please do something about this. every game there are 2-3 people afk'ing their way to tokens
Afk'ers in pvp
I spent most of a match 'Afk'ing, except anytime someone dropped a bomb near me I would do my best to avoid it. So many people killed themselves trying to kill me, and I actually came in second place without dropping a single bomb.
That was quite a lot of fun.
Sometimes I AFK, but it's not because of coin prices. It's the god-awful lag I often experience. :/
There's not much they can do right now that wouldn't target the people that are lagging as well.
With that being said, how are AFKers ruining the experience? You're not dying because of them, and the only thing they're getting is tokens, which is the exact same thing you're getting as well. If they want to give away 200 crowns for a token, what does it matter?
In Free-For-All they're just a free kill, but friends of mine have seen AFKers in team battles too. They're a hindrance to the team they're AFKing on.
Ah. That I can understand then; but for the time being, isn't bribing King Krogmo glitched? It shouldn't theoretically affect much until they fix that, when bribing the king to get items for the winning team becomes a problem.
It looks like they're updating the game again so I'm gonna assume they have a fix getting ready to be implemented for that.
afking is helpful for those that don't afk in FFA. it makes you more likely to win the prize money and reduce YOUR cost of farming coins.
In team battles, they should implement a Vote to Kick system, where if every person on the team votes, the designated afk'er will be removed from the team. It won't exactly work if there are 2+ afk'ers, but that rarely happens anyway.
In team battles, they should implement a Vote to Kick system, where if every person on the team votes, the designated afk'er will be removed from the team. It won't exactly work if there are 2+ afk'ers, but that rarely happens anyway.
They could make it so that AFK people aren't counted in the vote.
And when would they have time to vote?
They are probably focusing on the game, watching the enemy team's bombs ;)
I say let them. They basically count as free kills and will end up with their own Krogmo Coin token in the end anyway, it's not like they'll leave without dropping items.
anyone who has zzz's over their head should be kicked from the match with no refund
How about they fix the insane lag that way arena is actually fun to play not a mindless grind for recipes?
I loved bomberman on SNES, but the lag makes arena an unpleasant experience; snapping back after dropping a bomb, walking for 5 seconds then popping halfway across the map because someone dropped a bomb that didn't show up on the screen, dying because appearing behind a wall on your screen doesn't really mean your all the way behind a wall, and a few dozen other complaints you can come up with after a single match.
What confuses me is why such a small contained match is so laggy. Its a simple map that takes up a screen, with say 25 non-destructible pieces of terrain and 25 that are destructible and 4-8 sprites dancing around dropping bombs. There is less lag in FSC and those maps are giant and have quite more going on.
So the solution to your afk problem is this: Fix lag thus making arena fun, or don't make recipes only purchasable with coins.
2 of the top 10 players globally are AFKers.
2 of the top 10 players globally are AFKers.
It's obvious players are running multiple clients to farm tokens, especially because everything but the bombhead masks aren't bound to your character when you buy them. It's easily fixable, though: the player with the least amount of kills shouldn't get any tokens. BAM, afk problem solved.
Yeah, I'd like there to be more of an incentive of "Play to win, risk to lose." type of deal with the PvP arena. It sucks having to keep track of who's afk, then bombing your way to them to get cheap kills every new round.
I'm not even sure I like winning anyways. :/
Totally not being sarcastic here.
Score at least one non-self kill to get a token- killing a teammate counts, but killing yourself doesn't.
"the player with the least amount of kills shouldn't get any tokens. "
Unfair to players that suck at Bobmerman.
Also, there obviously are players that don't like this type of "PVP", but it's not their fault. You can't blame them - they simply want to buy something for Krogmo crowns, too.
I say they deserve their PVP token for being there without actualy enjoying it.
This is the reason I kinda hope they won't do anything against FFA mode AFKers.
(I am talking about FFA, not about team battles)
And personally, I am only playing to get some tokens so I can buy something I want, too.
Wow simply insta-boots afk players from battlegrounds and debuffs them with a 15mins deserter...
This could be easily implemented and solve the afking but I agree that fixing the awful lag would then encourage people to play PVP instead of flat out quitting.
I AFK in FFA matches. Sue me.
Want me to play? Fix the lag. I don't particularly like Bomberman but I wouldn't mind grinding if I actually felt like I was playing a game against other players and not against the almighty server.
It's not worth wasting 5 minutes of getting stuck in walls to get 1 token, when I can go and do something constructive with my time and still get that token.
Especially when I need so many tokens for what I'd like to buy, and that is heaps of time that I would have to spend doing something I don't enjoy. What the hell, people, shut up and enjoy your free kills.
I played Aadadsada or whatever the name is, you know the number 5 ranked player? Guess what... Doesn't even play. Just sits around having their rank increased while doing god knows what.
The problem with the inactivity booting is that there's ways around it.
Meh I like them, they're perfect bait for killing others, then I get two kills easy. Anyway with the coin prices I don't really blame them, if it werne't for my love of Bomberman I'd have probably stopped playing this a while ago.