But if you used your charge attack first, then that someone else with pulsar could come here and complain about DA as well. Almost everything with knock back are not good for when people try to gang up on one target.
What irritates you in groups?
"Shidara, I'm the one who ran that FSC run with you recently, TammyTryhard. And I won't be running it with you again."
We already established this in-game. If you want to take it as far as announcing it on the forums then I can't think of anything other than frown at your lack of decency to keep it mano-a-mano. What you're doing is basically trying to give me a bad reputation because our playstyles are different. Some sport you are.
1. people who invo u coz their whole party is dead or when they are at the end of the map n just waiting (unless its coz of boss run n thus allows you to get the full amount of tokens)
2. people who keep dying at almost everything that pops out n begging for rez afterwards coz they are impatient
3.people who beg for ce or cr with no good reason behind it! im nice sometimes when people only need like around 2 ce to finish off a boss run or another profitable map or if u need a small amount of cr for a recipe to buy when we're at basil but i aint gunna give u cr wen i or u joined the party and the first thing u do is beg for cr when we r in a monster map (we r in this map for a reason)
4.auto ce res if ur gunna res, res yourself don't raise my cost to res myself at ridiculously high levels unless its at a boss
5.people who tells me to shut up when i ask for 1 pill when i dont have any or when i ask what items (vials,remedy,pills) everyone has so i can help balance everyone's amount to help increase party survival or kick a boss's ass
6. i told u in the begining of the arena or just before the last party button to run clockwise for the massive last wave (3/3) you all agreed and what happens? theres always someone who goes the other direction, if it so happens im the only one running in the different direction fine ill run in same direction as everyone else or at least run in the middle n go berserk/ frenzy/ kamikaze the healers or whatever i could if it couldn't b helped
7.people who wont listen when u took time to give advice/pointers/tips/tricks to them, people who get pissed at you when they could of gave u some tips (everyone has a first for something) or people who just dont know what they r saying eg. 3/3 of arena everyone else is dead but me n i only have a radiant sun shard and a ascended calibur DONT PERSISTENTLY TELL ME TO KILL HEALERS WHEN THEY ARE CLEARLY SURROUNDED BY MECH MOBS AND THE MOBS ARE SLOWLY DWINDLING N DYING AWAY WHEN IM KILLING THEM WITH RADIANT SUN SHARDS AND I HAVE NO OTHER WAY TO KILL THOSE HEALERS EXCEPT TO SUICIDE
8.sprinters in graveyards ok so its scary especially with those phantoms that continuously hunt u down but at least kill the zombies which u caused to spawn up along the way the rest of us mite already have our hands full dealing with zombies or phantoms
9. when i tell u not to res me DONT RES ME! i dont mind if u want some heat, my fault for dying, but if the gate is right there n im dead n if u res me n ur on 6 hp originally whats the point? just go to the gate n ill have my 3 hp back in the next map anyway or if im lagging im not going to be able to help so better keep ur hp (unless its a dire situation n u wanted me as a backup kamikaze person to res others when no one else is left)
10. people booting you for extremely selfish reasons. if im slowing down the party by alot fine. if i joined but u were waiting for a different friend n i took up the last remaining space fine. if u wanted to solo but forgot to lock party fine. if im lagging/afk for too long or dced fine. but booting me just cause im on 1 hp n people impatiently ask for res when theres no hearts around (sometimes you cant res with 1hp) when im down to 1hp in the first place because i res you n your party so many times >:( or booting me when ive been in your party for awhile and u dont tell me why you booted me

