I'm soloing right now. I started at level 0. I'm on level 5 now. There has not been a single tank dropped yet. How is this possible?
Where are the tanks?

If you're asking about Vitapods (the white and red canisters that increase your health bars) then, while I agree that it's unusual to go that many levels and not have any show up, since drops are (relatively) random, it isn't impossible. You just kind of hit the bad end of the luck scale in that way.

u get a mist tank once u are cleared for the next tier
if i remember correctly u will only receive those mist tanks once you dont get them if u make other knights
if you meant Vitapod the health increasing canister then its all about probability ive gone whole runs without getting one

I got one right after I posted this. Thank you, GM?
You're the guy who was also convinced that the auction house price cut was not a flat 10% even though it was. Now there's this. Both topics show you have a misunderstanding or incorrect assumption about how the game works.
Mist tanks are only given to you (if memory serves) when you hit Haven, Moorcroft, and Emberlight (that is to say, when you reach haven, and then when you unlock tiers 2 and 3). There's a fourth one, I think, but I forget. They are not purchaseable or tradeable, and cannot be crafted (duh). They are only given to you once, and used once.
By the way, your "how is this possible" comment really rubs me the wrong way, I should say. You didn't just make an incorrect assumption about the game (that mobs drop mist tanks at all, let alone somewhere in T1), but the question "how is this possible" means you couldn't even come up with any ideas about why mobs weren't dropping mist tanks, which is a shocking lack of critical thinking. This never crossed your mind?
I can understand not knowing about things, or having a hypothesis about how something works but not being totally sure. That's completely fine, we've all been there. But your two threads so far show that you're totally certain "this is the way things work" when it's not. I strongly suggest next time you don't understand why or how something is happening, make a thread (or even before that, search for previous ones) asking about how something actually works, instead of "guys, this stuff isn't working this way, something is wrong."

I think he means vitapods... and yes its kinda unusual but if you ask me it isnt that unusal on tier 1, if its tier 3 then yes... start panicking
this is epic i wanna tank to drop id be all liek tank mode rawr *boom*
Your all wrong he means the Tanks from Left 4 Dead.
I'm pretty sure he means this tank.
Eradicats, I've been looking for that!
What level of the Clockworks were you on? I forgot to pick it up last Saturday.
Oh, THOSE tanks. Don't they rarely drop out of crates sometimes? I also hear you can activate one for 10 energy in "hidden areas" of some levels.
Mist Tanks are only given away at special occasions.