Title sums it up. What is your proudest PvP moment you've had today or ever,
I'll get it started, For me it was winning a match 905 - 900, while I have over 12k damage with 12 captures and 6 defends. (http://i.imgur.com/dFP9R.jpg)
Proudest PvP (Lockdown) moment?

Whenever EoS does guild pvp and we end up killing everyone in the first 10 seconds and spend the rest of the game camping outside their base and instagibbing anyone that sticks a toe out.
Which is pretty much everytime.

One of the first times I tried Lockdown we all bribed the King and the prize was an Emerald Bombhead Mask
for the winning team. For most of the game my team was losing by over 150 points but we came back and
won. I've also had a few games where the winning team wins by just a couple points.
The one and only, Guardianknight.

there was this one guy that kept killing my team, we were both gaurdians using sealed sword and caliber, I was wearing 2* stuff as a joke, and nailed him. then I pulled out MY sealed sword and nailed him to the floor, where he then spent half of the match.
that's you, illogical-whatever
and I dare you to join my lockdown games again. I would love the kills.

Well I got to play pvp with Sick for about 8 matches. Really fun!
But I dont have any pics on a website, did take screenshots though.
Also @azulflame
lol but id like to see you sealedsword own me. Im t3 btw. and in full 5*. and have barbarous thorn that will 2 shot you....
Yeeeaaaaa..... >:D
Changing a point area while defeating 5 players trying to defend it all by myself. I have worked up quite a strategy with my shiver, FoV, DA combo that taking on multiple people at once all the while maintaining control of the point area has become really fun.
i remember this!!!!!!! we were so freakin close! jsut that last freakin kill u made!!!!!!!!!!! im still so mad about that lol

Rallied team for a massive comeback against an enemy team with dramatically superior gear. We pulled ahead at literally the last second for a completely unexpected victory.
Always feels awesome to smash the odds.

First one: PENTA KILL
basically, i took out my gran faust, and beat em all up in a span of 10 sec. no, i wasnt solo, my team mates got like 1 hit in and died =P
Seond one: INSTAKILL
at the very beginning, we took all points. we ended up winning 500-25, sorta like wwawfer.

lol ikr i got like 500-0 once owning.
We spawn locked them XD
I was defending a point and this guy wearing what looked like one of the hood/cloak sets comes running up to me while I was charging up my new thorn blade.
He got knocked down with the charge attack projectiles before he could get anywhere near the point.
That reminds me I should probably upgrade my Flourish already I haven't touched it since I got my Snarble barb. I need more Fire stuff...

1) All alone trying to capture a base. 3 enemy player charge at me. I manage to get a volt tempest off. 2 swipes with Sudaruska = Triple Kill
2) Hitting someone with my Sudaruska charge 0.o
3) Getting frozen. Wildly shooting with my Mega Magnus in the hope of hitting someone. 2 enemies walking into my bullets and dying leaving me free to capture a base
4) Winning a game 915-910

Is being on the top rank twice. Though not one after the other.
Just had a game where I did over 18 000 damage, (http://i.imgur.com/TcGfn.png) don't think Ill be beating it anytime soon.
Just respawned and ran to the closest CP, a recon saw me coming and turned invisible. I charged up Blazebrand and slashed in the direction I saw the recon run. After the 2nd explosion I saw a random fire spring up and then the recon was right there and then I struck him down! Then, I was like "trololololol!"

- I've had a lot, though my proudest moments are usually getting through out of extremely hectic/dangerous situations alone (3 v 1 or worse situations), which has a acquired me a small bit of notoriety as being quite difficult to kill.
- Winning one on one fights with other Guardians, which have often been playing as strikers prior to our duels, since they tend to be difficult to kill if they have a considerable amount of skill.
- The time I accidentally pulled out my blitz needle in the middle of a fight and shot a dude at point blank range. He died, fortunately, but I bet he though I was some sort of maniac.
- I almost specialize in killing people while frozen, stunned, or shocked.
- I had a match against Skankingrove not too long ago, which i unfortunately lost, but did come out of it with several captures, 14 defends, and around 15k damage, which I've been told is quite good for a Guardian. I wish I'd taken a screen cap.
-I'm very high the leader board, as well, but I don;t consider that to be particularly exciting, as it largely stems form possessing a prodigious amount of free time and insomnia.
So far it's this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558667918553305844/2B19291141CCCF27F99...
Good ol' Echo of Silence! Legends put up a good fight, though, and we all had fun. ^ ^

Not my proudest, just the only one I had under hand. Not bad already.

