What kind of person does this?
Well, i needed some fast money today so i decided to sell my skolver coat recipe at basil price = 25k cr.
This guy wanna buy it, so i put it in and, since im used to transfer stuff between me and my friend, press confirm without waiting for him to put in the money (Fail)
He confirms and ofc he logs off as soon as i ask him to pay me my money. I mean come on - it was a freakin cheap and good deal alrdy, why scam?
His name is "[redacted]", please do something bad to him from me lol...
[EDIT: Please report these incidents in-game to the GMs instead of on the forum, where they may not get seen quickly. Thanks!]

Aye, tough luck. I know a guy who, upon agreeing on a deal, made me unbind my 5 star equipments and then tries to scam by paying 4 digits instead of 5 repeatedly. My memory happens to be excellent, so I'll remember you forever buds :)
im just so sad about it....
Does anyone know how it long it takes to get a complain response?
The GMs don't always let you know when they've done something to the offending player.
They probably will do things to that player. They just won't tell you what they did.
I wish I could say it's because "it's an unspeakable fate that none should ever wish to know," but nah. It's a rule protecting privacy or something.
So basically they won't do anything to like... give me back my stuff?
Cause for me that 5 star recipe was A LOT...

I can't see the pix but once you hit that trade but, the item is no longer yours. Sorry to hear all thus.

I'll look out for him too.freaking scammers these days.
Woah razor - good job, and thnx :)
And BigFoot i know it's basically my fault, but still? I wouldn't even have confirmed the free recipe, and if i did i woild have payed the money as soon as ppl... It just makes me wonder how this guy doesn't even seem to feel bad about it, and alrdy trying to scam others :O

Some people just have a complete lack of conscience and empathy. Somehow, I have a hard time feeling bad for them.

These scammers are just poor.I saw this newb sayings crafting tempered caliber for free.I was curios how a guy who stared one or two days ago got that recipe.I asked him what's the stats and that got him.And I asked him what mats are needed and and then he went away.

The tempered calibur doesn't have any "stats". /failboat

Stats: amount of damage and speed.
You failed :P

Never confirm a trade that isn't complete. I mean once he puts in the money then you have to re-confirm anyways. You're wasting your own time pushing the button, and leaving yourself open to things like this.

You can't tell the "stats" of that item because its just a bar, and most of the bars are wrong to begin with, so no. Still your fail. You can't tell someone "oh, the tempered calibur has x damage and x speed." This game doesn't work like that.
It was a mistake paska :O But thats not really the points of this thread - point is that this guy ain't got any empathy - at all
You can tell them it has x-number of bars of damage and x-number of bars of speed.

Like I said before, most of the bars are wrong and not accurate. Just look at Divine Avenger vs Gran Faust. Both weapons have the same speed but the bar on Faust is twice as long. This game has a lot of non-accurate tooltips. Lrn2spiralknights.
Please... no more calibur in my thread...

Well next time don't get scammed and we won't have to hi-jack your thread.
LOL! I was going to show him my recipes and ask if he wanted any of them because he showed me all of his money you idiot.
Okay I finally got my account validated because it was glitched up. I've gotten so many messages about this...First it's your fault for accepting it and second I actually did have to go do something for my mom. That's why I put up an Afk message. I did send you some money if you didn't get it then I'm not going to send anymore because I would've already wasted enough crowns. I have helped out tons of people I am not a scammer people... Quit messaging me about it it gets so annoying because I had to keep explaining because I couldn't post on this because it was glitched up.
It posted twice for some reason.. >.>
[redacted]... Stop making it worse and worse :O We both know that you didn't sent me any freakin money, and if you rly did you should have taken a screenshot, like i've been doing all the time - that makes it much easier for everyone to see what rly happened. Now i got no way to prove that you didn't send me money, but i got no reason to lie. Srsly - do you really believe that i would give you a free recipe just to start all this? Some people trust me enough to pay me unbind fees before even recieving their items. We're talking up to 4k ce here!
So [redacted]... Why don't you just give me money OR my recipe and we will just forget all this? i'll even delete delete this thread :O

its your fault that you hit confirm before he had the chance to put the crowns in. Next time, think before you hit confirm. I doubt anything will happen to him, but you never know. Good luck. sucks to suck
Now he has no response to me sending him the money... He must of forgived me.
Rather, he's letting the fact that he accused you of scamming and seeing you pay him back sink in. Give the poor guy some time, scams are tough things to endure.
Good try pichu trading the 25k to your mate :)
Fun thing though how ur forgot the 100cr fee for sending the mail :O
84075 - 25000 = 59075
What happened to the last 100 cr? Someone trade them to you in between the screens? How sad, huh?
Come on pichu, stop trying to fake the evidence, ure making this worser than it is :O
Good try pichu trading the 25k to your mate :)
Fun thing though how ur forgot the 100cr fee for sending the mail :O
84075 - 25000 = 59075
What happened to the last 100 cr? Someone trade them to you in between the screens? How sad, huh?
Come on pichu, stop trying to fake the evidence, ure making this worser than it is :O
I sold some light shards to a guy... For a really cheap price because I'm "Not scamming"

You must be an idiot that can't use a calculator then. 84075-25100=58975, not 59075. Lrn2math.
You send me 25k which is = 59075
but it also costs 100 cr to send the mail so the number should have been 58975
Better yet, if both of you two are online, why don't you just do that directly instead of one sending via mail? That just adds another layer of dishonesty.
so where did the trade complete message in chat dissappear to?
^ for the light shards you "sold"
ye we did - if you just sold some light shards, it would say trade complete bla bla bla in chat

Please, either wait a GM response, or discuss this in anothar place, no one wants a flamewar
reason why i wanna discuss this in here is for everyone to see it, and how he keeps busting himself
why does it keep double posting? Even my computer is trying to prove a point here!
Incase you don't know the people in trade chat spam a lot so it was already pushed back plus I had to log out to get the screenshots up.
You had to log out in between taking the screenshots? Now youre completely mashing up the sequence...
I have to exit out of Spiral Knights then the Screenshot uploader thing comes up finally then I upload save and post on here.
So you took a screenshot while composing the mail, sold some light shards, logged out, and then logged back on to take the other screenshot? Come on everyone knows ure lying... Why can't you just give me either my money or my recipe back and we will forget all this? I don't want a flame war, neither do i wanna screw up either of our reputations. I just wan't my stuff...
Trying to sell it right now, huh?
Look, it's just not that hard. Both of you set up a meeting place for a direct trade. It's really simple.
You do owe him the 25k for a recipe he offered you. Don't delay or escape from that responsibility. That's just silly.
GMs don't like it when you name-and-shame other players. They will probably edit his name out of your post.
What you should do is report the player in-game through the HELP menu and let them investigate.