It dosen't make sense to HAVE to use them to change your equipment. I mean really, I just make every equipment loadout I possibly can, and pick my favorite within the 20 second respawn timer. Just make my life easier and let me select single peices of gear at a time.
Why do you have to use loadouts in lockdown?

You have to have Loadouts to change weaps? GTK and wow i agree with you
Three Rings please fix this

Actually it DOES make sense to limit it to loadouts only. They are incredibly time efficient, and in PvP that is a must.
Changing a loadout, assuming you are capable of remembering what you named them, is a ton faster then going in and changing single pieces of gear. Example: The entire opposing team is using Skolver and have Shivermist. You were bombing (status) and using Vog. You decide to change. Switching from "Skolver Shiver" to "Vog Voltaic" takes much less time then swapping out your helm, then your armor, and finally your bomb.
That's 3 changes that you have to open the tab and scroll through then equip. And that's only assuming you're changing 3 pieces and not an entire setup... such as going from recon to striker, which for me is 5 pieces of equipment getting changed and changing class.
If you are in the locker room fiddling with your gear then you're not helping your team. Most of the time if you are changing gear it is because it's either a close match or your team is losing and you need to change tactics. The 20-30 seconds it's going to take you to change out all your stuff manually (as opposed to the 3 seconds it takes to use a loadout) is time when your team is effectively a man down, which will likely result in the opposing team pulling ahead.
From a programming and game design standpoint, it is easier to force players to use loadouts than to handle players changing to tier inappropriate gear mid-match.
The alternative would be to not allow gear swaps at all.

Two reasons we require loadouts for swapping gear in Lockdown:
- Once you have made some, it greatly speeds up the downtime in the lock room and gets you in game, helping your team.
- LD tiers are determined by the highest star item you're bringing in to the fight. By using loadouts and allowing you to quickly toggle them PvE/PvP, you are able to join any tier of LD you choose (assuming you have the appropriate gear).
If we looked at your whole arsenal instead of loadouts, you would never be able to play a tier 2 game once you acquire a single 4* item. You may ask 'why not just remove/lock gear in my arsenal if it's not tier appropriate?' While that could be done, players often have difficulty understanding why parts of a feature are not available to them. By using loadouts, any of them you have flagged, you can use. I feel it's much better to give you the choice and then find the game that's right for you than remove the choice from you and filter your items.
To make you mad, and forum rage.