your wrong, he said players and that could mean every one. so your the one misunderstanding this evilduck and it doesn't mean im wrong either sense you don't know what his talking about either.
10 things you didn't know about Spiral Knights

i don't know much about the developers of spiral knights , but they seem to not want to reveal anything ,while in games like minecraft mojang reveals bearly anything about the game , but every single tiny bit of information is always searched out by the commuity within 12 hours after a update , i wonder why that doesn't happen here? Anyone know?

Because the Terms of Service forbids searching through the code and revealing its secrets (not to mention a lot of the code that runs the game is in the server, which we do not have access to)
Minecraft, although it's not open source, does not forbid looking through the code, it merely forbids reproducing it or distributing it.
And guys, #10 has already been figured out. Read through the last few pages.

i can just picture Nick's face smiling at how far speculation has gone....

what if a make a software and listen to the code , does that still count?

When people log into a haven (town square) it makes a pyramid shape =0

nick dont tell me that the secret is when you log in there is a barricade to a secret path down south leading to another area that we cant access.... or will access in the future.
or that the energy symbol comes from the computer powerbutton or something...
that will be a very lame secret if it is....

I don't know of any such software that is capable of doing that, but that is against the Terms of Service also.
Terms of Service clearly states that we are not permitted to intercept the server and clients communication or attempt to decode it in any way:
6. Restrictions. You agree not to do any of the following prohibited
13. modify any files or use any game hacking/altering/cheating software or
tools, including scripting or macroing software, or attempt to
disassemble the game client and/or decipher the data transmissions
between Spiral Knights' client and server. These activities will result
in immediate termination of the Player's Account and may subject you to
civil and/or criminal liability.

>that not all gremlins are friendly.
I'd actually appreciate it if they at least acknowledge that there are friendly gremlins. No, Emberlight doesn't count.

@Iskender: Ever heard about Punch and Vise? Well, Punch can't really be called friendly since all he does is (t)roll, but at least Vise does what he's supposed to do ^^
Also moo.

I hate to bump this thread, and what I'm postin' isn't directly related to what Nick said.
Blandext posted that before Leafblader...
The day AFTER Leafblader posted that.
But Bland posted it on Sunday.
And posted it before.

I'm guessing it's because that first-but-later guy's logic is so off that it broke the time-space continuum.
Perhaps he unwittingly discovered that the secret to time travel is anti-logic. It sure would explain why such travel is typically accompanied by paradoxes. Wibbly-wobbly ball of timey-wimey stuff, and all that.
(Seriously though, "people have babies every day" does not mean "everyone has babies every day.")

>@Iskender: Ever heard about Punch and Vise? Well, Punch can't really be called friendly since all he does is (t)roll, but at least Vise does what he's supposed to do ^^
>No, Emberlight doesn't count.
Y'know what, lemme rephrase that.
>No, gremlins linked to Emberlight don't count.
#10 was already explained - dig into the thread.
Guys. Just stop reviving this old thread. Please. No more posting. Just please stop that.
I think, personally, that knights might be robots. I mean, they all pretty much run on Energy, and collect Heat. All players would see it, any time they log in. They're not mechs like the construct knights, but Nick did mention they were called "Tech Knights" so why not? Sentient robots due to an advanced AI? Yeah, I'd believe it. And the way that Vitapods increase your health? They kinda look like batteries. Not to mention the little blue heart when you die. Just spend Energy to revive. Keep yourself powered.
So that's my input. Hmm~
The only time I doubted that is in the Roarmulus Twins Recon Module. It's mentioned that one of the knights takes a rocket head on, and one of the alpha squad members says they wouldn't be surprised if he had a skin of equally hard iron, in reference to his armor.

I think I got number 10. You know how there are all those circles on top of the gears on in the background of the login screen? What if those are actually gremlin houses? If not, then what is their purpose?

Read back though this thread you don't have to go far.
10#There's lots of secrets in the game, many that we will unveil as we continue to develop the world. However there is one that players see EVERY DAY that so far as we've seen, no one has ever figured it out. Curious!
EVERY DAY that means right when we log in because not every goes to the same places EVERY DAY!
So what is it? There's no elevator in Haven it's just poof your there on the pavement.
So how do we get there???

Please Stop Posting on this! Nick please lock this thread

You guys do know that #10 has been answered AND confirmed by Nick?

