I din't have a sentenza, but...
No seerusly, I feel kinda guilty :/
Go get some rest Tev, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say we appreciate the time and effort you put into your drawings :)
I din't have a sentenza, but...
No seerusly, I feel kinda guilty :/
Go get some rest Tev, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say we appreciate the time and effort you put into your drawings :)
Finally finished this pic http://screensnapr.com/e/JHwVa5.png
Took me way longer than originally intended. So long my eye turned blind to all the crooked up things in thar, yet I can still see that the supposed-shield-arm looks silly because I didn't add the shield after all. The blaster also looks kinda strange IMO... duno, everything starts to look weird the longer I stare at dat [rust]>.>
@Psycho: I don't MEAN to make you feel bad ... Sol keeps telling me I need to do a picture off the Knights offscreen to show the other side of the story.
@Uuni: I saw this on tumblr first and really liked it- it's very darkly heroic, I think, and you'd have to look really close to notice anything weird. I like the explodey environment. ^.^ Your other little pics were cute, too- I had just gotten sidetracked from commenting.
@Plad: Your little MSPaint doodles always make me giggle.
My Impostocube is on the sk twitter!
Congrats Fallen! I don't really follow Twitter, but cool!
"@Psycho: I don't MEAN to make you feel bad ... Sol keeps telling me I need to do a picture off the Knights offscreen to show the other side of the story."
/Runs away screaming
Jks, whatever I feel, that doesn't take away or dull the fact that it's an awesome and very well done pic.
I'd say more, but I don't have a sufficient knowledge base to compliment it more in depth.
Let's post something too.
A request from Iskender: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Gnukko/Sketches/retrogames.jpg Two gremlin kids playing with their retrodetoys
The Busty Devilite secretary (former Yesman concept): http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Gnukko/Sketches/bustydevilitesegretary.jpg
the title is selfexplanatory for this one: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Gnukko/Sketches/deviliteporn01.jpg
After Boost removal update: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Gnukko/Sillycomics/dontmesswithkozma.jpg
A cute gremlin maid: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Gnukko/Sketches/damnyouwhyareyousocutetod...
Got bored and started doing doodles in GIMP
Plate Set
Wolver Set
I learnt to use GIMP the right way. And I'm too lazy to use anchors.
I'm bored so give me requests for Spiral Spy stuffs! As my sloppy skills are worth nothing, you don't pay and you just say what you want!
Loved Razwog on the test server, and had to draw him RIGHT THEN ... so I've been sitting on this picture for a little bit.
If you plan on making a new knight to check out the new intro and don't want to spoil the boss for yourself, wait before clicking. EDIT: Heh, didn't realize there was a picture of him on the front page of the main site. Oh well, I was trying to be considerate. XD
I don't know why I remembered him dual-weilding and drew him accordingly ... but didn't feel like redrawing a whole arm when I realized my mistake after most of the coloring was finished. XD
Edit: Figured I'd stream tonight since I'm feeling a little better. Don't know what to draw, so am open to requests either here or there. Doesn't have to be SK-related (and after spending 3 days on Razwog, I'd love anyone who could give me a request that wasn't)
I've also had my own romp through the test server, and I gotta say, I actually played through those new missions multiple times mainly to go through all the cutscenes, including re-seeing Razwog. I, too, loved how that character was designed, as well as how he was portrayed in each scene in during his time in the game, and it certiainly made quite an impression.
In any case, I really like how you're rendition of him came out Tevokkia. His stance and the flames on the floor are an excellent portrayal of him and that he means business in his fight, and the detail on the hairs is great. I think the only thing I'm on the fence about is the nose; I can't tell if I do or don't like how it almost like a pigs snout, no offense meant. Otherwise awesome job :)
Also, while the dual flame throwers may be inconsistent with his weapons, and perhaps a bit in practical for him to actually wield at the same time, it also makes him look EPIC.
Really amazed by the pictures i saw here and thought it would be cool if someone made a lineup of knights similar to:
fully equipped with weapons and such...
What if someone made a template picture where every artist can draw their own character kinda like this:
Ok, a tiny pixellated pic but i hope you get the point
sounds interesting. When you think of all the styles that would come up that would just be an amazing piece of art. LETS DO IT!!!!
I think schuka's knight should be in the middle for having the original idea though. I'll get mine up if anybody else is doing it. I'm to lazy to scan my drawings just now so my other stuff will be up soon...one day...
Livestreaming in a few minutes. You know where to go.
If this picture is Axon's fault, tonight's can be blamed entirely on Sol.
Busty slime next? :D
@Uuni ... I 'm not sure how I'd do that.
