which one is better for jk and overall???
which one is better for jk and overall???
I used Gran Faust for about 3 weeks solid for JK and ultimately became frustrated with the speed. It especially became bothersome with JK himself and all that was going on. On the occasions when you do use the second attack instead of shielding right after the first, it leaves you open for a substantial time before shields are able to resume.
I moved to a Very High vs Slime Acheron and thoroughly enjoy the change. Not only do I have a much higher survivability rate, but I also find myself killing quicker.
I use the Virulisk set for increased jelly dmg (and overall sweet looks), results may be different with vog speed increase, but I can't see much.
The benefits of the Gran Faust is namely curse & when you manage to curse yourself you have 43 seconds of uselessness which can be devastating in JK etc.
With Acheron, I've found the charge esp helpful in JK lvl 16 on the bottom right room opening the corners, rarely do I get hit if you enter with the charge just after the larger jelly attacks.
(BigFootM - Perhaps instead of focusing on the quantity of your posts, you could dedicate yourself to improving the quality of them?)
It can curse enimies, does more damage, only curses you if you charge which you almost never need to do.
Acheron causes no effects has a terrible charge, etc.
GF all the way.
All you have to do is roll Asi or use a piece/set of Vog Cub. Same with DA compared to glacius. More use DA
I cam 1 hit jellies with or without a UV.
I love my acheron.. Charge attack is awesome what you talkin about>? I kite danger rooms and arena solo with the acheron and it does very well! Not only does the first swing cause knockback but the 2-3 explosions after also knock back and cause damage. I love watching a mender ride all three explosions putting him on the other side of the room dead!
I don't have faust though.. but i do have divine avenger which gets me hurt more than anything due to the 2nd attack leaving you open for what seems like an hour even with maxed out vog set.
To each their own but I take my acheron wherever I go!
It may do more dmg per hit, but as far as overall damage, I'm not convinced.
Acheron has a decent charge doing slight knock-back/down (and on chance can go quite far hitting multiple mobs into a group) and combo's out of it.
Faust charge is quite weak, and any usefulness in potentially cursing an opponent is immediately overshadowed by the chance of cursing yourself effectively incapacitating yourself (save for the off chance that the 1 weapon slot (random) it usually spares and you can use is decent for the situation).
As far as in their outright attacks, I've already mentioned the survivability and speed which plays an important factor against any quick enemy or mass mobs, but the Acheron also has the benefit of mobility. Used correctly it's quite easy to evade other enemies by chancing direction while continuing in the attack combo (or just shielding out as that's much quicker as well).
It really comes down to preference and play style. Faust has it's place, though I wouldn't consider curse a significant benefit. Jk is the only boss it can affect & the chance of the proc on second swing is remote. As far as curse on normal mobs, keep in mind it's the second hit which has the chance to cast & that their close to dead by that point anyway. I've had some success with the charge in arenas, but when you end up cursing yourself it can quite easily screw you over and flip the battle.
Faust is an excellent concept, but with the severely stunted charge (as compared to DA), curse resistance being a bad tradeoff on gear, and trinkets which don't "work", it's a poorly implemented weapon.
I hope OOO does better with it in the future.
(I'll also point out, that if a weapon requires a certain UV to be effective... there are better options.)
Exactly. If you need a slime uv for a Acheron that's just lame.
and i have decided to go with Acheron as i already have a 4* verson of it
plus i like fast wep and the only reason i keep DA is cuz of its knock back charge attack
thanx guys
The slime UV for Acheron is not required, the UV is representative of the effort & thought I've put into the choice.
(Don't troll BigFootM, you're not good at it.)
Acheron is by far better overall. Better charge, better speed, better survivability. It's just better period, and with just about any UV its even better. Gran Faust is ONLY ok for the fight vs JK, and even then, not that useful.
I don't have any of these swords... thought I will make them both.
(You will see where I'm going)
I have DA and I also have Glacius... (so we can say that they are pretty much alike)
Glacius is a great sword (Fast, good damage, good charged attack), but I use this sword as a 1 by 1 fight.
Divine Avenger is also a great sword (Good damage, great charged attack), and this sword comes more useful when you are fighting big mobs of creatures and to kick back enemies.
Both swords are great, they might not be Acheron nor GF, but I'm pretty sure they are very similar.
Each sword come helpful in a good moment, I believe GF is more useful with big mobs and bosses. Acheron for a fast 1 by 1 killing.
(Glacius is my 1st weapon slot, DA is my 3rd) - I preffer the fast 1 by 1 sword.
Talking about GF and Acheron...
I don't like the idea of cursing yourself, though cursing others come useful. (Possible Extra damage)
The 2-3 shadow damage explosions are great. (Also Possible (more surely) Extra damage)
You bring an excellent point angel, and I myself thoroughly enjoy the DA in arenas / rooms requiring you to orbit around them and pick mobs off / use bombs etc.
GF would be excellent if it's charge was similar to the DA, but alas it's not. From Faust -> Gran Faust it maintains the single sword projectile (like the Avenger) though it's slightly larger in size (not terribly noticeable & I could be mistaken by it just being the more noticeable purple border surrounding the sword).
