At the moment? Yes. It's your fault. All of it. No matter what it may be. But don't worry, it doesn't have to be. In fact, if you follow this advice, nothing will be your fault, ever again.
Recruitment for Not Your Fault has begun! That's right, you can join Not Your Fault and nothing will be your fault ever again, after all, it is our guild name, so it must be true.
Send your messages to Zylo-Wolfzan for more information on the power of things not being your fault!
(possibly)COMING (never)SOON! The Not Your Fault Handbook! All the information you need to know to (maybe) move up in the world of Not Your Fault!
Not Your Fault is a very relaxed guild where we mostly just mess around and do random stuff. We have a strict no-douchebag rule, so be aware! And be a not-douchebag.
signed I await the replies of many eager possible members!