Kymroi's Updated Suggestions
Basic explanations below list
~Suggestion list~
-When possible add a costume shop for energy, in game with a dev we talked about watermelon helm, paper bag, etc, you know who you are!
-Increase Energy Tanks to 200, keep the same rate though
-Create a mist to crystal converter, can only be used once a day, fee of crowns, only 100 energy at a time, 20-25% transfer rate, so 100 becomes 20-25
-Lower priced shop items
-Give all crafted items special pluses(like a little more attack, speed, but keep it low){crafted items would have more value and be stronger basically}
-This would make shop items buyable and usable, but crafted items would still be more desirable
-New heat interface, give the option of percent of how much heat that goes into each equip, but needs at least 10% for each
-Furnace(shoebox) Decent idea, but could use a little work, items go in, heat comes out
-Recipe pieces drop in dungeons, more pieces = more rare
-Take vials and capsules away from treasure boxes
-Decrease drop rate of 1 star materials, slightly increase drop rate of vials and capsules from monsters
-(saw in forums) Create a material synthesizer, every 10 can turn into 1 of the next star rank, so 10 frayed fabrics becomes 1 fine fabric(only for certain items though)
-Slighly decrease fire damage, not most important, but its really deadly now
-Add confused status, uncontrollable movement
-Add quests from random npcs, probably a lot later in game though, could take a while to balance them
-Once in a new town, pay a certain fee, and be able to use elevators from any town to go to a town you’ve been to and paid for(possibly a quest to obtain this option)
-Weapon slots increased back to three, possible of 5, 2 buyable through energy(not now though, later when more weapons is more desirable for different weapon effects)
Energy is probably the most important resource in the game. Energy can be used for dungeoneering, crafting, etc(more to come probably) Energy takes one full day to restore the limited 100 energy supply. Some people cannot buy energy because they dont have the money, or if theyre still a teenager, their parents wont let them buy it. I noticed a huge energy dependency when I logged on, and a low energy rate as well.
Crowns are another important resource. They can be used to trade, craft, buy equipment, buy energy, etc. The only problem with crowns, is that the rate of crowns you get compared to costs of shop items are completely different. It would take a while to get the amount you need, and then theres also the energy crisis I stated above. The crafting crown rate is pretty good, but the shopkeepers are ridiculous.
Heat is a great addition to the game. Weapons power up a little with each level and must be level 2 to charge. The cap for levels is 10 right now though. There is a lot of potential for heat. When items are level 10 they still take up energy even though they're not supposed to.
~Recipes and Crafting~
Recipes and crafting make up the bulk of receiving items in the game. The player must find a vendor who is selling recipes, and buy this recipe, sometimes really cheap and other times really expensive. I think that the prices for recipes are pretty balanced right now. Recipes should drop in dungeons, or parts of them, and you need to collect them all to put together a recipe.
~Treasure Boxes~
Treasure boxes have got to be everyone's favorite part of the game! Except when you open one up and a vial pops out. A treasure box gives you a consumable item that you eventually discard by leaving the dungeon. What's the point? Shouldn't you get treasure from these things and not useless bottles that eventually expire? Health capsules and remedy capsules are useful but I would rather have some more treasure.
~Monster Drops~
Monster drops are some of the best things in the world imo. Monsters can drop pretty much everything. You can get materials, heat, crowns, sometimes equips, vials and capsules too. This is pretty balanced right now.
Right now there are very few statuses, some more powerful than others. Getting poisoned isn’t bad, stun is not that bad either, but getting caught on fire is every one’s worst nightmare. The damage is so intense on fire that you die in a couple of seconds. This could be toned down just a little in my opinion, and other statuses could be added too.
If quests were to be put in game I think the game could actually go places. But dont make them random search quests like, "I need red shards for no apparent reason, go get me 1000!?!?!?" Quests should actually have a purpose, like guild quests, or unlocking the inside of the Skylark, stuff that would make the game awesome. Rewards for quests could be materials, equipment, energy(in low amounts) and recipes. The difficulty of the quest would give rarer items
That’s about all for now
More suggestions to come