Preview review 9/13/2011
I really don't know how much I can reveal on here so Three Rings if this is too much then you can redact some things or just save the review for your personal use. I just wanted to make an all out review in here of it.
I really enjoy the different levels. I hope to see more things like mazes in the future. I enjoy the boosters I think they are fantastic. The guardian, recon, and striker... very good ideas I love it. They should stay.
I love the load outs to save gear you've used and like together.
Can we have unlimited ME all the time? lol. just kidding... but really can we? ;)
I like being able to use my own gear, trinkets, and what not. I like that there are different tier levels for even the newer players can play and figure out their equipment without being overpowered by someone with higher gear.
I think the length of the game is good any shorter and it would be too short, and longer it would be too long.
I hate how some weapons are literally two hits and you're down. Especially if someone is in recon mode and they have a GF sneak up on you before you even have a chance to react. It takes over half your health in the first hit then you're dead on the second hit. Unless you come out with some new armor that would be a good defense against the GF and DA. Right now they are two hit swords and you're down.
Maybe more health in higher tiers is something to consider, but those two particular weapons are easily just too strong. Everyone is going to have them and it's not going to be fun to die in two hits. It was annoying.
Random Notes:
Lockdown is enjoyable. I actually did enjoy it in the lower tiers because i felt it was more of a challenge than t3 where you had the two hit weapons. In t2 you didn't have that so it was more about strategy and hacking skills. :)
I don't care about ranking, but i will say someone had a fantastic idea in another thread so I do NOT take credit for this idea. I just can't remember who said it. Someone mentioned having a ranking system like in puzzle pirates with Ultimate-Legendary-Grandmaster-Master- Renowned... and well that's the only order i remember. rofl. but you get the picture. I think that's a fantastic idea and should be seriously considered moving over into spiral knights ranking system.
Right now this is what I have. I may think of some more random things and update my post and what not.
Thanks three rings!
Well I was mainly having the problems because I was wearing bombing gear because I'm a bomber. So i'm vulnerable to many things anyways. That's fine.
I wouldn't complain about it if I wasn't the only one having that kind of problem with it. I was watching player after player go down in one or two hits because of it. It is overpowered, there is a reason everyone in preview was using those two particular weapons. I was even guardian most of the time but they were getting through this. Grey owlite, hit it in one hit and break... then hit me twice and down.
oh and i left out bombs. rofl. like the main thing i did.
bombs, i don't think, are as trolling as everyone has been saying they are. Shivermist can definitely be trolling if the person doesn't have a gun and you keep freezing them, then a team mate with a DA or GF can two hit kill them while they are frozen. At one point I had three people frozen and my team mate just two hit killed each one of them with his GF.
Shock and freeze are definitely a must get if you're a bomber. Stun is extremely helpful. Ash... i think so many people are going to have fire resist from having gear for FSC that it's going to be a pointless bomb for atleast a few weeks after release of lockdown.
Vortex bomb is just... hilarious. lol. I loved using it because i love seeing people sucked in. The only problem with it even if you do the best you can to get CTR on it it still charges much slower than everything else and you'll very rarely get it charged. I was using madbomber suit and helm with the two ctr trinkets and still had hard time getting it charged to actually use. then once you get it charged the radius is so small that people have to be really close to it to be sucked in. It's a tricky bomb to use but it's fun to use when you get a chance.
If it's an issue diying in two hits you have some possibilities to deal with it:
High resistance armor with extra health like ancient plate armor.
Health trinkets.
Guardian class gives you extra health bars.
If you are playing as striker your best friend is dodgin and as racon just hiding. Keep ppracticing and get different gear to deal with this issue.