Spiral Police is Recruiting.
So far it's just me and a buddy. This will be a guild for people who know when to use their shield and don't rely heavily on UBER-gear but rather on Skill.
You've played enough to know every mobs general movement and don't just bash away blindly at them but wait for the right openings.
"but there are enough heart containers and I have peeelz" is not an excuse. Those pills would come in handy in really tricky Puppy levels that we WILL grind because more puppies means higher chance of love puppies spawning.
You watch out where you knockback opponents because no one likes a Tree-Fister flying at them with a raised arm.
Reruitment Requirements and Ranks as follows:
Recruit: You need the Silver Survivor Achievement. You've survived Tier 2 without dying and proven you that when you die reviving you is not in vain. That's easy you say but apparently only 0.6% of all steam players have managed that.
Member: You need the Gold Survivor Achievement. You've survived Tier 3 without dying and proven you know that the monsters down there hit hard and it's best not to get hit at all. You dodge, hit and run, know when a tactical retreat splits the hordes of enemies to your advantage and don't rely on your Gear only to survive but also your skill.
Veteran: You need Gold Survivor and Cradle and All achievements. You've shown dedication to the game. You went from top to bottom, you know (not literally) what dmg your weapon deals on every stratum not because you check the wiki all the time but because you've played enough to feel it. No, this is not obligatory and no Veteran member should make fun of "mere normal members". Same goes for Officers. We should all aspire to better ourselves but there is no pressure even though there is so much text here^^
Officer: You need the Dauntless Delver Achievement. Congratulations you've really done it, top to bottom without dying. You deserve your rank, feel free to teach other members who want to get this achievement a thing or two.
Q: Why are you being so Elitist?? I want to join but I don't have the required achievements.
A: No one ever said we'll never play with you or scold players. Infact since, we are recruiting, we would actually help you get the Achievements you need, but not by killing everything while you stand in the back.
Q: Why Spiral Police? Are we going to solve crimes? :O
A: It was just a little joke when I made the Guild. I wear a costume helm with a blue light on the front and a darkthorn shield that has a red light at the back. So when I spin really fast I look like a police light. But since real police goes through special training as well, you could view the "Gold Survivor" requirement for the Member rank as such training.
Q: Do I have to wear that same outfit? It looks lame!
A: Nope. Feel free to wear whatever you want. My looks will probably change too sooner or later.
Q: Do I have to be super active?
A: Nope, but if you never log on again we will eventually kick you like any other guild would. If you go on vacation, need to study for exams or your boss is breathing down your neck for a longer period of time just write a small message.
Q: Do we have a forum? Do I have to be online there all the time?
A: Similar to the previous Question...no. The message system in the game should suffice for all our communication needs and there's also Skype, Steam Chat, ICQ or MSN.. whatever...none of these are mandatory of course but if you don't even reply in the ingame chat we might have a problem with communication.
Q: Are you a rich guild?/Will you finance my equipment?
A: No. But with time we might implement a scamfree system to support new members. (Friends of people who've been in the guild for some time and we can trust) Also: this does not include trading. If you need an item for your next craft, feel free to ask around the guild to trade it for something they need but to those that have the needed Item in plenty supply, don't rip off your fellow guild member, he or she might have something you need the next time around and you'd like a fair price/trade as well. Also don't quarrel about "back when I traded you Item X it was far less worth than the auction house says now" The auction house does dictate prices but that doesn't mean we have to fight about it and not trade with each other.
Q: What about loot sharing after a completed run?
A: That can be decided before each run. If a member has really had bad luck with the drops in the last few guild only runs then that member shall receive some of the items of a recently more fortunate guild member of course. There will be no need to fight about loot though please. We've all experienced an unlucky run with complete strangers and survived it and so we shouldn't rage at each other just because we know each other now.
Q: Why should I join you? there's loads of other guilds with cooler names and rich guys who're going to finance my equipment.
A: No reason really besides knowing that when you play with us you know the ranks and skills required for said ranks will help us a great deal in getting far in the clockworks without losing much energy.
Q: Are we going to compete as a guild on the Blast Network?
A: In time with enough interested players we'll surely make a bomberteam for the Blast Network.
Q: Are guild matches on the Blast Network mandatory?
A: No. The last two answers will be the same for any future PVP systems the game might implement.
Q: Is this always going to be serious business like it sounds omg I just wanna have fun.
A: No. We joke around of course and there will be times where we all go down a gate we aren't really equipped for totally drunk and "try out new tactics". But if a member is currently trying to get a new achievement for a rank please don't ruin it for them :) .
Q: If ascending in ranks isn't mandatory..why should I advance in rank at all?
A: It's up to you of course. But with higher ranks rises confidence and team morale. Which means we can go and challange those "Rainbow Colored" gates barely anyone wants to challange. This also doesn't mean that the high ranking guild members should bicker at each other or lower members when someone does die in such gates. Getting these ranks also doesn't mean that you have to play on that level of performance for ever from now on. But believe me it spurs you to keep playing safe like that by itself :D and that will make us seek out new challanges.
Q: Can you please tell this jerk that flamed me "noob" in the other game that I'm a Spiral Police Officer omfg!
A: No. Spiral Police will not be about bragging or reacting to people flaming or trolling us. If they don't stop, ignore them.
Q: Wait a second, You're a jerk! I've played with you before and you weren't nice.
A: I'm just human. If someone uses 2* Crystal shard bombs on Tier 3, that do no damage and just make the Wolvers teleport like crazy, I comment on it. How you interpret that is not up to me. There's worse people than me :p
Q: Do you have the necessary Achievements to be our Guild Master?
A: Yes, Silver, Gold, Cradle and All and Dauntless Delver.
Q: What about Bronze surivor?? :O
A: Duurrr!! :P yes
Q: What Equipment do you use?
Armor: 5* Radiant Silvermail + low curse res
Shield: 4* Dark Thornshield - standard
Helm: 5* Vog Cub Cap - standard
Sword: 4* Faust + low dmg vs constructs
Gun: 5* Storm Driver - standard
Q: Was that the Equipment you used to get the Achievements?
A: No. I had a 4* Silent Nightblade with low dmg to gremlins. and my helm was still 4* when I did it.
Q: Are you bragging about that now?
A: No. It's so you can be more confident in getting them yourselves.
I can't think of anything else right now but if you have any other Questions just post them here and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible :D
Update since it's a quite "popular" topic.
Q: Can you help me get over my nemesis monster/stratum?
A: I can only show you the door, you have to choose to walk through it.
(Charname: Lycc)