Have a Gremlin schoolgirl. The other thing I worked on tonight will be posted after I finish it ... it needs some shading.
EDIT: Here, Uuni. Why did I even draw this? What's wrong with me? That's it ... no more. I'm not adding bustiness to every creature in the Clockworks. >.<
I lol'd at the jelly cube, but you really need to stop making everything fap material, Tev. xD
It was meant to be lol'd at, not fapped to!
... and it wasn't my idea. *pout*
Okay, so tonight's coloring jobs: Tovvok and Little Bro and Plad's Demo, who we should eventually see more of on his SS thread
EDIT (the next day): I will be streaming tonight, starting in 15-20 minutes. There are two requests left over from last week's session (SK-related) that need to be polished and colored, so that's what I'll be doing. This will be my last SK stream for a little while: I was never interested in drawing fan art before coming here, and while I love drawing SK, I'm getting a little burnt out on doing it all the time, so I'm going to take a week or two to work on other projects. When I return, I will be actually opening the commissions thread I mentioned earlier in order to fund a large contest I have in the works; if the thread does well and I manage to earn enough prizes between it and my own Clockworks delving by the end of the summer, the contest will start on September 1. Otherwise, it will start on December 1, because I will need the extra time to gather them.
EDIT: I shall just continue recycling this post, for the Livestream is over. Today, finished the coloring on A young Stranger visiting a Snipe garden, requested by Danghu, and Some gremlins designed by Tovvok. I'm not sure what the bear trap hats are for. As usual, thanks to everyone who came out. I'll be streaming on Monday if you should like to see something not SK-related.
Aww your slime link is broken tevokkia D:
I didn't get to see this magnificent beast
Well, it took a while to make, but I'm proud to post this here:
The Roarmulus-saurus Rex, whom appears in the 3rd part of my fic Forged Steel:
The perspective is a little wonky, but I like how it turned out.
Thank you again Tevokkia for all the advice and pointers you gave me, it was much appreciated :)
As a small bonus, have a quick sketch of a Gun Puppy-saurus
"Gun Puppy-saurus"
/looks at pic.
That is all.
Just 'want'.
@Uuni - Oops. >.> Perhaps the link is broken because I am embarrassed that the picture even exists ...
@Za-Ck - The final looks great! Good choice of background colors. ^.^ And you're most welcome.
If your doing non-spiral Pictures, do this please.
Here is the antomnomy:
Guy's Face: http://images.wikia.com/bionicle/images/d/d1/445px-Kanohi_Kraahkan_with_...
Body(forget the weapons and head.): http://images.wikia.com/bionicle/images/9/91/CGI_Onua_Mistika.png
Weapons(His Blades....): http://images.wikia.com/bionicle/images/5/5d/Balta.jpg
You don't have to if you want to....
Uhhh ... sorry honey, I'm going to pass on that one. I'm also not taking additional requests for the time being.
Can you re-upload the jelly? I have a desperate urge to confuse myself D:
I can share my horrible drawings. First of all is:
My best drawing.
....I draw horribly, right?
Oh, and don't mind the cube. Streus was just messing.
You just need to practice circles and shading :P Otherwise the body is great :)
first. dat saurus :O second that pup is cool ^.^ When will gremlins start sending them out? I really wanna be chased by ONE. NO MORE THAN ONE.
*thinks about a tier three arena where there are SIXTEEN of them chasing you. (this is possible), all of them being rocket/freeze/shock/anything else like fire*
EDIT: @Uuni How much cash do they get from that?
I unload my barrage of bad art on you.
First of all,
Nat from my story Underlings; Nat
I was tired one knight and I let my mind wander about (something that i usually wont allow due to rather horrifying results)
and that one knight, i felt the urge to perform suicide when i accidentally made this.
In case you didnt get the ref; Devilite Yesman + Spongebob.
Not bad, not bad at all!
Looks pretty cute actually.
There'd be some devilite lovers who would PAY for that methinks.
I made a SK related animation for my class and it's bad and I should feel bad.
Not bad really, at least the art's consistent.
Why is he floating? :P
What program did you use for the floaty floaty?
Fencing knight http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4jyobYjqP1qlewyko1_1280.png
Ello ello ello! Dumping some more art for you guys to enjoy! :U
My teacher said it was excellent so I'm ok.
Unni; it's Adobe Flash CS 5.5, you silly.
Psycho; I did some calculations on the animation and the strange aura that surrounds the gremlin and I came to a possible solution. Maybe two!
You guys make me feel terribly ashamed for my lack of talent. ;_;
Good work, everyone.
MOAR! I... NEED... MOAR...
No seriously, do more :U
Neerg from my new incomplete story Questors; Neerg.
Nice job everyone. ... That is all.