1) Static Edge, Shocking Edge, Hot Edge and Searing Edge have the same looking icon. Having a blue blade for the icon makes sense for the first two swords, being actually blue and all, but Hot and Searing are orange. I think coloring the handle and blade on the icon, orange for Hot Edge and Searing Edge would look more appropriate and less misleading. c:
2) The Trinkets in the Krogmo vendor are a bit muddled up when it comes to Order. theres the bomb trinkets, then some gun trinkets, then some sword trinkets, then some more gun trinkets, then some more sword trinkets, then a random gun trinket at the bottom. there isnt any order as to star rating or names or anything. I would recommend putting all the bomb trinkets on top, then all the gun trinkets together underneath it, then all the sword trinkets underneath that, and also putting the Elite modules either on top/bottom of their 4* versions. Two examples:
Example One:
Bomb Focus Module
Boom Module
Elite Bomb Focus Module
Elite Boom Module
Handgun Focus Module
Quick Draw Module
Trueshot Module
Elite Handgun Focus Module
Elite Quick Draw Module
Elite Trueshot Module
Slash Module
Sword Focus Module
Quick Strike Module
Elite Slash Module
Elite Sword Focus Module
Elite Quick Strike Module
^ Bomb trinkets on top, Gun trinkets in middle, Sword trinkets at the bottom. Elite modules are at the bottom of each "group" in this example, but there wouldn't be any real difference if they were on top either, and there also wouldn't be any real difference if the order of "groups" from top-to-bottom were different, eg; swords on top, guns middle, bomb bottom.
Example Two:
Boom Module
Elite Boom Module
Bomb Focus Module
Elite Bomb Focus Module
Handgun Focus Module
Elite Handgun Focus Module
Quick Draw Module
Elite Quick Draw Module
Trueshot Module
Elite Trueshot Module
Slash Module
Elite Slash Module
Quick Strike Module
Elite Quick Strike Module
Sword Focus Module
Elite Sword Focus Module
^ Just putting all the Elite modules below their 4* versions. like the first example, the order of "groups" wouldnt matter, and so wouldnt putting the elite modules above their 4* versions instead.
Anyways, devs, please consider my suggestions and make your game a bit neater :D
Nicely worded. But there is a suggestions forum. Mod will probably move you there. Just for future reference.