It's supposed to be a polite sportsmanlike thing to say, but only the winning team ever says it. Regardless of whether it was actually a good game. Basically all you're doing is rubbing your victory in the the other team's faces.
can we please stop saying "gg" after blast network matches?
I usually say GG or actually spell out good game (as so many few do) when I really had fun in a match (which is almost always) whether I win or lose.
Btw can I get your in game name evanct? I think it would be hilarious to "/e spit on evanct", for the lulz. I hope you have a good sense of humor about that sort of joke. :D
its never "just a game" if your side is winning
"Do you know the feelings of your opponents when they say such things?"
Like I just said, only the winning team ever says it. That's a pretty strong indicator that what they mean is "good game, for us."
"Would you rather they "/e spit on evanct" instead?"
I'd rather they say nothing and move on to the next match
"It's small talk for the awkwardness of beating someone you don't actually have any animus towards."
What? We're anonymous strangers. I don't feel the least bit awkward in this situation.
"at the end of the game, no matter what the score the kiddies make a line and say 'good game' to the other team. It has nothing to do with the game being good OR rubbing anything in anyone's face."
First of all, we aren't kiddies playing a little league game. Second, they only do that because their coaches make them. Third, again, it's only the winning team that ever says it. If both teams happily and respectfully said it to each other after each match, that'd be different.
I say gg, even if I don't win. Sometimes I don't say anything, but I usually like to say something. Good game, nice match, close one, whatever. What I hate MORE is when a loser complains.
Short answer; no, no one will stop saying that.
most the games ive been in people from both sides have said GG/Good game afterwards, alot of the time a member or 2 of the losing team says it first.
is this a case of you being on the losing team alot and therefore feeling insulted personally, coz thats exactly what it sounds like.
and if your problem is its only the winning team saying it, why dont you say it first when you lose, or you totally agree the only good game your in worth saying good game is would be if you win yourself?
ive noticed there is more friendly chat in random teams in blast network then in a random group in clockworks, so asking for less chat in any regard sounds a little wrong to me.
but your right, we arent kiddies playing in little league where we have coaches telling us to be polite and respectful, we here on our own accords, "choosing" to be polite. do you really need some authority figure telling you to be polite to do so?
---"Would you rather they "/e spit on evanct" instead?"
---I'd rather they say nothing and move on to the next match
"you'd rather they say nothing" and thats all this post is about, what you personally want.
hey, if people dont wanna chat, say good game or whatever, then they dont have to, but alot seem to want to, regardless of winning or losing, and they will continue to do so, as will i. what you'd youd rather me say or not say has no real influence of how i will act.
luck and later, anf if i play in you blast network,... Good game in advance :-p
I will stop saying Gg once I stop seeing mindless topics on the forums.
Okay, maybe not "stop saying it entirely" but at the very least save it for when it actually IS a good game. When one of my teammates is AFK and another one has no idea what he's doing and the match ends something like 25-7, chances are I'm a little frustrated, and insisting that it was a "good game" is not going to help.
Lol NJ.
Anyway, my guild says GG win or lose. Btw, GG!
Just get over your insecurity over being told good game. It's not done out of spite.
Although here, it is.
gg wp no re
i mean would you rather good game or hay that was easy these guys suck hope we see you again i love easy victories i mean if you lose suck it up and say GG instead of Q.Qin cause you got (censored because OOO says bad words are "bad") point said ^^
I only say gg when I think the match was actually good.
Deal with it.
We try to always say GG as a sign of respect, be it win or lose. The only exception I've made was when we took down some cocky guild that was trash talking before the match.
Everyone wants to win, but saying GG isn't rubbing it in anyone's face. If you somehow construe that as rubbing it in, you're probably taking battle a little too personally.
I usually say "good game" no matter what side I'm on; I think it's simply common curtesy. Also, not everyone on the winning team says "good game," and in my experience, most people on the losing team don't get offended when they DO say it. They're not "insisting" that it was a good game; they were either trying to be polite or encouraging or they just wanted to say something nice.
No, maybe it wasn't a good game point-wise. But everyone tried their best, right? (If your answer is no then you shouldn't be playing.) And from a certain point of view, you don't exactly come out a "loser" if you get a coin for playing. So you can either think of it as, "Good game, for our team," or "Good game, at least they/we tried." (I personally prefer the second one.)
Other than that, I really don't know what to say. If you don't want to say "good game" after a certain match, then fine, don't say it. But don't ask other people not to say it because it makes you feel bad. Just move on like you said. If you enter the next match you'll have another shot at really making a good game. ;)
...Or would you rather do it the "high school sports" way: "One, two, three...[other team's name]!!!" then high-five that other team? :P
You lost so why don't you say GG? I think its very unsportsmanlike in the sense that you can't be mature enough to accept defeat. Accept it, I say gg whether I win or lose. I do agree your taking it too personally.
