So more hp when you get the classes to choose = Most likely less 2 shot kills
Yay, now Strikers have more of a chance and Recons!
and for the people who are complaining...
Now stop whining that you die because something is "bugged". I NEVER see it happen on my end when i attack or get attacked. 4 bars in the U.S with no lag.
Seriously guys...come on. You made a freaking PETITION saying to nerf all the best end-game, illl say it again, END-GAME, equips
Its end-game for a reason and we use them for a reason so either A) Get one B) Deal with it C) Get out because we don't like whiners.
or theres the strategy of, you know, finding a way around the weapons if you have skill
Now I describe whiners as.
Repeatedly calling out "unfairness" in equips
Saying Lockdown is unfair/bugged/glitched
Saying any GF/DA/BTB/FF/Vog/Skolver/Anything not mentioned here is OP and thus needs a nerf
Not having any of said items and calling for a nerf. No experience with it = no true evidence = no support from Vogs/Skolvers
Petitions on Forums. USE SUGGESTIONS OMG
"If I don't like it, fix it so I can win and be better and happier. Oh and I don't care what others think cus im right and its unfair" kind of people.
Heres the link to the petition that has already failed (no offense but you have 1 signature :/ )
If you haven't seen it already...
Sorry guys but give OOO some credit, they're working hard to get us what we want. NOT ONE PERSON, THE COMMUNITY
/applaud Three Rings