First point. I am relatively new to the game still (and even more so to the forums), so if there has been any other posts regarding said suggestions in this thread, I apologies ahead of time. In that case, its just getting extra publicity.
Lets get started!
1: Two-Handed Weapons-
Alright, in any case. The knights have their array of weapons (swords, bombs and handguns). But to my knowledge there are no two handed weapons. What I mean by that is that there are no two handed swords (for instance long-swords or huge sword (if you can relate to something Cloud has from FF)) or two handed guns (machine guns, rifles, and that sort). Don't tell me there not there, because if knights can fly in from a crashed space ship, I think they can have a machine gun or heavy sword (or both)
P- Of course, all the weapons would have increased damage due to them being bigger/better
P- Have stronger effects/elemental attacks if applicable
C- (swords) Long swing/hit time (It takes a bit to swing that thing around) (possibly lower this time with more heat levels)
C- (guns) Long reload times between shots
Long Swords
Heavy Blade (or whatever name it is for those monsters)
(suggestions for the suggestion?)
Machine Gun
Single Bolt Rifle (if you prefer sniper rifle whatever, same difference (would be more of a punch than your favorite magnus'))
(suggestions for the suggestion?)
2: More Emotes-
It may be silly, but players often love to express themselves. And already you have a lot of emotes to chose from. This is simply a request to add some more (think outside the box) and have them ALL ANIMATED. Quite a few of the ones the Knights currently can use are not animated, instead are just a speech bubble with the action. That is not a emote... That's a shortcut to typing the same thing in, but making the bubble look prettier.
3: Increase size of "Peace" area-
By that I mean Haven is a pretty small town. Some expansions would be nice, even if they were just a different place to go. The way I see it, you have only 3 places (4 if you have a guild hall) and then the clock works. Not a lot of wiggle room for your "not so into the whole player vs. baddies" players who might just want to role play or enjoy some company without getting knocked into by other players.
4: (playing off of 3) Extra towns?-
We have armor sets for different elements (like wolver coats for winter areas) yet no where to display it (in our territory) if you know what I mean. These towns could sell unique items for that region, or many other possibilities.
5: Guild room addons-
Purchasable things to put in your oh so empty Guild Hall... Its so cold and gloomy. Some other machines/walls(or wallpapers)/games/etc. or even expansions to the hall are all relatively interesting ideas.
6: Guild visitors!-
Toggle-able option (for the hosting guild) to let players be able to visit another guild's hall (players that aren't in the hosting guild) and explore (bouncing off of #5 being able to display all your cool doodads and whatsits)
7: Pets-
Okay, its just those dang birds that are always flying around town make me think of how cool it would be for any player to take one home. (Thinking the only time you can get one is if you join a guild (so you can keep it somewhere)). But anyway, just something more to do when your not trolling the Clock Works.
8: Weather? or Time specific events?-
Does it ever rain/snow/anything on Cradle? Furthermore is the sun just always out? Just a thought on how to make it more pretty/bring out different play styles. For instance players can actually have a "night life" in the game or quirky things. As for weather. It's mostly just for show. But also for "pretty-ness"
9: Larger "raid" parties for dungeons (Clockworks)-
Aside from the standard four player co-op awesomeness already in place. Why not a 8 player team availability. Extra damage is given to players and items are more rare/harder to come by. (maybe make payoffs more rewarding though it completing a level(For instance massive mineral deposits?))
10: Additional Tournament/Arena modes-
That being that a race to the finish dungeon (Clockwork) run would be an interesting challenge. Simply put, two competitors (or more) are split from each other, and its a simple race to go through puzzles and baddies to get to the elevator at the end. Simple yet fun. But imagine the skill needed and all the "What the" moments to be had that make it all the more while.
11: More chat options-
Now I'm not trying to steal from Ruin Scape (shudder....) but you can have some cool chats (or at least last time I played (its been a f-ing while)). You could have rainbow chats, even scroll-y ones. For those who want to be an Entrepreneur at selling items. Having the ability to have a constant chat bubble of some sort over their head (for selling/buying info) might be a good idea.
12: (Everybody already wants this) More armor/shields/weps-
But the main point here is. Have some diversity between models! Sure its good to roll with versions of weapons. But if you look, there are really only like 6 types of guns, not to mention other categories. You did a good job with swords at least (They might be the same series, but they could look completely different! Good show govnah!)
13: Forums to loosen up a touch-
Not knocking this wonderful forum but its a bit tight compared to others I have seen. Being basic in the fact that others often let you have an "Avatar" of some sort and a "Signature"
14: (To be added with others when they come back to me :P )
All ideas were thunk by me. Roy. If there is any likeness or similarities between posts (my apologies) I assure you I did not intend to steal your thunder. In that case, if and only if the author of said post in jeopardy informs me that they had the though process first. (and so wishes) I will take off the said suggestion then. Anything else? Then good day to you all and I hope you enjoyed some of my ideas. (And yes I am quite random, so deal with it or love it (please don't hate it :'( ))
Spiral Knights Newb...
Questions? I'm a steam guy (yet I hate it so (oh god the contradictions!)). You can add me! (but I probably won't respond so email is better!)
Steam: Roy1589 (I love my account names...)
Email: (For instance... Nuff said)
Find me in game!
Knights Name: Royane