Hi, you must be new to gaming. GG
Saying GG or "good game" is a sign of sportsmanship. This is true for pretty much every competitive pastime out there. That you don't interpret it as such is really nobody else's fault (unless they're saying something like "GG easy win suckers!"), even if you don't seem to notice losing teams say it often (which I don't think is true, but the point is moot).
Widely accepted sign of sportsmanship is widely accepted. I don't think this thread will change that.
I always start the match by saying "Good luck and have fun everyone" as soon as we all load into the lobby.
This is usually met by a "You too" or on some occasions a "[expletive] You [insert team color here]". The latter is doubly hilarious when the only person spouting that unsportsmanlike banter rage-quits when they can't add some bite to their bark and end up down by 15 points in under 2 minutes into the match.
I always end the match with a "Good game" or "Close one", the latter when we either tie or only get a 2-3 point difference.
All in all, the utter lack of respect in competitive gaming such as this is exactly why I only ever intend to get my recipes and then off and on when I want to spend 50 tokens for a net gain of 10k crowns.
Evanct, in that situation I probably wouldn't say gg, because no game with an AFK is good.
It's been in SK since way before this lame Bomberman thing. You whup an Arena, GG. You run a Tier, GG. You kill a boss, GG. Sometimes GJ, but usually GG. Frankly, it most likely came from WoW.
It's not your sportsmanlike comment to get angry at, etymologically speaking.
If you're gonna get butthurt at people showing what the world thinks of as good sportsmanship, do what I did and ragequit. I'd still be AFKing if It wasn't apparently a class 1A felony.
Man, I wish it wasn't patched. I'd love to be in their still chapping butts by giving out free kills.
gg is way way older, ie gg no re kthxbye (now that would be a bit assholish, no re is no rematch btw) from starcraft :P
Well if it was a steamroll then a plain gg from the winning side would be taken in the wrong way, instead a "gg, afkers suck" would be fine. But I definitely always not just say gg, i go great game! when my side was steamrolling and suddenly the other team managed a draw, I do recall one when the last explosion, on the last second managed three kills and made the scores match, they closed in 10 points on the last minute or so, that was awesome. Of course I also say gg if not only they draw but win it :P
And if I was on the losing side I would most definitely expect the other team to say the same if we managed to steal a draw on the last explosion. In fact I would be offended if they stayed silent. I could accept it if they stayed silent if they lose on the last second, but I would also expect one of them to say gg perhaps after a pause for the end result to settle. See how it works?
I always say and i quote "good match =D" when i lose or win.
I like to give hugs.
Is that insulting?
Is it wrong if I only say GG when I lose?
I say it whether I win or lose, as I always have fun. If you do not like it you are more then welcome not to say it.
*smiles* gg
Yes. Saying gg doesn't mean you rub anything in one's face. Of course some might think it, and maybe you'll guess it if they say something ELSE than gg. Like "haha pwnd u". Frankly whatever my score is, I always say gg. Even if I got 30 more points than second or 30 less than the first. Its just a sign of good spirit!
I always say good game, GG, close or chat a bit about the match.
Oh and Im late but, Gg Nj for your post!
Stop losing and you won't feel bad when they say it.
I think this should go in the suggestions forum.
I only say GG if it WAS a good game.
If it's completely one sided (one way or the other), then it wasn't a good game.
If one team just got pounded, then it obviously wasn't a good game for them.
I play League of Legends, and it irritates me in there too.
People say GG because they seem to think it's what you do. Which has ruined the meaning of the comment.
It was started as a way to congratulate someone on a good match. It was said honestly, in appreciation for the fun both sides had.
But these days, it's an empty comment. People say it without thought, and when it's completely out of place.
I sometimes say GG if I lose, mainly because I'm far too polite to say what I'm really thinking (Usually something obscene).
I only say gg if I felt the game was a good one, but I come across alot of close games (in guild team battle anyway), or atleast fun ones even if it wasn't close. (Or if I know someone that was in the game I'll probably say gg, cause some playful chatter gets going anyway)
Of course I try to go out of my way to make my thankyous meaningful too, so I dunno.
If you want to complain about anyone, complain about the people that are sincerely talking smack at the beginning of the match. Sure they normally end up eating their own words, but it's still a little sad that they have to blab up such rude things to people they likely don't even know.
... polite, sports-man-like conduct. Do you know the feelings of your opponents when they say such things? Would you rather they "/e spit on evanct" instead?
gg is a common thing so say after any competitive video game match. It's small talk for the awkwardness of beating someone you don't actually have any animus towards. If this seriously bothers you, just try thinking about little kids playing little league... at the end of the game, no matter what the score the kiddies make a line and say 'good game' to the other team. It has nothing to do with the game being good OR rubbing anything in anyone's face. Me thinks maybe you're projecting.