, avatars, signatures, post counts, PMs, etc?