If you're referring to that Scorcher working on the Levels, that's not it. Nick said 'well spotted', but made no reference to it being '#10'.
People just started assuming so for no reason, especially since the thread Nick replied to made no comment on it possibly being #10.
If you're thinking of something else, do tell. I'm still curious too.

I believe we're talking about the same thread, just a different topic in the thread; Pg 8 Post #400, this link is given: (explained by Pixeljoy)
It's how the clockworks work: each level is in the skydomes which are slotted in the trays. You see it everyday on the login screen.

Nick never SAID it was #10.
People just started assuming that it was.
It would be nice if Nick told us if Pixeljoy found out #10.
Anyway guys we still need to find out why Monomi is named scout.

One that players see everyday... Something we see but not notice... (there's a difference in see and notice)
That could mean:
-The AH.
-The snipes.
-The hole in haven -- Well technically someone started a thread bout this.
-Pixeljoy's theory.
-The strangers.
-Feron, Kora, Kozma, etc NPCs.
-The snipes that manage the AH.
-The Gun Puppies that hold the AH's roof.
-The AH's Antenna.
-The 3 knights that are in front of the fountain.
-C7's Discoveries.
-Many more.

10# has already been solved abyssal ,seeerusly READ the posts BEFORE you post.

Then click on the link to the other thread where pixeljoy posted.
Anyway we need to figure out why Monomi is named scout.

But has anyone noticed the world shown when Java is loading in the Play area of the main site? Since each orb holds all parts of a level - even the level's sun and moon - that world shown in the loading screen can't be a level since the moon is outside of it. So then that's the actual surface world? If so, it seems completely void of life on the surface. Is Haven even on the surface? It doesn't seem likely, since the surface world looks void of life. If the intro camp was actually on the surface and it only took one level to get to Haven then Haven is right near the surface, yes? Could the Strangers also have come from another planet rather than another realm?
*mind hurts*

thank you so much Nick! it's amazing to know so much more about or humble Haven, and our clever Clockworks!

I haven't played seriously since January. December seems most like it. I remember I got caught up in other things and was somewhat sour over the pace (when playing without paying) around when Missions rolled around. But before I get promoted above Squire and read 3 pages of Release Notes threads, I make the stupid decision to review my old posts...
And that brings me back here. It seems this thread died much harder than most, and considering it's barely been a month since it's last post, it's not quite dead yet. It hasn't seen useful input in a while, however, which is unfortunate for the following reason:
Popular agreement has ended the quest for secret #10. People jumped to the conclusion that since the loading screen fits well with Nick's description of something we see every day, the association between its gears and depths is #10. I myself think it was the thought foremost in Nick's mind when he came up with the list.
But remember my Antonius Pinto story? If there's any word which describes Nick well, it is coy (in essentially all of its meanings). There are therefore more secrets worth finding in this game, and this thread seems to be the best place to put such finds. Now of course it contains nearly 500 posts, so findings should be things which are very subtle (but not too fanciful).
Quick question: have 10 months really elapsed without further knowledge of the rare monsters (Black Kat, Jelly Green Giant, etc.)?
(sorry for my English, I hope you understand this)
Snipes are robots (any organic alive form couldn't fly like that, with cycling wings) and, like someone said, they are controlling(or they are) the merchants from Haven.
Maybe they are remainings of past civilitzations... FSC, Owlite people... who knows (yet)

People read nicks post in that thread.
Read it over. Nick NEVER said it was number 10.
People just started assuming it was.
Also there must be a reason for number 3 that we still need to find out.
Also nick please just tell us if pixeljoy found out number 10 or not.

Pixel did find it. Nick indeed said he found it, and he found it long long ago, in a land far far away.

Is this going to be like that megaman 9 secret, and 10 years later Nick will quit working for OOO and we'll never hear the secret?

Pixeljoy's post about how the Clockworks fit together is indeed accurate, though it's not #10. Sorry.
I'm considering revealing it in future content. Always meant to, just need the right opportunity.

You gotta be kidding me, You had us fooled ALL this time?! RAGGLELJHALFKJHh
somebody figure this out, the curiousity is burning at me. How about we do that big reveal now nick?
How many times does someone have to point this out before you all get it into your heads?
Nick said people, not ALL people. It does not have to be something EVERY player sees EVERY day.