Despite having gone AFK for a full minute, I managed to hit 9.3k damage-- guns only =D
Also, taking out 4 DA/GF users holding a point and then capping it by blitzing around everywhere was awesome. I pulled some sick kiting maneuvers xD
We had some very clsoe games, where points were on par and we won closely.
Next time we lost closely - it was the same team.
It was a lot of fun, and the atmosphere stayed friendly. Just as a match should be. Much more fun than smashing down beginner teams and camping the spawn gate.
Then there are laughable moments, when players complain about using of bombs, auto aim, trinkets, whatever.
And there are those moments where a single player first rants against his own team, and then rants against the winner team.
It's really embarrassing behaviour and I always feel sorry for the rest of the other team which usually is not saying anything, but I take it with a big grin. :)
I won't post chat logs here, because there is no need to turn this thread into some bash area.
Game against a guild team entirely made of vog-strikers shooting round the map together taking CP's, planted a shivermist infront of the CP I was guarding and had 6 players simultaneously freeze in virtually the same spot... snuck round the back and KO'd five of them in two hits with my GF
cinquintal KO :D
Other time was when I fell victim to a shivermist, the guy runs behind me and I put up my shield and try to move towards him, he hits my shield twice with an avenger and I spin round to face him and get re-frozen, then kill him with GF... while frozen :D Then I bragged for 10 secs while waiting to defrost :P
oh, wait, one more :)
Won a checkered bomberhead mask as a reward for a guild game that we won 500-490 :D
It must be when we lost 0-500
We all had 4* equipment and all the opponents had vog suits, GF's and all damage boost trinkets. We all died in one hit, sometimes the enemies got like 3 of us down with one swing. Gotta be proud to lose that hard :)

Holding point 2 in the forest for the entire match practicaly by myself, tho we did lose :/
my most epic win was when i had bad connection to the internet. lol. i was using striker to get to a cp at the other side of the map and, just my lucky, it wears out right as i get there. to my horror, 5 of the enemy were there O_O i just went trigger-happy with my levi asi high, but then! a lag spike hit me and the game froze! i was like: aww come on! i only killed 1 and now im gonna be dead! but no! wen i came out of the lag spike, i found my self a little off to the side of the cp, with all of them dead! that was my most epic win lol :D
~500 - 0 on forest.
15k damage as recon
uh... can't think of any more

You were using a 5* pierce sword, right? The ones that damage prior to swing, lol.
BTW, still an awesome job. Wish you could do that kinda damage with bombs :( I usually drop about 6k dmg with my sunshards

Winning 500-0
Losing 0-500
Winning after being down like 100-300... twice in a day
Me and two members of my team doing over 1k damage (this is tier 1, mind you)
Having 12 captures
Winning a 3v4 match on the 3-member team
Defeating a "bugged Striker" as Recon

The high damage numbers don't impress me. It is just pierce sword + auto-aim + damage bug (damage before attack animation). Every game i play, that is the damage leader :/
I managed over 5600 damage in a T2 match as recon with just my tiny nitronomes (super blast bomb). Figured that was pretty good, though admittedly it doesn't keep up with a good striker/snarby player.
It puts a smile on my face when I can push 3-4 enemies off a CP single-handedly and either scatter them or kill them outright.
I get a little chuffed when I go toe-to-toe with another bomber and come out on top, particularly seeing that I don't have any bomb buffs or UVs, save for the ones I get from the recon shield. (technically my tiny nitronome has a low undead UV, but I'm pretty sure knights don't count as undead) I'll probably be less amazed by this feat once I have my fused demo set cooked up.
Managed to win a 5v6 match once too. That made me happy, though fixing the quitter problem would make me happier.
It must beautiful to hit someone real close with the barbarous thorn blade's charge.....overkill, lol

while fighting against a striker, i 'accidentally' killed 2 hidden recons. The enemy defeated me but i couldn't stop laughing.

Killed five people in two swings with a DA. Had recon on, popped out and got lucky they were all right next to each other. That is why you don't run in groups bigger than two!
Every moment is a proud moment for me when I get kills with my Rigadoon.
Was playing forest and held the top basically the entire game almost alone all the time didn't even realize how good I was doing until the game ended. http://i.imgur.com/GgJiv.png

Ruins: I was doing a GvG lockdown (i'm in guild :D), we lost but i was awesome in it. I have 9 captures and like 7.5k damage... i was striker and i had my trusty DA.
Factory: i was a striker, had may DA, a striker and a recon were trying to recapture a base and the recon was invisible, i kill both with 2 hits of my DA and the recon was right next to the striker invisible... :P
oh wait...... one more...
It was in forest i had my FOV an i was just capturing a lot and i kept getting kill by this one guy...... finally i in that match i had made a DA loadout before that match..... after i died (it was like my 10th time) i switched to my DA loadout in the locker room (was striker, and i got real mad :P) and i went killing..... i killed like 7-10 people in a row without getting killed or healing :D i got like 9k damage that round

I'm friends with davinthule guy who looks like he has mighty combat armor I believe.

