Well the title says it all. Post who your favorite NPC and why.
Who's your favorite NPC ?

All of the Strangers.
Except the guy with the Energy mask. Not so big on that. But ALL THE OTHERS. <3
Konjuring Kat. :D!

Punch or Vice are easily the most interesting NPC's we have.
And are not there mask's just awesome.
I want to take a stick(maybe a Flourish) and jab him in his eye. D:<
His helmet just makes me wanna do it~
But, I still love him.
Not as much as the Moorcroft Manor kat.
Ok, maybe I do.
between Basil and Kozma. Basil because i like to think he fight his way down to the terminals like the rest of us, excepts he tougher because he uses his fists (claws? gravity manipulater? do strangers even have hands?)to get there. Kozma because her recipies help me meet the annoying requirements to get to the lower tiers quickly brinks is annoys me for some reason i can quite place my finger on. Im indifferent towards the rest of strangers because i rarely buy anything premade.
Grantz is a cool guy. He takes rockets on his armor and doesn't afraid of anything.
Now who has the artifact for Firestorm Citadel? The data for it is missing in the Wiki. Someone's gotta fix it.
but the new guy who is on crack... because well.. he's on crack xD
Konjouring Kat
What dark ritual? =3
definitely not basil. I hate him.
Fave is probably that receptionist kat
I know we're supposed to be both accepting and friendly to people of other cultures, but come on! A demonic, soul-sucking, coffee-slurping denizen of hell shows up on our doorstep, and we're just supposed to let him hang around, without an armed escort to keep tabs on him? Can we really trust this abominable creature not to taint the souls of our younger knights? (Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!) Why, if OOO didn't forcefully replace my "kill-the-evil" button with a "have-a-friendly-chat-with-an-irredeemable-otherwordly-horror" button, you can be sure that I for one would have done something about this travesty, coliseum rewards be damned! D:<
What? ... Oh, sorry, my favourite NPC? That'd be any one of the poor cursed/uncursed Nature Sprites in FSC. I know, they're probably totally hideous under those masks, but as long as they keep that headgear on, they're A-OK with me! :3

Vatel since he's so nice that he let's punch and vise blow up his house

A teal/light blue snipe i always try to catch
King Krogmo.
He's just so jolly. And he is working to make Cradle an explodier place. I can respect that.
Krogmo: "Have a nice day! ^_^" *KABOOOOOOM*
Friggen right Konjuring Kat! I talk to him every time I'm in Moorcroft.
"What dark ritual?" Oh, you sly cat.

The Frog Prince of the PVP area... for no other reason then he gives me goodies. :)

Konjuring Kat by far. It will never get old. Moorcroft is also my favorite town. I want a Moorcroft themed haven would be so cool, "...a continental breakfast is served complements of the house every full moon and you may never leave this place for ever and ever. Enjoy your stay!"

Yeah. Gotta change my fave to Konjuring Kat.

i like konjuring kat the best because nick said there might be a new secret release that has somthing to do with kat hats....

Uh oh-- this is and old post and I'm sure that the release you're talking about is the spookat halloween mask

Chalk up another for Konjuring Kat. Come on...he's/she's just like any other cat...mischievous but looks so innocent and could never do something wrong. =3 Really wish there was a better pic of him/her...I really want to make a banner of him/her for my other forums. =/

Has anyone tried talking to Konjuring Kat while wearing an authentic spookat mask?

What isn't to love abou thte little rascal? He's intelligent, friendly, sly, and plays a mean game of air hockey.

The Desk Clerk of Moorcroft Manor is adorable. And his face is on an achievement.

The desk clerk in Moorcraft with the fancy monocle, bowtie and pretty kitty face.
Does he have a name? I can't think of it off the top of my head.

I have a soft spot for Kozma, I think.

Punch ftw, for he holds all my money!

Tie between basil and konjuring kat.
Konjuring kat for obvious reasons, and basil because I LOVE how he always looks like he's wearing a monocle.

Kozma for sure, or maybe Barquel, because I like her style.
I think Brinks is an okay fellow, you should cut him some slack. Sure Kozma has to keep up with all those recipes but Brinks has to tote around a whole armory of gear and materials.

The Nervous Knight (go look for him)

Not one person posted the zombie that haa awesome face in Blast Network
The zombie with the awesome face is either on the far right or far left of the Blast Net arena. On to my reason, because I could stand in bn and constantly die I spend all match looking at his face.

It makes me sad to see posts from my pre-forum change account that I can't use anymore. :(
I've also changed my mind, Sullivan is alright, but I think I like Vaelyn better. Standing guard over the abyss of the Core, steadfast and ever vigilant.

Brinks has to tote around a whole armory of gear and materials.
He probably teleports them from his warehouse after you pony up the tokens. :D

Bechamel. That gigantic pair of scissors looks cute. I want it to be released as a weapon! Those accessories look fabulous, too.
My least fave is basil cuz ge always has junk. My fave is that CE vendor.