OK I’ve been playing lockdown for a couple of hours now and I’m enjoying it loads but I’m coming across some problems which to me and I’m sure other feel the same can remove some of the enjoyment that could be had from this PvP game.
The first thing I would love to see change is people rage quitting or logging out in the middle of a PvP which just results in make the game a one-sided affair. Not only is this frustrating for the rest of the team to see team mate logging out or rage quitting but it can start a ripple affect where other players in your team will also log out or rage quit. Leaving your team helpless with no change of wining which we all know is not fun.
My suggestion to combat this problem is simple. If you where to implement a penalty of say 10 minute or so block you from playing a PvP game if you logout or rage quit. This would give the players two chooses ever carry on playing or wait another 10 min to play again.
This meaning for those who chose to log out or rage quite will be unable to join a game until the ten minutes has past. This type of punishment has been used in many other online games successfully and work wonder. This would put an end to the majority of rage quitting on a whim that goes on in these types of games which can only be a good thing.
Another problem I’ve been seeing why playing Lockdown is the Lock-on feature fount in the control setting it’s a total game breaker and need to be removed from lockdown. Don’t get me wrong it has it place in the clockwork PvE but not in lockdown.
My reasoning behind this is if you chose to play as recon which i do and you uncloak to shot someone 9 times out of 10 your will be charge by someone who has lock-on to you the moment you unlock from the other side of the screen one hit killing you in the process. I also feel the lock-on feature remove a lot of the skill involved in lockdown and you just end up get sword wilding players spamming across the screen looking for that lock-on cloaked or not cloak. So I vote to have it lock while playing lockdown so it can’t be using. This would also help in balance the 3 chose a lot more than they are at the moment.
So guy’s if you agree with me on these problems and also feel they need patching/fixing show your support here
Thank you
I'm going to go ahead and volunteer that I'm in all vog with a divine avenger and medium charge time reduction on my shivermist buster. On most maps i can 'lockdown' a node because you can't come at me without going through the freeze and getting hurt or stopped in your tracks. the choke point is just so small... Maybe there's an easy counter to that but right now it feels too easy to do. Best counter is to come at me with multiple people behind a tank but that means my team can capture stuff elsewhere while the node i'm on is being fought for.