I was in a lockdown reactor and my team was losing by a lot....... my team came together and we captured most of the bases back started killing the other team and we pulled ahead... we won by like 30 points :D my team made a great comeback.....
I have lot of greatest moments in lockdown........ (one more that i know of)
It's was a GvG at necropolis.... (it was me, magnus, biznasty, twili and 2 other guild people..... we kick butt sooooo much.. it was like 900 (or somewhere around 900)-75.. it was so fun i just sat in the middle of the game until the other team tried to capture one of our bases. Twili was "sleeping" or dozing i should say...... and we won so badly

Probably getting a 23 win streak in random team on Lockdown launch day.
Either that or that one time my screen decided to stop freezing and we caught up from 500 points behind to win the match.
But it was extremely awesome looking. I charged up my tempered calibur in an Arena, then got massively swarmed by the Mecha knights. I was surrounded. Nowhere to go. Only option? Release the charge.
BAM! Mecha go flying EVERYWHERE. Some died, others just fell to their metal behinds. I was so just like O_O That looked SO cool...
Did similar to a Deconstruction Zone. Molten Mayhem, ALL the Flamethrower gremlins came to me. EVERY SINGLE ONE ON THE STAGE (Just the flamethrower ones) at the beginning of the stage. I killed them all without taking ANY damage. YAY!
Just remembered my proudest moment. Actually Pride, this one. JK run with some friends. One had 2* armour and 3* weapons, other was full 3*. I was 2-3*. Fought JK, and they all died. I continued on, and they got tired of just sitting there. They told me I was fighting a losing battle. JK died as the speech bubble appeared.
YAY! I almost one manned JK! YAY!
I just realised this was supposed to be a PvP thread. I fell sad...and embarrassed XD
In T3. I once won 970 to -10 points for 30 games in a row. Infact, it was tomorrow.
Each time I bragged about how I had the MOSt damage: over 20K each time. It was insane because I was wearing a proto suit and was duel wielding a DA and GF with attack speed ultra maximum and very maximum sword damage
Once, when the game started, I swung at the console for equipping the striker shield, and my attack hit everyone else in the opposing lockeroom when they were equipping to be striker. They all died in half a hit. It was awesome, or maybe lag.
Once I was losing, and I whined so bad in all chat that the other team had pity on me and let our team win! XD
It's cause they understood that I was the only one who could suffer from lag, so obviously they needed to make the playing field even.
Also! I always yell "fill it up!" in the lobby because I think people wouldn't fill it up without my encouragement. No one is annoyed by it. No one. At all.
ZOMG Valkyrie182! That is awesome! Once I laid a shivermist in an arena, and all the scuttlebots froze. Then I attacked them one by one. They died. They couuldn't do a thing!
IGN: Sypsy

I'm not gonna be the guy to heap on damage numbers. I'd rather harry the opposing force, and maybe force them to break off to kill me. Being a bomber, doing that works pretty well.
On the first day, I brought my Radiant Sun Shards in. I dunno how many others had used it before me, but the functionality became immediately apparent. I don't think people understood that shield did not mean shielding, and I was plinking Strikers and Recons left and right. There would be points in the game where I left 3 bodies in an area from random shrapnel, backed with a barbarous thorn blade. I got a couple 5500hp games.
Now i'm down to 900 on average. People have wised up, but they still don't want those shards flying all over the place.
I actually remember the first time I had a crystal bomb duel. I think the other guy had a rock salt bomb with slower CT. Nobody was coming to our aid...too much debris flying around.
Today, I was playing a Recon, and I out maneuvered three strikers, marked all of 'em in one go, and cleared them off the control point in a triple kill... with three swings from the Acheron. They were in Vog Cub and Divine sets, wielding DA's and GF's... and I didn't get hit. After that, I didn't care about the loss that followed. XD
Another today was being MVP for my team with 10 caps and about 5k damage. How 5k damage managed to be most damage, I have no idea, but I had most damage for my team as a recon, and we did have strikers. I was like, "Wut."
lockdown is AWESOME, but dont you just hate it when there´s a leaver on your team or this new guy who just keeps running around in the locker room ,changing classes?
Proudest moment was running to one point being captured by 4 opponents. I run in with the DA and hit 2 of them at same time with striker charge. run around and hit another, and right before they cap, i run around again and kill the last.
4 people all capping one point, i prevent it, and kill all 4.

My proudest in date, done today. Still can't reach 20k damages, but almost! (I lost also, but whatever)
What the hell weapons are u using?
I always forget to take a screenshot, but my best moments is when I own a full 5* Striker guy with my low 4* gear one being Guardian class :D