
5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Gavenlarv

when using the spped powerup, i lag so much that i can barely get through the level

Legacy Username
You don't except them to put

You don't except them to put up their best server for the test now, do you?

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
I was playing on a 4 year old

I was playing on a 4 year old laptop over wireless and experienced no internet lag (save for when my router had a brainfart) while playtesting. Though I did notice many cases of minor graphics lag that were likely due to me running a very minimum (Intel GMA965) power graphics solution.

It think for some people on the most low end systems will experience graphics lag when there is a lot happening on screen. In some cases a Striker could rush up with a BTB and stab me before my laptop could finish rendering the scene. If there was a large 4v4 battle with bombs going off all on one screen I usually had to go somewhere else. However, it was still very managable. You get used to the amount of time it takes poeple to zoom over and thwack you, and then you learn to neatly sidestep.

In the end those that have had trouble before will still have trouble, but I'm very doubtfull that much of the problem is actually from assets under OOO's control.

Legacy Username
I don't think it's okay for a

I don't think it's okay for a 3 gig ram, nvidia GTS 220 and 3.00 ghz processor computer to lag. :1 And I get it a lot.

Bild des Benutzers Melisan
its not nessesarily your

its not nessesarily your hardware that is the problem, there are sooooo many other factors
Lag comes from one or more of the following

1. Your processor being too slow to process all you inputs and the net data
while drawing everything
2. Your upload bandwidth is insuffiient to update the server quickly enough
for others to download your information
3. Your download bandwidth is too congested to download timely information
from the server
4. The server is located far away from you on the Internet and the large
number and/or variability and/or slowness of hops is causing slow latency in
your communication
5. The other player(s) have one or more of the problems above and are not
updating in a timely manner
6. The server has insufficient upload bandwidth to provide all connected
clients with sufficient information
7. The server has insufficient download bandwidth to accept all client
incoming information
8. The server is not dedicated and the local player is overloading the
processor, starving all clients of information.

so it is ok for your super 3gig ram etc.etc. to lag

Bild des Benutzers Tgyoshi
If you think your

If you think your processor/RAM handles all, you're incorrect :).
Your connection to the server most likely fails.
I'm in Europe and I play with 'acceptable' latency. Could be better, but I can live with it.