@kolela I joined a friend on 23 once and was kicked back to haven two seconds after I loaded. I don't know if it was a bug or if it was because I was on 23 or hadn't picked up any heat/crowns yet, but that's what happened. I actually never join parties without asking first, but this guy had joined my party without asking several times so I didn't think he'd have reason to object if I did the same.
To sum all these complaints up, you're not the only person in the party. Consider the other 3 people and their survival and tactics as well as your own.
^basically this. To add to the list:
People with guns against vanaduke who ASDW around him causing him to constantly turn while I'm charging my blitz needle; #1 his aggro is on me so stop turning him to face me; #2 my gun does MUCH better dps than yours so me hitting him should be a priority. I don't say this because I'm the one with the blitz, it applies whenever anyone has a blitz. I've been the guy who barely shoots, takes out zombies/slags, and throws a lot of water when someone else has a blitz because I know me shooting at vanaduke is just not as helpful as the blitz guy shooting. There is no I in TEAM, people.
Another vote for not using a polaris unless you know how.
And if you have a knockback weapon, find your own monster to attack! I get this particularly in FSC where there's freaking hoards of zombies and mr. polaris/DA decides I need help with my zombie and knocks it away from my DA/storm driver attack. Stop it, damnit.
People who run into the room I'm soloing on 25 halfway through and completely screws up what I'm doing.
People who try to circle trojans in a party when they have aggro; wiggle on the spot and let someone else kill it! I can't count the times a trojan has hit me because I've been charging my vog and the guy with aggro has run all the way round to where I am. I'm moving slower and I'm not going to waste the charge on nothing because it might set me on fire.
People who moan when I don't get on the party button for vanaduke until I know what the plan is; if I can't assume a plan, I've probably never run with this group before. That means a) I have no clue what the plan is, b) YOU have no clue what the plan is, and c) the combination of a and b means I'm fairly safe in assuming you're going to have terrible team awareness, and probably suck.
And finally, people who can't follow simple instructions. I understand that, when you're new to certain elements, you probably won't have good instincts, but when I have plainly said "don't stand in front of vanaduke" and continue to say "GET BEHIND HIM" during the battle, you need to be doing that. See the lava on the floor and the dead team mates and the low health we have? That's because you're not following simple instructions. I get it if you don't want to trust me at first (you've never run with me before, you have no reason to) but when we're in **** that deep, maybe trying it my way is a good idea. Your way is definitely not working.
Edit: Oh God, in arenas: everything is going well, we're on the penultimate wave of the last room, all good for health, got a good rhythm going, everyone has been kiting in the same direction and BAM the last wave loads; you have a crowd in front of you and it's going to be hard to move forwards so what do you do? You turn and run the other way, leading your big crowd into guy#2's big crowd, causing a bigger crowd for guy#3 to run into and an even bigger crowd for guy#4 to run into. What happens? We all die because YOU didn't think about the team. You tried to save your own ass and killed us all. This annoys me SO much. If you are likely to die and the alternative is putting us ALL in danger of dying, YOU NEED TO DIE. We will rev you! We can't rev you if we're all dead.

I'm used to travel in groups with my guild and my RL friends, using Xfire to talk directly to them to issue orders by voice. I hate when, even after I told them to don't come in melee range against undeads, they do so and get all their health half way down in a single flick. If you have guns, and you know an enemy can wipe your health in a single strike, USE YOUR GUNS (even if they don't do too much damage, it is better to chip away the enemies little by little than wasting all the precious heal potions you might have or eating half the health of an ally with your pointless death).
"""Edit: Oh God, in arenas: everything is going well, we're on the penultimate wave of the last room, all good for health, got a good rhythm going, everyone has been kiting in the same direction and BAM the last wave loads; you have a crowd in front of you and it's going to be hard to move forwards so what do you do? You turn and run the other way, leading your big crowd into guy#2's big crowd, causing a bigger crowd for guy#3 to run into and an even bigger crowd for guy#4 to run into. What happens? We all die because YOU didn't think about the team. You tried to save your own ass and killed us all. This annoys me SO much. If you are likely to die and the alternative is putting us ALL in danger of dying, YOU NEED TO DIE. We will rev you! We can't rev you if we're all dead."""
^This. I also hate when a nubskull starts to run clockwise instead of counterwise (like the rest of the group) and make all the final wave of enemies to block our pass, thus wiping everybody on spot. Suicide arenas are so suicide.

Most of the time I go solo, and when I do travel in a group, it's always with my guild, so it's not that bad. But I still have some complaints:
1) people who complain I'm wasting CE when I rez myself. I'm NOT the idiot you think I am. first off, I almost always use ME to do anything; secondly, I DO try to wait for people to rez me, but sometimes I accidentally do it without thinking; and last but not least, if you're the only one alive with significantly low health and you haven't rezzed anyone in the past 5 minutes then YES, I'm going to rez and you can't stop me.
2) people who invite me to a group that has better equip, then toss a couple lumbers or group of monsters my way. my wise owlite shield can only do so much, guys.
3) people who don't have a plan of attack OR who don't tell me what's happening when we're on a boss level. JUUUST saying...
4) people who are bomb-happy. NO, I DON'T WANT TO BE BLOWN UP THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
5) people who don't wait for me. if you want to explore, fine. if you think you've found something interesting, fine. just don't complain about me being slow when you zip off and don't tell me which direction you went. I don't mean to be a burden, so don't make me out to be one.
Fortunately for me, I have a good guild that I can rely on. But I still get the few and far between who somehow turn me - or another unlucky player - into the "expendable" member. Sometimes I wonder what these people are thinking. (What ARE they thinking?? -_-)
when in a tier 2 run i had charged my DA and was about to hit the enemy and someone else uses one shot from their pulsar and it knocks the enemy out of my way just as i use the charge attack.