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Change "30 calendar days" to "X days of play"

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

Right now unlocking trinkets or additional weapons is based on 30 calendar days, regardless of how much you play.

Change it to so many days of play. Please.

Oh -- why have trinket slots in the training zone when you have no trinkets? Or is there a vendor that I missed?

Days of play? That would be

Days of play?

That would be 720 hours worth of play time..... unless you meant that if each 24 hour cycle you loged in at least once it would take a day off or something.

Legacy Username
150/250 crowns may seem like

150/250 crowns may seem like a lot now, but by the time those wear off, you'll be making more than that in a single run.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
It's not in Crowns it's in

It's not in Crowns it's in Energy.

Legacy Username
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well that makes more sense.

Legacy Username
It could work like badges in

It could work like badges in Puzzle Pirates, counting only login days. It wouldn't count by hours, just whole days, but only days that you actually log in.

Of course, combined with the way mist energy works, people will still feel inclined to log in each day, just not quite as much so.