Will the dragons have two heads or three heads?
The upcoming Golden Sun gate.
YES. One of the best games evar, considering the time and medium.
At least if you ignore Dark Dawn...
Yeah, I wasted 14 hours on Dark Dawn.
For those who don't get it, this joke is a reference towards one of the new gates being constructed in Spiral Knights' Arcade, and the video game Golden Sun made by Nintendo.
oh ty for the explanation ^^
Rules are: If you have to explain it, it's not a good joke.
It's an in-joke, not one outsiders are supposed to get.
The joke has no power or influence over the ignorance of others. And I'll be summoning Crystallux to beat down anyone who said Dark Dawn was bad, you're all just bitter because you're following a bitter crowd of no 2-D graphics, equally bad dialogue, and bosses who are just as easy as the ones from the previous games. And let me tell you a lot of those dungeons were better than Air's Rock...
Hehe. Don't worry, I got it. Good work.
Actually Golden Sun was developed by Camelot Software Planning, a former part of SEGA. Do you remember all the Shining Force Games and Shining the Holy Ark for Sega Saturn? Yep, that was them as well.
So a reference to GS wouldn't even be that far off in this game... :D
game's made by camelot btw. back on topic: it really depends. [SPOILER]
if your parents are playing spiral knights, then 3 heads. if not then 2 heads [/spoiler]
The only GS game ive played was dark dawn and i can say it was bad. way too easy.
I played two of them, both on GBA... how many GS games were there anyway?
I think there might be a new one coming out later. but i don't know if they made enough money from dark dawn to make the next GS installment
dragons ?!? What dragons ?