First: This is NOT a Q&A thread, and I am not claiming to be an 'expert' of any caliber! I am just sharing what I am experiencing as I try to become a proficient gunner. So, to that end, I will try and answer questions about what I have written below, but I won't even try to tell you what the best X is for Y or the approach to end game is.
About me and why I am writing this: I have been playing SK for a few months now and am an avid forum reading, who seldom posts. My comfort/fun zone is firmly in the T2/3-4* gear range. My main character is primarily a bomber, but I built a new one - a want-to-be Gunslinger. My Main is 4* and I have opened up T3, but because IRL I am old - I don't have the hand-eye coordination to be real successful at T3. Not to mention it is just too chaotic in T3 for me. I do Ok in groups, but the 'race to elevator' mentality - that many seem to have - just doesn't sit with me. I like spending an hour to hour and half from gate to town (Moorcraft or Emberlight). Why am I writing this? As I said I am an avid reader of the forums, but most topics and advise don't fit my particular playing style, and wanted to put down what I observe/learn as I go.
About my character (Current Gear):
Armor: Proto
Helm: Gunslinger Hat (First purchase)
Guns: Magnus (Gifted when I got to Haven), Firotech Alchemer, Voltech Alchemer (IAS Low)
Shield: Bristling Buckler
When I got to Haven, the Magnus was a gift. I began doing T1 runs focusing on Snarby, Arenas and Danger Rooms (Yes you can solo Snarby with Proto and a Magnus. Quite easily in fact). I mostly run solo, or at least start that way. The stigma of Gunslingers and the desire to figure it out, when no one was watching, was the primary motivation for this - if they join a Gunslinger - it's on them (and my IGN kinda gives that fact away), but I won't join groups yet.
At first I was Proto Armor, Magnus and Proto Gun. Worked surprisingly well, but I dropped the Proto Gun for the Proto Sword for brush cutting (I try to clear EVERYTHING - I am not in a big hurry to get to the elevator as I mentioned. Hours of play on Mist appeals to me). I got a good deal on a Gunslinger Hat. The built in IAS of the Hat was noticeable enough, that when I bought the Voltech Alchemer, I spent a little more for the IAS UV. Was unable to do the same to the Firotech Alchemer however = ( when I got it.
Observations thus far:
* I seem to shield less, and take less damage, than I did when I was advancing my bomber gear - though it is slower. See why some gunners consider themselves the 'medic' of the group.
* The Magnus auto-aim works ALOT better than the Alchemer line so far for some reason. (Yes, I currently prefer auto-aim to manual aiming)
* The Voltech Alchemer clears brush/lamps pretty well, but the Magnus and Firotech does not.
* Magnus has issues (glitch?) with hitting the clear blocks when too close to them.
* Magnus does more immediate damage to Undead (noticed on Zombies) than the Alchemers. Second shot knock-downs stop them from 'jumping in' on you.
* While I think I was a pretty good Kiter when bombing, it takes a different approach/technique to be successful Kiter with a gun. This may seem obvious to most, but I did consider it when I started gunning. This new technique is what I am referring to as 'Block' kiting and works well in more open areas (Danger Rooms/Arenas for example)
* Even though hitting (and knocking down) Wolves/Devilites is surprisingly easy with the Magnus, drawing them into a corridor really does help. Though you will more than likely hit the target, others if close enough and not effected, will dodge. I am curious to see how well I can manage Dodgers in a party delve. The stun of Devilites and the Owlite popping crunch of the Alpha Wolver's bite were the bane of my bombing adventures!
* Breaking blocks, such as the ones to get to the key on Snarby level 2, is a pain with the two shot/reload of the current guns of choice, when they take 3-4 hits to remove out of the way.
Future Plans:
* Compare Alchemers vs Magnus on Undead and Gremlins once I get them to 3*
* Identify which Alchemer (Elemental Damage) gun I prefer
* Purchase Gunslinger Sash
* Compare the game play with and without using a Swiftstrike Shield with guns.
* With only two weapons slots currently, I am gonna stay with the Magnus/Alchemer lines until I can start delving the Twins Gate and get the new token guns to try out.
* However, I do want to try out an Autogun. I used one when I first started playing and hated the reload lock (no move). Apparently that has changed with patches, so I will give it a whirl.
IGN is Gun-Runner if you have comments, or would like to mentor me.