If you're doing Jelly runs, you and really prefer the large sword swing, stick with a Faust and don't make it 5*. The damage nerfing in Tier 2 makes the difference between the two marginal at best, and you end up saving 800CE that could go towards something else.
I've used both. Gran Faust (yes, this was a long time before I knew of what I said in the previous paragraph) was my mainstay and 3rd 5* I made. I have to say, unless you get the speed boost from Vog Cub, it's a liability when using the second swing due to recovery time and enemies swarming in your peripheral and backside area. Also, the charge of GF is hardly reliable as it takes twice the charge times other weapons do.
I used the GF for over 1 month before dropping it due to these reasons, and that a Combuster was more efficient in dealing damage, as a full combo from a equivalent-starred brandish line deals more damage than a full combo from a Faust line to Jellies, even when applying the shadow damage bonus. Ended up going to Acheron a few weeks ago, and didn't look back.
Thanks for bringing up the ridiculous charge time Volebamus, I'd forgotten about that.
To answer the OP, both, curse him with the GF then wack away with the Acheron. GF to be used only on the king, Acheron for jelly/slime/gremlins in every other lvl/tier.
i made a thread about this same issue a while ago, but i had a different response from the community, mostly "you noob, Faust does heaps of damage, and has knockback!!!11one!1"
firstly, although i am a faust user, i would like an archeron, but cant be bothered wasting CE now since the "lol-your-wallet-is-mine" update which mangled the crafting tables.
anyway, as it stands, the whole archeron combo does far more damage than the faust full combo does.
the archeron is faster, allowing for more mobility - something spirall knights revolves around
the only thing the faust has going for it, is a somewhat average knockback, which sometimes doesnt knock jellies back far enough, and they end up hitting you, and its curse - which goes both ways on the charge, and is entirelly unreliable, even when you try killl yourself to give people heat (24 charges before i got cursed at one point. but always first go in combat. sigh)
i really believe the faust needs a revamp - more damage to at least be on par with the archeron, as it IS a large sword, and has a tiny combo.
that being said, if you already have a faust, you can do perfectly fine with it in jelly runs (most jellies'll die in one combo anyway), but if youre stuck choosing, go archeron, like everyone above says: its faster, easier to move with, and makes chasing down gremlins that much easier...
Faust has more knockback and deals more damage. Curse resist (if you plan on using the charge attack) and increased attack speed is needed though. If you're getting hit after the combo then you're obviously doing it wrong and you rely way too much on shield cancelling. Acheron is great, don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer the Gran Faust all the way. Turn off your auto-aim and put the 180 degree hit radius and knockback into good use.
Very High vs. Slime on an Acheron? And Virulisk set too? JK runs are probably the easiest thing in the world to do... Why do you need so many extra bonuses? LOL.
Disagree, Acheron deals more damage per second, and also in its full combo:
One of my guild mates posted this video using an Acheron.
I'm not a sealed sword fan. I'm not a fan of the GF/DA. It's slow. I will say DA is waaay more useful than GF in T3 and maybe worth getting for FSC but as for jelly? Acheron. Most definitely. It's fast. You get more swings in coupled with high damage, and not chance of damage to you or a team mate. There is a lower chance of interrupted attacks. I hate when I'm mid swing with my avenger and I get attacked. On top of all that, throwing up a shield right after using a seal sword is much slower than the other weapons I have used.
Gran faust a VERY frustrating weapon. Yeah, you level it out completely you get a speed increase, then if you get lucky and roll a CTR and speed in increase or whatever... MAYBE it will be useful. But by far go acheron. You'll be less frustrated later on. Then if you get curious and want to try out a gran faust by all means go ahead but I would go with the acheron in the beginning.
I quite enjoy my Acheron, I find it fits my playing style and allows for a nice amount of movement while still dealing pretty hard blows. I've used it to solo the JK, so it certainly works.
Unless it's been changed the JK himself doesn't share the full Jelly weakness and is only slightly vulnerable to shadow.
They're both good. I run a Faust just due to the fact that i own a levi and find the curse to be helpful. Really, if u get used to it, the Faust line is better overall assuming u can abuse its wide spread, hitting up to 4 slime a single swing. That combined with the 2nd hit delay exploit makes the faust line abusive. As long as u use more than 1 sword per 2 wep slots, cursing urself is fine, long as the other sword isnt say DA xD. personally, i dont do solo runs so even being cursed is fine. The curse makes up for the dmg anyway. In anycase, I run the faust for gremlin strats for mats. Like stated, dont bother with the charge for the faust for anyone but RJ, maybe VD but never seen that happen, so there must be a reason. Anyway its just preference, acheron is more versatile initially. It's mainly based on play style.
On a side note, my 2 vog pieces combined ASI aint too noticable, especially on the Sealed Sword lines. But im sure its still life or death to me in FSC :P
I'd say Acheron.
But I really feel I should point out that the JK himself isn't weak to shadow. Nor strong to piercing.
