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6 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Roarr

Watch out for the person called [redacted], told me he wanted my blackhawk and asked me to unbind and later said he doesnt want it cuz he thought it was a 5*. Later he told me not to worry cuz I can sell it just like he sold his not long ago.

If he had sold his, then why would he thought it was a 5* gun?

[EDIT: Please report these incidents to the GMs in-game so that they can look into the issue right away, instead of posting on the forums. I understand the desire to warn people. However, we'd prefer that you allow the GMs to handle scammers. -Eurydice]

Portrait de Orangeo
You aren't allowed to call

You aren't allowed to call out people, not my rule. Mabey he's just not that intelligent, and didn't realize. Either way, this isn't a goot thing to post on the fourms. What do you want me to do about it?

Legacy Username
He was just trolling you, i

He was just trolling you, i guess your better choice now that you unbind it is to put it on AH and see if it sells.

I dot think it counts as a scam since he technically didn't took anything from you (oh he was a jerk, but he didn't stole you anything)

Portrait de Rangerwillx
Not that bad.

You might actually be able to make profit on the Auction house, put it on cheaper then the other one there, if the isn't another another one, then do this: Buy out 300K cr, starting bid 99K. Some noob might want it and buy it.

Portrait de Bigfootm
Hey! I might want that

Hey! I might want that ranger! Calling me a noob. Humph. How much for it?

Portrait de Orangeo
What noob carries 300k...?

What noob carries 300k...?

Portrait de Bigfootm
Like seriously. Lol. A pro

Like seriously. Lol. A pro meant to give 3k but gave 300?