Divine set with GF? or vog set with archeron?
Both seem to have their merits, depends on play style. I like shield bashing everything so lol
I don't use my faust anymore. It's nice for large sweeping attacks, but the Acheron I found is better overall. And it's really strong with Skolver and Thorn shield. Which are the ideal armors you'll want for fighting jellies.
Here's a demo video I made for a guildie who was wondering if it was any good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhafsvcau2Q
You want a shadow sword? go GF... no comparison, though you will need to combine it with an ASI (can now get MAX ASI without UV's thanks to the new module trinkets :D )
Using a heavy sword, provided you have at least an ounce of skill (for those Americans thats about 30g :P ) you will scarcely get hit, time your attacks and crowds of jellies will bounce back up to you just in time to get owned by the second swing, the curse is just an added bonus :D
I don't get why people hate the charge attack.... provided you aren't dumb enough to take a piercing weapon to jelly palace it will always leave you with at least one useable weapon :D
^ now thats fair enough :P Just hate people complaining its useless because of the curse thing
I guess Gran Faust is better for defensive players... swing, shield. swing, shield. Curse is pretty nice though.
Swing shield, swing shield? what is this? if you're gonna take in a heavy blade at least take some cojones with you :p read the earlier post, good timing and you can use the second hit and still nothing will hit you :P It also attack-cancels enemies (even gun puppies :D )
Dude, I've done JK tons of times...I know that. It's just hard with other teammates, and etc.
I never used my GF for JK runs actually, I just used my Faust. I usually had my dusker/ash tail set. No ASI
I use Gran Faust for JK runs, and I swing/shield/swing. Mostly because I prefer a defensive fighting style. Play through T3 with that "have some cajones, rush in swinging" attitude, and you die. Better to fight safe and slow than to rush in and die. That said, I do not use GF for the King himself. I have Dread Venom Striker for that. I also don't use GF against the Lumbers on the run, I prefer Dread Venom Striker for them as well. Circle around them and let fly with a lot of damage very quickly, then shield.
I've used a Silent Nightblade and a Faust for JK runs.
Personally speaking (as no one can actually say which is better, it's all playstyle in the end), Acheron series is very superior to faust - in small one on one situations. However, the Jelly Palace is NOT in any way filled with small one on one's, but is nothing but large Aggro's.
During the jelly palace, faust is MUCH superior than acheron, as I'm constantly dealing with at least 3 enemies at a time, and the wide attack range and knockback are very helpful in not only dealing damage but keeping myself from harm. During the actual JK battle, the popular idea is to ignore the jellies and go straight for the king, so Acheron would be superior, as it deals a higher DPS.
As for the conversations about longer combos n' such, this game is all about loving your shield, so actually pulling off a full sword combo shouldn't be happening that often, if at all, as it gets you hit. Both of the charge attacks blow in their own way. Acheron series just isn't very great - as in it isn't wide enough to be actually used in place of actually swinging your sword (about 2 hits IMS), and while Faust's charge attack is powerfull, and landing the charge attack is almost a guaranteed curse, your'e likely to get cursed yourself, which WILL ruin a jk fight, while during the run you could just wait it out.
TL:DR Acheron for JK, Faust for Palace
I Use the Gran Faust cause it causes good knockback and more shadow damage i can effectively use it whenever. If you are getting hit on 2nd swing you dont understand a heavy sword yet and are relieing on shield canceling too much. I rarely use the charge only when a lot of mobs get close.
I prefer the GF over the Acheron
People told me faust was better due to curse and damage when I made my night blade when I was a newb. But I wanted to stick with my nightblade, the thing is faust is much slower which doesnt fit with my play style. I found that out when I got a sealed sword and made an avenger.
Acheron may not curse on hit but you can freely use the charge attack over and over, which itself has knockback. Its quick so you can kite and unleash a charge then immediately throw up your shield. dealing with multiple enemies is not hard, pull back and charge and you'll hit like 3-4 enemies along with damaging them with archeron's explosions.
that said it really depends how you play, I play more hit and run type fighting. So I prefer acheron's speed, but if its anything like my DA then Im sure I would not like the Grand faust.
Really Guy's? STOP TRYING to prove which weapons are "Better" instead why not say what they bot HAVE and DON'T HAVE:
My General View of these swords although i have NEVER used Acheron the basic information lies here.
Faust: 2 hit sword and your pretty much never suppose to use charge UNLESS you have more than 2 weapons or else your pretty much boned does AWESOME damage or at least enough to make jelly killing a breeze also curses enemies on basic attack occasionally.
Acheron: 3 hit sword - does more damage than Faust because of that however lacks in knock-back which can be slightly risky due to jelly attacking Charging in your face. The charge attack is the basic brandish slash with the line of explosions don't know how much damage that does but it does probably enough damage.
I prefer Faust because of the knock-back and dislike being hit by lack of push-back but that's MY liking not yours.
you can choose what you want :D
@ Eldibs I don't remember dying in my T3 runs from taking advantage of swing 2 every time :P
Gran faust